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The shv rapid egs (rottne industri ab)

single grip

to gain


to articulate

frame lock


to distribute


strip road



pendelum-arm system

terrain capability

leveling feature

to retain


powered brush-saw


loader (зд.)


to cope



mounting kit

feed roller



to delimb

с одним захватом


грузовая платформа

сочленять шарнирами, поворачивать

ходовая часть, рама

лесонасаждения, древостой


весь, целый

узкая лесосека, делянка



система рычагов



удерживать, сохранять


электрическая бензопила, сучкорезка

устройство для очистки

захват, грейфер

вылет стрелы (погрузчика, крана)




набор инструментов

подающий ролик, ролик подачи, роликовый транспортер


захват, грейфер.

обрезать сучья

The SMV Rapid EGS is a harvester for exacting jobs, with all the attributes characteristic of a powerful single-grip harvester. The machine is equipped with a strong loader and stable chassis, which makes it excellent for handling trees in large-scale final felling. The basic model has 6 wheels, but will naturally gain greater stability as an 8-wheel model. The short, compact wagon chassis with double articulated frame locks forms an ideal base for RK 200 harvester loader, which has a very high lifting capacity.

With a stand-operating harvester, thinning is evenly distributed over the entire thinning area, and the strip road distance can be increased to just over 30 meters without additional manual felling. The Rottne 2004, stand-operating harvester, is narrow, compact, light-footed and flexible and has a unique pendelum-arm system that provides first-class terrain capability. Thanks to the leveling feature it is always possible to retain the machine width even in stony and very hilly terrain.

There is a great need for brush cleaning in young forest stands and that is mostly done manually with a powered brush-saw. There are no machines special built to do the brush cleaning mechanically, but the stand operating harvester Rottne 2004 can easily be changed to a cleaning machine. A cleaning head, a mounting kit and 4 big wheels are what is needed to convert the machine to a very efficient brush cleaner.

The Rottne 5005 is a highly efficient machine for both thinning and final felling. This harvester is compact, flexible and easy to manoeuvre, and also has a strong loader with excellent reach. Rottne 5005 has unique pendulum-arm system, and its advanced leveling function enables the machine to cope with very difficult terrain. This machine is easy to operate.

Rottne H-20 is primarily designed for final felling and large sized trees, but as it is versatile and easy to operate it can very well be used as a strip road operating harvester in later thinning. The powerful loader RK 200 and the unique design of the head EGS 700 with five feed rollers keep the trunks in a firm grip which is a benefit for delimbing and the measurement accuracy.

Task 1 Подберите к словам из левой колонки слова с аналогичным значением из правой колонки.

  1. logger

  2. machinery

  3. to engineer

  4. to develop

  5. roomy

  6. terrain

  7. information

  8. hazard

  9. harsh

  10. various

  11. to mount

  12. versatility

  13. viewing

  14. handling

  1. data

  2. risk

  3. loading

  4. visibility

  5. spacious

  6. reliability

  7. to install

  8. to design

  9. area

  10. to improve

  11. equipment

  12. feller

  13. different

  14. severe

Task 2 Найдите лишнее слово и переведите его.

  1. felling, harversting, handling, suspension, delimbing, thinning;

  2. logger, operator, harvester, loader, terrain, cleaner, delimber;

  3. various, roomy, final, dual, unique, hilly, narrow.

Task 3 Назовите по-английски назначение Харвестеров различных марок

Task 4 Переведите предложение на английский язык

  1. Харвестеры используются для валки и прореживания леса.

  2. Оператор может видеть валочную головку и дерево из кабины.

  3. Валочная головка, стрела и рукоять управляются легкодоступными органами управления.

  4. Стрела с рукоятью установлена сбоку кабины.

  5. Окна из тонированного стекла защищают оператора.

  6. Регулируемое кресло и регулируемые подлокотники обеспечивают комфорт для оператора.

  7. Харвестер марки Rottne H-20 способен работать на узких лесосеках, так как им легко управлять.

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