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1. Перевод

To eat out — пойти куда-нибудь поесть.

Dozen, строго говоря, на самом деле означает не десяток (как у нас в переводе), а дюжина (т. е. 12)

Pound — в переводе мы сохранили традиционное фунт, хотя по-русски мы бы сказали полкило.

Submarine sandwich — букв, подводный бутерброд. Имеется в виду его огромный размер — намек на усиленное питание или волчий аппетит подводников. В Нью-Йорке такой бутерброд называется также hero sandwich — букв, геройский бутерброд.

Deli — сокращение от немецкого (понятного и нам) названия магазина delicatessen. Обычно там торгуют уже готовыми к употреб­лению продуктами.

Hamburger говяжья котлета, или бутерброд с ней.

Cheeseburger бутерброд с сыром (слово образовано по типу hamburger от слова cheese сыр).

To insist on doing something — настаивать на том, чтобы что-то сделать. После Insist обязательно должны идти предлог on и ing-овая форма глагола.

To treat somebody to something угощать кого-то чем-то. Это слово многозначно. Другие его значения — обращаться с кем-то и лечить кого-то.

To go Dutch платить каждому за себя. До сих пор в англий­ском языке сохранились выражения со словом Dutch (голландский) в неодобрительном значении. Это следы англо-голландского Сопер­ничества на морях.

To be named after... быть названным именем...

Competition конкуренция, соревнование (в том числе и спор­тивное).

Brunch — новое слово, объединяющее в себе и звуки, и понятия от слов breakfast и lunch. Он бывает по воскресеньям, когда люди встают попозже, между 10 утра и 2 часами дня.

To throw a party — более разговорный синоним от to give a party устроить вечеринку.

It will do достаточно, подойдет, устроит.

It will do fine отлично подойдет (пойдет).

2. Either ... or (или... или) и neither ... nor (ни... ни)

I had neither time nor desire...

(У меня не было ни времени, ни желания.)

...either from a grocery store or a supermarket

(...либо в бакалейном, либо в супермаркете.)

Речевые формулы



I can't think of the (right) word, but you know what I mean.

Oh, you know what I mean.

I don't know what you call it...

Can't remember what it's called, but, ...

I've forgotten what you call it/ them.

Uh, ...

Weil, you know...

Не могу найти/подобрать/сло­ва, но вы понимаете меня.

Вы меня понимаете.

Не знаю, как это называется...

Не помню, как это называется, но...

Я забыл, как это...


Hу, знаете...

Лексико-грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What did Vic buy on his way home from work?

2. Why is it no problem at all to eat out in New York?

3. What is 'brunch'?

Упражнение 2. Прочтите следующие высказывания.

Выберите для каждого из них подходящий по смыслу предлог: since или for.


I am Richard. I have worked in this firm ... seven years, (since/for)

(I am Richard. I have worked in this firm for seven years.)

I am Jane. I have been here ... five o'clock, (since/for)

I am Jane. I have been here since five o'clock.

1. I am Richard. I have worked in this firm ... seven years.

2. I Jim Jane. I have been here ... five o'clock.

3. She is a doctor. She saw twenty patients ... morning.

4. He is a farmer. He has lived in the country ... 1986.

5. I am John. I have waited for Mr. Black ... two hours.

6. I am Victor. I have stayed in New York ... a week already.

7. I am Mary. I have planned to visit New York ... last year.

Объедините два высказывания в одно, используя об­разец.


Не has ordered the meal. Now he's eating it.

(He is eating the meal he has ordered.)

1. Не has ordered the meal. He is eating it.

2. Не has booked a table. He is sitting at it now.

3. Не has rented an apartment. He is staying in it now.

4. She has bought some meat. She is cooking it now.

5. They have opened a cafe. They are working in it now.

6. She has bought vegetables. She is cooking them now.

7. He has rented a car. He is driving it now.

Упражнение 3. Впишите глаголы, данные в скобках. Проверьте себя по ключу под чертой.

Vic ___ (to get up) at seven every morning. He ___ (to be) in New York for a week already. Today he ___ (to have) breakfast in his kitchen, He ___ (to cook) the vegetables he ___ (to buy). Yesterday ___ hurry (to have) no time to cook breakfast because he ___ (to be) in a (to drink) On his way to the office he ___ (to go) to a local deli. He ___ (to drink) some juice and ___ (to have) a sandwich with coffee. He ___ (to eat) quickly. But he ___ (to be) on time. He ___ never ___ (to be) late rice he came to New York.

Ключ: gets up, has been, is having, is cooking, had, bought was, went, drank, had, ate, was, has ... been.

Упражнение 4. Следуя образцу, повторите степени сравне-ния прилага­тельных, наиболее часто употребляемых в речи.


Which restaurant is better? Maria's or the Pines?

They are both good, but The Pines is better.

1. Which restaurant is better? Maria's or the Pines?

2. Which wine is better? California or French?

3. Which place is cheaper? A snack bar or a local deli?

4. Which music is more modern? Pop or hard rock?

5. Which room is smaller? The bedroom or the study?

6. Which hotel is bigger? The Pribaltiyskaya or The Leningrad?

Упражнение 5. Вот обычное меню кафе. Выберите что-нибудь для себя. Используйте при этом союз «either ... or ...» «или-или».



Chicken salad

Cold meats

Club House snack

Sandwiches (toasted)

Sandwiches (grilled)

Hamburger (chicken, vegetable, beef)

Fish and chips

Club House chicken

Club House mutton

Club House filet

American chop

Vegetable salad




Chicken soup

Tomato soup

Club House cocktail

Fresh Fruit cocktail

Hot chocolate



Grapefruit juice

Orange juice

Grape juice

Tomato juice

Iced tea

Coffee with ice cream

You are hungry. What would you like?

- I'd like either chicken or beef.

You are thirsty. What do you want?

- I want either juice or cocktail.

1. You are hungry. What would you like?

2. You are thirsty. What do you want to drink?

3. You are a vegetarian. What would you like?

4. You are on a diet. What do you want to eat?

5. You have ten minutes for lunch. What would you like?

6. You don't have much money. What would you like?

7. You are waiting for a friend. What do you want to drink?

Похвалите блюдо или напиток, понравившиеся вам.

Используйте следующие слова:

Delicious tasty

top quality




Образец: This coffee tastes good. It's delicious.

1. This coffee tastes good. It's ... .

2. This snack tastes good. It's ... .

3. This salad tastes good. It's ... .

4. This filet tastes good. It's ... .

5. This cocktail tastes good. It's ..

6. This juice tastes good. It's ... .

7. This soup tastes good. It's ... .

Упражнение 6. Вам дали невкусную еду. Скажите об этом, используя следующие слова:

usual - обычный

not fresh - несвежий

hard - жесткий

overcooked - переваренный

tasteless - безвкусный

salty - соленый

watery - водянистый

strange - странный

Образец: This soup doesn't taste good. It's salty.

1. This soup doesn't taste good. It's ... .

2. This coffee doesn't taste good. It's ... .

3. This salad doesn't taste good. It's ... .

4. This chicken doesn't taste good. It's ... .

5. This cocktail doesn't taste good. It's ... .

6. This ice cream doesn't taste good. It's ... .

7. This sandwich doesn't taste good. It's ... .

Упражнение 7. Скажите об услышанном:


Не asked / I've lost my passport.

He asked if I had lost my passport.

He wanted to know

He wondered

He said

He asked

I've lost my passport.

Can I visit you tomorrow?

Are you going out for supper?

Can I pay for the dinner?

Where would you like to go for lunch?

I bought some Chinese food on the way.

When would you like to go to the office?

Do you like eating at a deli?

I prefer going Dutch.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do

During my long flight to London I tried to sort out my impressions of America. Some things seemed unusual to me, at least at first.

They say the United States is a "melting pot" of people from different countries. I found this was especially true of New York with its many ethnic neighborhoods. With so many immigrants or children of immigrants nobody minds your foreign accent. Of course, I tried my best to look and talk like an American. After a week I could understand almost everybody. But I could never understand the slang of American blacks. By the way, some blacks prefer to be called African Americans.

I was struck by the friendliness "of people in the street. Complete strangers smiled at me and even said "Hello" or "How are you?.." They also say "please" and "thank you" much more often than we do at home.

On the other hand, I was surprised by the distance people try to keep from each other in public. People waiting in lines (in a bank or at a bus stop) stand about two feet apart from one another. They feel they have a right to privacy and personal space.

Most Americans like to be informal in habits, speech and dress. Sometimes too informal, I thought at first. Like people putting their feet up on tables. Or people addressing each other by their first names in almost any situation, formal or informal.

Another big surprise was how few people smoked or drank. And all this in spite of the attractive magazine ads for cigarettes and TV commercials for wine and beer. Yes, health is definitely fashionable in America now. I had always wanted to give up smoking. I finally managed to do it there. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

One last thing

I had heard many stories about crime in New York. I also read about muggings in the local papers. But I never had any trouble myself. Maybe it was because I followed Richard's advice. He told me to avoid certain areas of the city after dark. I was to avoid others altogether.


Victor is taking a plane to London. He's talking to an Englishman, David Blake.

— I wonder if you mind my foreign accent, David.

— Of course I don't, Victor. After this trip foreign accents don't surprise me at all.

— The United States is a melting pot of people from different countries.

— To tell the truth, I myself didn't understand some accents. I could understand the slang of American blacks only with great diffi­culty.

— Really? I couldn't understand them at all. But I was struck by the friendliness of people in the street.

— That's typically American. In England people are more formal though they are friendly.

— Most Americans are very informal in habits, dress and speech. Do you smoke, David?

— I do. But not very much.

— Health is so fashionable in America that I gave up smoking too.

— Have you managed to give up smoking?

— Yes, and only in America I finally managed to do it. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

— Yet there is a lot of advertising for wine and cigarettes.

— But people don't take notice of that. And they advertise health as well. That kind of ads is really popular.

— Then I'll try not to smoke till London.

— That's a good idea!