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Add exercise into your daily life

We all know we should add exercise into our daily lives, but when it comes to actually doing it, we all have our excuses, but it all boils down to one thing.

"I don't have the time."

That doesn't have to be the case though. There are things we can do every day to add a little exercise into our lives without taking away from everything else that we already do. And better yet, none of them require a gym membership. Just try to use the following:

  • consider skipping the car as often as possible. When running to the carry out down the street or the neighbour’s house, leave the car at home, and just walk.

  • pick a parking spot in the back of the lot. That extra walk will add a quick burst of physical activity into your daily life.

  • take the stairs as much as possible, even if its only upstairs at your house, and skip the escalator at the mall.

  • take a walk during your lunch break. How many of us finish out lunch, and then spend the rest of our break gossiping with co-workers or checking email? Get up and get started on a quick walk. Even if its only for a few minutes, its still exercise.

If you're really looking to add some serious exercise without giving up any time, consider adding physical activities to your daily routine.

      • work out while in the shower; add some squats or dead lifts while waiting for your deep conditioner to take effect, and you can keep singing too!

      • instead of calling your co-worker with a question, take the time to walk across the office and ask the question in person. Plus it will help keep you updated on that gossip you missed at lunch.

      • get your friends involved. Try replacing a drink after work with a long walk where you can catch up with each other.

      • work out during commercial breaks. Do a few squats while the ads are running, or better yet keep a set of barbells next to the television and do curls. Having them there will be a constant reminder to add some exercise.

      • if you are only buying a few things at the grocery store, grab a basket and skip the cart. Make sure you alternate which arm you use to carry the basket.

      • take periodic breaks. For every 30 minutes you spend sitting in front of the television or typing on the computer, get up and walk around the room.

Task 18. Do you know the daily routine of the Indians? Read the following article and you’ll get to know how one Indian remained happy in America using his authentic daily routine.

Bring Happiness to Your Daily Life

The writer, a senior citizen, came on an eight-week holiday to America. Far away from my home in India, I had doubts whether it would be possible for me to maintain my calm and happy state of mind, which I have been cherishing for many years. However, soon after my arrival I discovered, for me and for persons like me it is possible to live without any basic change in the daily routine. I could design my time and day to fit in with my basic objective of being happy. It proved to be an enlivening and enriching experience preserving the peace I treasured most.

Overcoming the jet lag, daily I get up at 5 a.m. brush my teeth and gulp a glass of cold water. Prayer, followed by reading of scriptures for forty-five minutes, is the next event. I perform my regular physical exercise consisting of various postures of yoga for the next forty minutes. This is done with rhythmic breathing, which tones up the system. Resting for fifteen minutes I go for a long walk at 7 a.m. with my wife, inside the subdivision of Cobb County along the side path enjoying and appreciating the sight of beautiful tall trees skirting the roads, backyard of homes, the colourful gardens and well-laid lawns on either side. To match the distance of four miles which I daily covered in my home land, I go round the cul de sacs in the entire subdivision, walk up to the exit road leading to the highway, return and complete one full round of the subdivision. The weather and breeze add to my pleasant feeling and well - being.

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