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4 F a) Think of a film you like. Look at the questions below and make notes


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My favourite film

What is the plot?


Woman's Head with Sombrero (1962). By Pablo Picasso

Circus Girl (1939). By Georges Rouault

Icarus (1947). ByHenri Matisse

  1. A) Look at the pictures and say which of the words in the box you would use to describe each picture.

attractive, ugly, interesting, beautiful, silly, meaningless

  1. Landscape by the Sea (1914).

    By August Macke

    Painting (1937). By Ben Nicholson

    Think and say.

  • Which of the above pictures would you put on walls in your flat?

  • Which of the pictures do you like the best? Why?

  • What's the most striking thing about it?

  • What does it make you think of?

' a) Listen to someone talking about the paintings on page 178, than match the paintings (A-F) with the following comments about them (1-6).


    I'd find it rather disturbing.

  2. It's a very warm painting.

  3. Suitable for a hall.

  4. Interesting for a few moments.

  5. I'd grow bored with it rather quickly.

  6. Avery peaceful painting.

  1. Listen again and decide which pictures he would put on a wall in his home.

  2. Work in pairs. Check each other's answers.

  1. In groups, discuss the following questions.

  1. Are you interested in any kinds of visual art?

Which of them is closer to you?

  1. Would you like to know more about art and its history? Where can you find information about them?

  2. Is there an art gallery in the place where you live? What does it exhibit? How often do you go there?

  3. Is there a particular artist whose works you enjoy most? What in this artist's work do you find attractive?

  4. Which of the world-famous masterpieces would you like to see some day? Why?

  5. Do you think art should be an essential part of every person's life or it is meant for a selected few?

  6. Should art be > —, , : -t.^

taught at school?

What way?

At what age?

  1. Do you think a person's artistic taste is inborn?

Is it possible to develop it? In what way can one do it?

  1. A) Make up a questionnaire using the clues below.

  1. Speaking about art

    you / enjoy / going to the theatre

  2. how often / you / go to the theatre

  3. how many times a year / you / go to the theatre

  4. which / be / your favourite performance or show

  5. you / enjoy / going to the cinema

  6. how often / you / go to the cinema

  7. which / be / your favourite film

  8. you / enjoy / watching home videos

  9. how often / you / watch videos / at home

  10. which / be / your favourite video film

  11. you / enjoy / watching TV films

  12. how many times a week / you / watch TV films

  13. which / be / your favourite series or a soap opera

  14. you / enjoy / going to pop concerts

  15. which / be / your favourite pop group or singer

  16. how many times a month / you / go to a pop concert

  17. you / ever/ be / at a concert of classic music

  18. you / like / it

  19. you / ever / be / at the opera house

  20. how many times a year / you / go to the ballet or opera

  1. Work in pairs. Use your questionnaire and ask each other about your favourite entertainments. Make notes. Tell your classmates about your partner's favourite performances and performers. Say how often he/she goes out to entertain himself / herself.

Read the dialogue. Then make up a similar one and dramatise it in pairs.

AFTER THE PERFORMANCE George: Well, how did you enjoy the play, Margaret? Margaret: Oh, enormously! I thought the production was really brilliant, and so was the acting.

George: If Nickolson hadn't been ill, it would have been even better. They say he's wonderful in the part of the inspector.

Margaret But his understudy was very good too, particularly in the last act. Of course, the plot was rather absurd...

George: It usually is in detective plays.

Margaret: Take the wife, for instance. She didn't behave like a normal human being at all. If she had only owned up to her husband, he would have settled the whole business in no time.


George: But she was supposed to be a dumb blonde. And if she hadn't been, there wouldn't have been a plot, would there?

WORD o- FILE artistry ['a:tistri] craftsmanship [’kra:ftsmanjip] a failure ['feilja] insight [’msait] performance [pa’faimans] a shape [jeip] to confess [kan'fes] contemporary [kan'temprari]

Margaret: And you know, there wouldn't have been a second murder if the inspector hadn't told everybody about his plans.

George: But then the audience would have had to go home at the end of the first act.

Margaret: Then take that episode with the revolver. If he had had any sense, he would have told his wife about the gun instead of trying to hide it.

George: It's a pity you didn't write the play, Margaret. If you had, you would have made a much better job of it. The wife would have confessed to her husband, he would have told the inspector, and there wouldn't have been any corpses. A much better play altogether. Not a thriller, of course...