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1. Translate into Russian.

Is spread by fleas, to transmite to humans, to be allergic to fleas bites, to keep fleas at bay, bald paches, the time of nursing and weaning, to be transmissible, to cause a skin rash, to wash kennels.

2. Correct mistakes in following sentences:

a) Tapeworms can be spread by humans.

b) Mange is caused by flea’s bites.

c) The vet must operate your dog to keep mange away.

d) The mite becomes in every case a problem.

e) The dipping must be continued for one month.

3. Fill in the word-rose

4. Complete dialogue with your neighbour. One of you is a vet; the other is owner of dog. Use following vocabulary:

What is the matter with your dog?

What is the problem?

to make an injection

to examine one’s dog

to give some recommendations.


Translate into English:

1.Ленточный червь может передаваться человеку.

2.У многих собак аллергия на укусы на блох.

3.Клещи вызывают чесотку.

4.Из-за чесотки собаки чешут себя и могут занести инфекцию.

5.По шрамам ветеринар может определить вид клеща.

6.Клещи могут перемещаться с одной собаки на другую.

7.Существуют специальные шампуни против клещей.

8.Купайте вашего питомца антибактериальным шампунем пять недель.

9.Обязательно обработайте место ночлега вашей собаки специальным антибактериальным шампунем.

10.Обращайтесь к ветеринару за советом.

Other dog’s diseases

I. Read the text using the Vocabulary

heat stroke – сердечный удар

to heat up - нагревать

to provide - снабжать

to pant – часто и тяжело дышать

to have a wild look in one’s eyes – иметь бешеный взгляд

to douse down – окунать в воду

a hosehipe - шланг

a groin - пах

to contract - сжиматься

Heat Stroke

Don’t leave a dog in a parked car. The shade moves and the car heats up fast and can kill. Don't exercise the dog in hot weather. Shade must be provided in the garden. When a dog over-heats, damage to internal organs may occur. The dog may collapse, pant, and have a wild look in his eyes. Douse him down with a hosepipe or plunge him into cool or cold water. Wet the groin. Ice will cause the arteries to contract and is to be avoided. The dog may lie on a wet towel, but don't cover him with the towel. It is better to allow the water to evaporate which has a cooling effect.

1. Play “snow ball”. Use words of the given vocabulary, word rose and your own vocabulary. You say a word, and your neighbor repeats your word and says his own, next student repeats your word, your neighbors and says his own and so on.

2. Answer the questions

a) Where can your dog get heat stroke?

b) What whether should you exercise your dog in?

c) Did you have such situation with your dog?

d) What are common remedies against heat stroke?

e) What can heat stroke cause?

3. Retell the text.

II. Read the text using the Vocabulary.

оbesity - ожирение

to be overweight – иметь лишний вес

to cripple – калечить, уродовать

to expend lots of energy – тратить много энергии

to loll – высовывать язык