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II. Translate into English.

1) Посещение ветеринара – это уверенность в здоровье вашего питомца.

2) Чистка зубов вашей собаки должна войти в каждодневный уход.

3) Спросите вашего ветеринара рекомендации по чистке зубов.

4) Хозяин должен кормить своего питомца питанием специального рациона.

5) Специальный рацион способствуют снижению образования налета на зубах.

6) Постоянные проверки зубов – очень эффективная профилактика.

7) Никогда не давайте питомцам медикаменты для человека.

8) Желтый или коричневый налет, плохой запах полости рта – это знаки для беспокойства.

9) Некоторые питомцы сглатывают пилюли очень легко, а некоторые выплевывают.

10) Если собака выплевывает таблетки, растолките их и смешайте их с едой.

11) Медикаменты для человека могут только ухудшить состояние животного.

12) У вас должен быть ветеринар, который будет контролировать здоровье вашего питомца.



Senses and feelings

The six senses

1. Read following new words to know and make word combinations with family word “sense”.

sense — чувство

sensitive — чувствительный,

to sense — чувствовать

sensible — разумный

sensibility — чувствительность

sensitivity —чувствительность, восприимчивость

vulture — хищник, стервятник

hyena — гиена

spot — обнаружить, найти

ghost —привидение

premonition —предчувствие

psychic —экстрасенс

медиум wave — волна (magnetic

waves — магнитные волны)

pressure — давление

posture — 1.поза, положение 2.осанка

essential — необходимый, обязательный

sight - зрение

touch - осязание

hearing - слух

taste - вкус

smell - обоняние

ability - способность

skin – кожа

2. Read the text and underline by the way most important sentences.

A. Senses are natural abilities that most people have. Our basic five senses are sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Sight is the ability to hear sounds using your eyes. Hearing is the ability to hear sounds using your ears. Taste is your mouth's ability to notice the flavor of different foods or drinks. Touch is the sense that tells you what something feels like, through your skin, or when you put your fingers on it. Smell is the ability to notice or recognize smells. What is something referred to as a "sixth sense" is a power to be aware of things independently of the five physical senses, a kind of supernatural sense. Different phenomena which a person with sixth sense may experience are: telepathy, ghosts, UFOs, pre­monitions, intuition and poltergeist. People, who are supposed to possess extra-sensual abilities are called psychics.

B. A bird's senses include sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and balance. The bird can also sense the earth's magnetic waves and the pressure of the atmosphere. The areas of a bird's brain which control balance and posture, and are also essential to flight, are particularly well-developed, as is the area concerned with vision. The area concerned with the sense of smell is large in some birds, but poorly developed in others.

С. The senses of lion

Lions use their senses for receiving messages from prey as well as from other lions.

Their eyes are at the front of their faces, just like those of humans. This makes lions good at judging distances. Lions can see small objects easily. A vulture circling far in the distance may look like a tiny black speck in the sky to us. To a lion, that speck may mean an easy meal. If the vulture spirals rapidly downwards, the lion knows it is waiting for a sick animal to die, or has spotted one already dead. Lions, like hyenas, are willing to scavenge as well as hunt.

A lion's sense of smell is better than that of humans. Lions get a lot of information from what they smell. They can tell if a strange lion is in the area. They can track one of their own pride. They can tell if prey is nearby and approxi­mately how long ago the animal has passed.

Lions also have very good hearing. They can hear the sounds made by other animals from very far away. Their ears move, so that they can focus easily on sounds coming from any direction.