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2. Make a list of international words used in the text. Pronounce them correctly and learn their meanings.

3. Give Russian equivalents to the following English word combinations:

to do business with; to have much work to do; to get ready for work; to leave for work; to get somewhere by car (bus, etc); to take much time to do smth; to look through the mail; to be interested in smth; the latest political and business events; to receive customers; to discuss different problems; to go abroad on business; to have talks; to discuss prices for goods; to speak to the customers on the phone; to buy a new model of equipment from a company; the latest catalogues and quotation; ur­gent problems; to stay in the office later.

4. Answer the following questions to discuss the details of the text. Use the text for reference.

  1. Where do you work? (What's your job (occupation)?)

  2. Does your company have offices in other cities?

  3. Does your company do business with other companies?

  4. What products does your company buy (sell)?

  5. Where is your office situated?

  6. When do your office hours begin?

  7. Are you very busy at the office?

  8. Do you sometimes stay late in the evening in the office? Why?

  9. How do you get to your office?

  10. How long does it take you to get to the office?

  11. Do you sometimes go abroad on business?

  12. What do you discuss during the talks?

  13. Do you speak to the foreign customers on the phone?

  14. How do you make business appointments?

  15. What do you do after work?

5. Make up a logical plan of the text.

6. Read the words. Name other things in the picture.

7Complete the expressions with the correct verbs.

do send use go have make

  1. ……… an email

  2. ………. a letter

  3. ……… an appointment

  4. ……… a phone call

  5. ……… some filing

  6. ………. some photocopying

  7. ………. to a meeting

  8. ………. on the Internet

  9. ………. a break

  10. ……… a day-off

  11. ………. the computer

  12. ………. the fax machine

7. Read the proverbs and discuss them. Use them in your speech to make it more expressive.

Who likes not his business his business likes him not. Busiest men find the most time.

8. Speak about your work in the office.

Тема: Телефонный разговор (a Phone Conversation)

Essential vocabulary

directory/ phone book-адресная книга operator-onepaтop связи

exchange(Br)-Central(Am)-цeнтpaльнaя телефонная станция

ring up-звонить, вызывать no телефону

to phone, to ring(Br)- to call(Am)- звонить

to make a call to number 973575-сделать звонок на номер...

to receive the call-ответить на звонок

slot-щель (для телеф. карточки, монеты)

dial-диск телефона, циферблат

redial-повторный набор номера

to dial-набирать номер по телефону (to dial the wrong/right number)

receiver-телефонная трубка

to try again/ to call back-перезвонить

rapid pips-короткие гудки

Hold the line-не вешайте трубку


to hang up-повесить тел. трубку


answering machine-телефон-автоответчик


cordless phone -беспроводной телефон (телефон-трубка)

coin-box/phone-box/call-box/payphone/public рhone-телефон-автомат

mobile phone-мобильный телефон

button- кнопка (push the button-нажмите кнопку)

message (to leave the message) – сообщение (оставить сообщение).

Helpful Expressions for Telephone Conversations

Полезные выражения для разговора по телефону

How can I help you?

Сould I speak to N please?

Who is calling please?

N speaking.

This is NN from....

I'm calling from...

I'm calling about...

I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.

Sorry, could you repeat your num­ber?

I' ve got that now.

I see, thank you.

I'd like to speak to...

Hold on (hold the line) please.

I'm afraid he's not in the office.

I'm. sorry, he is not available.

He is at the meeting right now.

Could I speak to someone else?

Could you give her a message?

Do you know when she'll be back?

Can I take a message?

Please tell (ask) him...

Чем я могу Вам помочь?

Могу я поговорить с...?

Кто это говорит?

N слушает.

Это NN из...

Я звоню из...

Я звоню насчет...

Извините, я не расслышал, как Вас зовут.

Извините, не могли бы Вы повторить Ваш номер?

Теперь понятно.

Понятно, спасибо.

Мне бы хотелось поговорить с

Подождите, пожалуйста.

Вы знаете, его нет в кабинете.

Извините, но его сейчас нет.

Он сейчас на заседании.

Могу ли я поговорить с кем-нибудь еще?

Не могли бы Вы ей оставить сообще­ние?

Вы не знаете, когда она вернется?

Что-нибудь передать?

Пожалуйста, скажите ему (попросите его)

Тема: Рабочий день делового человека. Командировка за рубеж.

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