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Business correspondence Деловое письмо

Regent House, 5th Floor,

12/16 Haymarket, London W1V5BX

Administration: 020 7285 9981

Reservations: 020 7564 0930

Fax: 020 7285 9984

Mr Roberto Garcia

Universal Imports 15 February 2000

28 Whitechapel Court

London E10 7NB

Dear Mr Garcia

Roxanna Garbey has been accepted for a position as Passenger Service Agent with Far Eastern Airways at Gatwick Airport.

In order for Roxanna to work at Gatwick, she must have a special PASS which would permit her to visit high security areas. She has given your name as a reference.

I would appreciate it if you could complete the enclosed form and return it to us as quickly as possible. She is due to start work with us on 15 March, but can only do so after we receive your reference.

Thank you for your cooperation. I enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

Yours sincerely,

J.P. Dent

Personnel Manager

Служебная записка Memo

To: All department heads

From: Patricia Marchand,

General Manager

Date: 18 April

Subject: Visit of German agent

Please note that Katya Schmidt, our German agent, will be visiting the company on Friday, 26 April.

There will be a meeting on that day at 11.30 am in the Boardroom, which you should all attend. Ms Schmidt will be presenting her marketing plan for expanding sales in the German market.

If you wish to join us for lunch at a local restaurant, please let me know as soon as possible.


P.M. – Patricia Marchand

Повестка дня


Management meeting


Date: 1 March

Time: 14.00

Venue: Room 23M, Shaw House

1. Complaints about reception staff.

2. New brochure.

3. Price list for next year.

4. New product presentation.

5. A.O.B. (any other business).



Общая структура резюме

Личные данные: имя, возраст, дата рождения, семейное положение (холост-single; женат, замужем – married; разведен - divorced), количество детей, адрес, номер телефона.

Должность, которую хотели бы получить.

Образование: учебные заведения, курсы, степени и звания.

Опыт: предыдущая работа, адреса, как долго работали на той или иной должности, какие поручения выполняли и т.д.

Дополнительные сведения: умения (skills), хобби и т.д.

Внешность и личные характеристики.

Рекомендации: можно указать имя вашего прежнего работодателя и его контактный телефон и приложить рекомендации к резюме. Можно также указать в резюме “Available on request” (это значит, что вы готовы предоставить рекомендации, как только об этом вас попросит ваш нынешний работодатель).

Дата и подпись.


Name: Isabella Rosetti

Age: 35

Marital status: Single

Education: Princeton University – Master’s degree in Business Administration

Experience: Advertising agency for the last eight years. Important position liaising with clients and managing a team of 10 people. Previously worked as Sales Manager in a department store.

Outstanding achievement: Got a contract with a major advertiser.

Skills: Fluent Italian, judo expert.

Personality/appearance: Well dressed and self-confident. Good sense of humour.

Comments: Positive reference, but employer suggested she sometimes took days off work with no good reason. Several good ideas for increasing revenue, e.g. by setting up beauty centres in our clubs.

References: Available upon request.





TO Alice Wong

Fax № 00 852 7514329

FROM Zofia Nadstoga,

Fax № 020 7945 2647

Reservations Dept. Falcon Hotels

Date 5 July

of pages (including this) 1

Dear Ms Wong

This is to confirm your booking for a single room from 20 July to 27 July inclusive at a rate of £150.00 per night. As requested, we will hold your room until midnight on the day of your arrival.

We look forward to meeting you shortly.

Yours sincerely

Zofia Nadstoga

Reservations Manager