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  1. Expand sentences as in example:

Pets need dental care too. – Pets need regularly oral and dental care too.

1. Small dog breeds have dental problems.

2. Small dog breeds teeth are crowded into small mouths.

3. Domestic cats can have CLL.

4. Pets have plaque buildup.

Start a dental care routine at home

1. Read the text using the Vocabulary:

prevention - предупреждение

to follow steps – соблюдать следующие

oral health – здоровье полости рта

dental evaluation – осмотр полости рта

removing plaque – удаление налета

teeth brushing - чистка зубов

accumulation of plaque and tartar - скопление налета и зубного камня

dietary options – действия диеты

Prevention is the key to helping pets maintain good oral health. The American Veterinary Dental Society recommends that pet owners follow three important steps:

Just as dental visits are the cornerstone of a human dental program, visiting a veterinarian is the key to ensuring the health of your pet's teeth. A veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical examination of your pet as part of the dental evaluation.

Removing plaque regularly from your pet's teeth should be part of your pet's home dental care routine. Ask your veterinarian about the procedure for brushing your pet's teeth. Dog owners also may feed specially formulated dietary foods that help reduce the accumulation of plaque and tartar from teeth when the pet eats. Your veterinarian can offer more information on dietary options.

2. Translate following word combinations and make own sentences:

to brush teeth, to keep dental care program, dental evaluation, dietary food, to reduce accumulation of tartar, to prevent, a physical examination.

3. Finish the sentences:

1. To remove plaque...................................

2. To ensure the oral heath..........................

3. A dietary food.........................................

4. To prevent means..................................

5. You can ask your vet..............................

4. Fill in the table and make a summary

three important steps to follow

5. Finish the dialogue:

Vet: What is the matter with your lovely pet?

Owner: A bad breath, doctor. Unwell smelling isn’t funny, you know.

V.: Do you do some preventive options?

O.: What do you mean?







Get Regular Veterinary Dental Checkups

1. Read the text, using the Vocabulary:

to monitor - контролировать

preventive dental care routine – ежедневный профилактический уход за полостью рта

yellow brown crust – желто-коричневая корка

gum line – линия десны

bleeding - кровотечение

animal’s metabolism – обмен веществ животного

expiry date – истечение срока

to swallow pills – проглатывать пилюли

to refuse - отказываться

marshmallows – алтей аптечный

to spit out - выплевывать

to mix with. – смешивать с ч-л.