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II. Read and listen to the dialogue.

III. Answer:

1. What did the customer want to buy? 2. How much does it cost? 3. What did he buy?

IV.Tell about shopping. 1.Where do you like going shopping? Why? 2. Tell about the advantages of different kinds of shops.3.Imagine, that you are at the clothes shop. You’d like to do some shopping. Ask your partner to show you the things you want.

Тема: Having a Meal at tne Restauraunt

At the Restauraunt expressions for dialogues (role-play)

waiter client

- Here is the menu - Bring me the menu, please.

  • What will you have? - Have you got a table for two?

  • What would you like? - Could you bring us the menu, please.

  • What are you going to have? - We are hungry.

  • Are you ready to order? - It all looks delicious.

(Can I take your order?) - It tastes like …

  • Have you decided yet? - What do you recommend?

  • Would you like chicken or beef (or both)? - What’s the main course?

  • And would you like salad with it? - What’s in the dish?

  • What sort would you like? - I’d like beef (chips, pork) to follow.

  • Would you like anything to drink? - I’d prefer steak ….

  • How would you like your tea, with or - Tea for me. You too? Tea for them.

without milk/ sugar / cream? - Just coffee.

  • Do you take sugar in your coffee? - Could you give me a pint of beer, please

  • Service is included in the bill. - I’d like to try (to have, to order) this dish, please

  • And to follow? - How much does all that come to?

  • How about the sweet? - How much does it cost?/How much is it?

- Can I have the bill, please?

Тема: Экономика (Economics)

1. Activating Background Knowledge

A. If you were to define the word "economics", what key-words would you use in your definition? Choose from the list of words those which you consider to be the guiding ideas in economics; you can add any words of your own.

Capital, company, sales, goods and services, invest, business, produce, distribute, choice, cost, market, scarcity, industry, employ, satisfy, people, profit, GDP, needs, govern, economize, competition, money, resources, labour, agriculture, policy, land, loss.

B. In groups, work out a definition of "economics". Compare your definitions in class and vote for the best one.

2. General Comprehension

Read the text and compare your definitions with those suggested by the author of the text: what do the definitions have in common and what is different?

What Is Economics

Economics is as old as the human race: it is probably the first art which man acquired. When some cavemen went out to hunt while others remained to defend the fire or when skins were traded for flint axes, we had economics. But economics as an academic discipline is relatively new: the first major book on economics Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" was published in 1776. Since that time the subject has developed rapidly and there are now many branches of the subjects such as microeconomics, international economics and econometrics as well as many competing schools of thought.

To define the word "economics" we should first of all ascertain its essence, see what it is based on.

Most people want more than they can afford to buy. If a family buys one thing, they may not be able to afford something else they would like. The same is true of nations. Whether a nation is rich or poor, most of its people want more than they can afford. They seek better schools, more houses, and stronger armed forces. The field of economics studies how the things people need and want are made and brought to them. It also studies how people and nations choose the things they buy from among the many things they want.

Another aspect of the problem is people themselves: they do not just want more food or clothing, but specific items of clothing and so on.

However, the guiding idea in economics is scarcity. In all countries, the resources used to produce goods and services are scarce. That is, no nation has enough farms, factories, or workers to produce everything that everyone would like. Money is also scarce. Few people have enough money to buy everything they want when they want it. Therefore, people everywhere must choose the best possible way to use their resources and money. Children may have to choose whether to spend their allowance on a motion picture or a hamburger. Storekeepers may have to choose whether to take a summer vacation or to use their savings to buy more merchandise. A nation may have to choose whether to use tax money to build more highways or more submarines. In economic terms,,the children, the storekeepers, and the nation all must economize to satisfy their most important needs and wants. This means they must try to use the resources they have to produce the goods and services they most want.

We have now assembled the three vital ingredients in the definition of economics: people, scarcity and choice. Thus, we could define economics as the human science which studies the relationship between scarce resources and the various uses which compete for these resources.

The great American economist Paul said that every economic society has to answer three fundamental questions: What? How? and For whom?

What? What goods are to be produced with the scarce resources: clothes, food, cars, submarines, television sets?

How? How should we combine the basic resources of labour and land to produce the goods and services which we want?

For whom? Having produced goods and services, we have to decide how to distribute them among the people.

How a society answers these questions depends on the type of economic system a particular society uses. Actually, in every economy societies and individuals have to make these three key choices in the face of scarcity.

One alternative definition of economics is that it is the study of wealth. By wealth the economist means all the real physical assets which make up our standard of living: clothes, houses, food, roads, schools, hospitals, cars, oil tankers, etc. One of the primary concerns of economics is to increase the wealth of a society, i.e. to increase the stock of economic goods. However, in addition to wealth we must also consider welfare. The concept of welfare is concerned with the whole state of well-being. Thus, it is not only concerned with more economic goods but also with public health, hours of work, with law and order, and so on.

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