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Diagnosis and therapy of animal diseases

1. There are new words to know in the left column and their attributes in the right. Match words with their suitable definitions.

breathing - дыхание fungal - грибковый

cough — кашель respiratory - дыхательный

diseases - болезни kennel - псарен

signs - симптомы bacterial - бактериальный

infection - инфекция clinical - клинические

trauma - травма canine - собачий

distemper - чума to the nose – в носу

infec tion - инфекция labored — затрудненное

pyothorax – пиорея oedema – эрстед

2. Read and translate the text. List the causes of respiratory dis­eases in cats and dogs by reading the text. Respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases are very important in dogs and cats. They account for a large percentage of illnesses and include diseases which affect the nose and throat, the trachea and the lungs. Clinical signs are similar in dog or cat respiratory diseases. One of the most reliable signs is a cough. When severity of the disease process increases, labored breathing develops.

Upper respiratory disease complex is a viral disease which causes big problems in young kittens. The openings of the nose become blocked and the kitten will not eat if it can't smell. Viral infections of the nose and throat also occur in the dog, but they are mild.

Dogs can contract kennel cough which is usually caused by combined viral and bacterial infections. It often deve­lops after the animal has been boarded at a commercial kennel facility.

Trauma to the nose, throat or trachea can cause serious problems in dogs and cats. Trauma to the nose usually results in nose-bleeds. Excessive pulling on a leash can produce a fracture of the larynx in the throat, and this can cause life threatening airway obstruction.

Dogs can get several chest diseases, and probably the most well known is canine distemper. It causes a mild viral pneumo­nia, but secondary bacterial pneumonias often develop.

Primary bacterial pneumonias also occur in dogs and are diagnosed by bacteriologic techniques and X-rays. Fungal infections of the lungs and chest occur and can be difficult to treat.

Cats also can acquire many lung and chest diseases. Fol­lowing an upper respiratory infection, cats can develop a bacterial infection of the chest called pyothorax. Large amounts of inflammatory fluid accumulate in the chest and cause severe breathing problems. Often this disease can be caused by wounds suffered in cat fights, so the disease is more common in non-neutered male cats.