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4. Make up your own sentences in Ukrainian, using your active vocabulary, and let your classmates interpret them.

5. Read and translate the text, paying special attention to the underlined words and expressions:

The news was worse than the CIA had imagined. Last week, in response to recent reports that China may have stolen nuclear secrets from U.S. weapons labs, President ordered a preliminary “damage assessment” to determine how much Beijing knows. CIA analysts had already pulled together intelligence data gathered from U.S. espionage against China and now began looking it through for clues. Newsweek has learned that when the CIA showed the material to a team of top nuclear weapons experts, they “practically fainted”". Chinese scientists routinely used phrases, descriptions and concepts that came straight out of U.S. weapons labs. The Chinese penetration is total, it is believed that China may have acquired design information over the last two decades about 7 nuclear warheads, including the neutron bomb created in the early 1970s. It’s still unclear who could have given the secrets out. They do not believe it was a foreign visitor, or leaks through U.S. allies – none had access to the closely guarded material.

6. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and expressions from the text:

the CIA, in response to, preliminary, intelligence data, espionage, nuclear weapons experts, penetration, decade, warhead, leaks, allу

7. Translate the following sentences into English, using your active vocabulary:

1) Велика Британія була союзником США у війні проти Іраку. 2) За повідомленнями міністерства фінансів України, за останні 10 років рівень життя в країні виріс. 3) Службовець американського посольства був учора висланий з Росії, тому що він виявився співробітником ЦРУ. У відповідь на це, американці вислали співробітника російського посольства у Вашингтоні. 4) За попередніми оцінками, збиток склав 1,5 мільйона гривень. 5) Поки невідомо, хто винуватий у витоку інформації. 6) Росія підтверджує, що Північна Корея підірвала ядерну боєголовку. 7) «Щоб прийняти рішення, необхідно проаналізувати розвіддані», – сказав Президент. 8) Шпигунство вважається серйозним злочином проти держави. 9) Впровадження своїх агентів в усі політичні інститути іншої країни – найважливіше завдання розвідки. 10) Фахівці з ядерних озброєнь вважають, що Північна Корея не могла створити атомну бомбу.

8. Make up your own sentences in Ukrainian, using your active vocabulary, and let your classmates interpret them.

9. Read and translate the text, paying special attention to the underlined words and expressions:

Stubborn charges

Hayatt, a 30-year-old Pakistani, says he never had any trouble with the police in five years of liv­ing in Athens. That is until, he claims, several Greek and British intelligence officers kid­napped him a week after the July 7 bombings in London. “What happened,” he stutters in halting Greek, “was frighten­ing.” Hayatt alleges that he was hooded and bundled into a van with six others, then “taken to a nice house about 30 minutes from Athens. I was asked about what I knew of the London bombings. I said, ‘Nothing. Just what I saw on TV’.” His captors, Hayatt says, spoke Greek and English. He claims they did not physically harm him but threat­ened reprisals against his fami­ly if he didn’t talk. In recent weeks, 27 other Pakistani men have filed complaints with Greek authorities alleging that they, too, were snatched and in­terrogated but never charged with any crime. The men say they were questioned about calls they supposedly made to people linked to the London bombers, says Frangiscos Ragoussis, the Greek lawyer representing Hayatt and six other Pakistanis.