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  1. Compare the following pairs:

interesting match interested spectators

exciting games excited children

boring lessons bored students

burning fires burnt woods

sinking ships sunk ships

frightening story frightened listeners

  1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Participle.

1. A crowd of (excite) people were watching the firemen trying to save the (burn) building.

2. "During my vacation I came across several extremely (interest) books," said he. "Which ones?" she asked in an (interest) voice. 3. Why do you look so (worry)? - I've had a number of (worry) telephone calls lately. 4.I don't know what was in the (burn) letter, I didn't read it.

5. Nothing can save the (sink) ship now, all we can do is to try and save the passengers.

6. It was an (excite) incident. No wonder she spoke about it in an (excite) voice. 7. After hearing the (frighten) tale, the (frighten) children wouldn't go to sleep. 8. The doctor did his best to convince her that there was nothing seriously wrong with the boy, but the (worry) mother wouldn't calm down.

Exercise 5. Make one sentence out of two using either Participle I or Participle II as an Attribute. The first sentence has been done for you. [Leschova p207 ex2]

  1. I didn't talk much to the man. The man was sitting next to me on the plane. I didn't talk much to the man sitting next to me on the plane

  2. The taxi broke down. The taxi was taking us to the airport.

  3. The window was broken in the storm last night. It has been repaired now.

  4. A number of suggestions were made at the meeting. Most of them were not very practical.

  5. At the end of the street there is a path. The path leads to the river.

  6. Some paintings were stolen from the museum. They haven't been found yet.

  7. A new factory has been just opened in the town. The factory employs 500 people.

  8. A man was arrested by the police. What was his name?

  9. The company sent me a brochure. It contained all the information I needed.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English using either the Participle or a clause. [Leschova p210 ex9]

  1. Мне вспомнился портрет, который я видела в картинной галерее.

  2. Он человек, которого все любят и которым все восхищаются.

  3. Забор, окружающий сад, недавно покрашен.

  4. Мы любовались звездами, мерцавшими на небе.

  5. Он обратил внимание посетителей на висевшую над его головой картину, написанную маслом.

  6. Я еще не просмотрел всех журналов, присланных нам из Лондона.

  7. Машины, заказанные на заводе, прибудут через несколько дней.

  8. Все студенты, принимающие участие в этой работе, должны собраться в Академии в десять часов.

  9. Он положил спящего ребенка на диван.

  10. Он показал нам список товаров, экспортируемых фирмой.

  11. Железная дорога, соединяющая два этих района, была построена недавно.

  12. Я надеюсь, что вы не повторите ошибок, сделанных в прошлом диктанте.

  13. Человек, сидевший у открытого окна, смотрел на детей, игравших в саду.

  14. Его неожиданный ответ удивил всех нас.

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