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§ 8. The functions of Participle II in the sentence.

1. Participle ll as an attribute. When used as an attribute Participle II of transitive verbs corresponds to the Russian страдательное причастие or действительное причастие of some verbs ending in -ся, e. g. a broken chair (сломанный стул), a broken cup (разбитая чашка), a newspaper published in Moscow (газета, издаваемая в Москве), the problem discussed at the meeting (вопрос, обсуждавшийся на собрании).

Participle II, as well as Participle I, сал be used in pre-position (without any accompanying words) and in post-position (with one or more accompanying words).

In the building, lighted windows were shining here and there.

В здании тут и там виднелись освещенные окна.

A man in torn and dusty clothes was making his way towards

the boat.

Человек в рваной и пыльной одежде направлялся к лодке.

Participle II of intransitive verbs, which denote passing into a new state, corresponds to the Russian действительное причастие or to an adjective. However, only in a few cases Participle II of an intransitive verb may be used attributively, mostly Participle II of the verbs to fade, to wither, to retire, to fall, to vanish, e. g. faded leaves (увядшие листья), a withered flower (засохший цветок), a retired colonel (отставной полковник), a fallen star (упавшая звезда), the vanished jewels (пропавшие драгоценности).

An attribute expressed by Participle II may be detached; in this case it often has an additional meaning of an adverbial modifier:

The housekeeper had come out of her room, attracted by the violent ringing of the bell. (Conan Doyle)

Экономка вышла из своей комнаты, привлеченная неистовым звоном колокольчика.

Crushed at first by his imprisonment, he had soon found a dull relief in it. (Dickens)

Поначалу сломленный своим пребыванием в тюрьме, он вскоре нашел в этом какое-то тупое облегчение.

2. Participle II as an adverbial modifier.

In this function Participle II is preceded by the conjunctions when, while, if, as if, as though, though, etc. It is generally rendered in Russian by an adverbial clause. Participle II can be an adverbial modifier:

a) of time.

She is a terror when roused.

Когда она злая, она ужасна.

When dressed, I sat a long time by the window.

Одевшись, я долгое время сидел у окна.

b) of condition.

Nobody spoke unless spoken to. (Dickens)

Никто не говорил, если к нему не обращались.

If posted now, the letter can reach John till Monday.

Если отправить письмо сейчас, то Джон получит его в понедельник.

с) of comparison.

«Does he know it?» said David, as though surprised.

“Он знает об этом?” – сказал Дэвид как будто удивленно.

d) of concession. - '

Her spirit, though crushed, wasn’t broken.

Дух ее, хотя и подавленный, не был сломлен.

Note. Other grammarians' view of the analysis of such word-groups as. when questioned..., if discovered..., as if torn..., though crushed... is different. They consider such word-groups to be elliptical clauses and not participial phrases.

3. Participle II as predicative.

The rose is faded.

Роза увяла.

In spite of himself, Val was impressed. (Galsworthy)

На Вэла это произвело впечатление, помимо его воли.

The inner gate was locked, and the lodge closed. (Dickens)

Внутренние ворота были заперты, и помещение привратника закрыто.

4. Participle II as part of a complex object.

She has found me unaltered; but I have found her changed. (Collins)

Она нашла, что я ничуть не переменился, а я нашел, что oнa изменилась.

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