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6.Read the example of invitation

Promconcert s.l.

Pasaje del Jardinero, 2

08197 - Valldoreix - Sant Cugat del Valles

Barcelona, Esparia

Tel: 34 93 587 89 60

Fax: 34 93 675 28 41

August 29th

2005 Barcelona



By means of this letter, Promoconcert has the pleasure to invite to Mr. Mikhail Zhyliuk with passport MP 0429154 valid till 27/10/2048 date of birth 27/10/1948 as soloist of the Belarussian State Philharmonic Society to participate in the tour of cultural interchange that will take place in Spain from 17th October to 3th November 2005

During the above period Promoconcert will be the responsible to providing travels, accommodation, meals, economic support and medical insurances for all members of the company.

Thanks in advance for your kind attention to the present request. Yours faithfully

Laura Gomez Diaz de Argandona


FASME deuardukm.i



1. Письмо – ходатайство на запрос или объявление о работе:

Rebecca Spraut

2543 South Fruitsnake Road

Land Haute, Indiana 54267

Mr.Robert T.Smith, Vice President

Indiana Petroleum and Electric Company

1143 Broad Street

Land Haute, Indiana 47786

April 25, 1996

Dear Mr.Smith,

Having served for the past several years as the sole secretary of a private business, I would like to apply for the position of executive secretary which you advertised in the Land Haute Journal, April 24, 1996.

As a secretary to the Benlow Corporation here in Land Haute I was directly responsible to Mr.Jordanson, the company’s owner. My services were generally typing, filing, and taking dictations. In addition to those I was responsible for scheduling all the Mr. Jordanson’s appointments and telephone calls.

Essentially, I did everything I could to make Mr. Jordanson’s heavy responsibilities easier. Thus I am familiar with the duties of an executive secretary and believe I am prepared to anticipate and meet all your expectations.

I would appreciate your giving me the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in person. I would be happy to come for an interview at your convenience, and I can be reached after 5 P.M. at 772 1747.

Sincerely Yours

Rebecca Spraut

2. Письмо – «неходатайство», когда идет самостоятельный поиск работы:

Dear Sir,

This month I completed a three year course of study Tourism and Travel at the Bowker Business School, and my placement counselor, Mr.Robert Pliner, suggested I apply to you for a position as assistant travel agent.

Дальше все идет, как и в предыдущем варианте.

Тема: Рабочий день делового человека (a Woking day of a Bussinessman) My Work at the Office

I'm the company manager (the director of the firm). Our com­pany is very large. We've got offices in different cities. Our compa­ny sells' goods to many foreign countries. We do business with French and British companies.

My office is in Minsk. It is very large and comfortable. I've got much work to do every day. I'm usually very busy till six o'clock and often stay in the office till late in the evening.

My office hours begin at 9 o'clock but I come earlier to get ready for work. In the morning I get up at 6.30 (half past six). I go to the bathroom, wash my face and hands, do my morning exercis­es. Then I have breakfast. I have eggs with bacon, coffee and sand­wiches for breakfast. I leave for work at about 8 o'clock. I live far from my office and it takes me about half an hour to get there by car (bus, trolley-bus, tram etc.

In the morning my secretary brings me letters, cables and tel­exes. I read the mail and write business letters to foreign firms (companies). Every day I look through newspapers and journals

I'm interested in the latest political and business events. I receive customers in my office and discuss business problems with them: prices for different goods, terms of payment, shipment and deliv­ery and some other contract terms.

I usually speak to our customers on the phone. They are inter­ested in buying a new model of office equipment6 from our compa­ny. They'd like to have the latest catalogues and quotation. I often make appointments with our customers on the phone. Some­times I go abroad on business.

At 12.30 I have lunch. I finish my work at 6 o'clock but if there are some urgent matters (problems) I stay in the office later.

In the evening I'm rather tired after work and go for a walk with my dog to relax and breathe fresh air. I also like to watch TV, listen to music or meet my friends. I go to bed at 11.


1. Read the words to the text. Pronounce them correctly and learn their Russian equivalents:



customer -




abroad -




foreign -




price -




terms -

сроки, условия



payment -




delivery -



деловая встреча

urgent -




quotation -

котировка, расценка

matter -


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