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1.3 Management Team

Organizational Objectives

The primary objectives of Marktune are:

  • To satisfy a market need to offer a full-time consulting product with focus on marketing, finance, human resources, and informational technologies.

  • To develop a client base requiring a team effort to satisfy client requirements.

  • To form a modern corporation whereby skilled consultants will match performance expectations to industry realities. Other in-house consultants can be brought onto a project as independent contractors, thereby preserving the consultant's desire to maintain independence.

Organizational Values

Management of the organization should comply with two goals, minimization of risks and maximization of profits. Financing of the organization is complicated task and it involves limited number of people involved into dealing with cost management and financial reporting and relationship with external financial organizations. The other side for successful management is psychological intrinsic perspectives; that allow adjusting different professionals into one, creative team to modernize organization.

In the article “Management by values: a new way of doing business in Canadian sport” written by Dina Bell-Laroche44 introduces a new approach to management that researcher finds applicable and that could be taking to establish Marktune corporate culture.

Author of the article mentioned the problem within struggling corporations: incongruencies between claimed values and real behaviour, as well as a tendency to be so caught up in daily ‘battles’ that managers can only think about tactics and logistics, and never get close to strategy or even to the essential starting proposition of ethics and values considerations. The main idea of management by values is establishing an integrated system. By this system not just publicly stating what the new values are, but translating these values into plans, decisions, actions, outcomes and experiences. It also means positioning values at the core of subcontractors and partner organizations’ vision and mission.

What has often possibly been missing is a clear commitment to collective action based on shared values, which can serve as a means to connect the efforts of many towards a common vision. Values are stated and generally agreed to, but they are not being used to inform organizational decision-making or to guide organizational actions.

Management and professionals values in the new venture could defer one from another but strong believes and characteristics suppose to be close to basic Marktune values. The most requisite values expected to be:

Diligence (усидчивость, Russian) – ability to listen and conduct temporal discussion.

Temper (Caractère, Franch) - ability to be learn and to be taught. Management temper could be acquired with help of a consultants or a business couch.

Competence (Buona memoria, Latin) – awareness to perform in the difficult and time-consuming tasks.

Integrity and honesty guide all phases of the client and consultant relationship from the exploratory meeting to final delivery.

Special expertise insures our clients attain cost effective, results oriented solutions.

Excellence is the symbol in all of our business associations with suppliers, independent consultants and most importantly our clients.

What gives coherence to the new venture is the clarity with which basic values are defined and the consensus with which operating values that support the basic values are adopted by employees – in the end, vision, mission, values and principles become self-evident and are reflected in all the work that people do in the company. Thus, managing values means managing the culture of the company, strengthening it day by day and always revitalizing it, to face the unknowns of the future.

Brief Resumes of the Management Team

Marktune management has the proven entrepreneurial and management skills to succeed in running this innovative, market-driven company. They have the rare combination of business school training and a strong connection with the management consulting market.

CEO is the principal of the company. He is responsible for daily operations and performing the client's requirements within the scope of individual contracts. He is also responsible for business development including planning, advertising, public relations, and identifying new markets. CEO intends to be chosen by the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

Uriy V. Sukmanov, Vice-President in Finance

Uriy V. Sukmanov is a certified professional auditor. For more than 5 years, he has provided management and financial consulting services to private and public sector clients. Mr. Sukmanov expertise includes: strategic formulation, business planning, system analysis and financial audits. Mr. Sukmanov was occupied different top-management positions in Volga Railway Company (subsidiary of the blue-chip company Russian Railways). He frequently contributes articles to local business publications and magazines.

He holds a master degree in Business Administration from High Transport Business School of Moscow State University of Transportation.

Sergey V. Stepanov, Vice-President in Marketing

Sergey V. Stepanov focused on Marketing activities of Marktune and responsible for sales and service quality performance. His expertise includes: strategic and business planning, brand development and business structuring. Mr. Stepanov worked for several financial institutions in Saratov and Moscow. He has experience of work within international companies (see Appendix A).

Currently, he is acquiring master degree in Business Administration from Offenburg Graduate School (Germany).

Michail N. Rudanovskiy, Vice-President in Information Technology

Michail N. Rudanovskiy focuses on the company internal communications. He experienced consultant performed more than ten successful IT projects to external customers. He worked with all kinds of business application, including ERP, CRM, Integrated corporate solutions and Intranet systems.

He holds a master degree in Business Administration from The Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Except of hired management and consulting personnel Marktune requires senior consultants in finance, human resources, marketing, and information technology to complete company team.

Start up management team

For purpose of successful and intensive development of the new venture the team of partners will respond three main qualities: strong entrepreneurship motivator, superior organizational skills and creativity.

Entrepreneurship motivator – the main quality that allows to overcome threshold knowledge barriers and to bring long running stamina to business partners. The motivator is necessary to clearly identify milestones of the business project, to cope with the existent market competition and possible inertia while entering the markets.

Organizational skills - the qualities that detect placement of existing financial and human recourses, generate now-how. They are necessary to launch introduced in the Thesis business-plan, implement financial and market strategy, to choose the right people in management and service team.

Creativity – allows introducing something new to Russian market. The services of the new venture in positioning will have just a few direct competitors but will encounter many marketing and consulting competing agencies that solve similar needs of the customers. Creativity has to become distinctive feature of the new venture.

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