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Оксана Карп.docx
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  1. 1A) Choose the correct word and complete each sentence.Could you (translate I interpret) this paragraph into English, please?

  2. I'm sorry, I can't read your handwriting. What does this word (say I mean)?

  3. Can anyone tell me the (meaning / understanding) of 'shiver'?

  4. How do you (pronounce I spell) 'accomodation'? Does it have one'm' or ‘mm’?

1to loathe [ІзоЗ] — почувати відразу (огиду); ненавидіти

1BBC — Британська телерадіомовна корпорація, «Бі-Бі-Сі»

2а dialect [’damlekt] — діалект

3а bateau [’baetao] — плоскодонний човен

1a thief [0i:v] — злодій

  • 1Form three groups.The first two groups should prepare arguments for either accepting or rejecting the motion, present their arguments and be ready to answer questions from the other group.

  • The third group should listen to both groups and decide whether to accept or reject the motion providing arguments for their decision. Before making the decision, the third group can put questions to both groups.

1a vulture [’vAltJa] — гриф

2dossils ['fDslz] — скам'янілості; викопні тварини’an endurance [m'djoarans] — витривалість, терпіння

1ability to work in a team

2ability to plan

1to venture [ventja] ризикувати (чимсь), ставити на карту

  • 1experienceskills, qualities

  • closing remarks

1wearing make-up?’to restrain [n'strein] стримувати, 2a wrist [rist] зап’ясток

приборкувати, вгамовувати 3to patch things up — улагоджувати (сварку)

1'to deprive [di'praiv] позбавляти

2decent ['di:snt] пристойний, порядний

1'millet [milit] просо

2riverine ['rivarainl річковий

1The number of paragraphs depends on the number of aspects you want to present.

1a drawback ['dro:baek] — недолік, вада

1to pursue [pa'sju:] — займатися

1a skin cancer ['skin kaensa] — рак шкіри

1The number of body paragraphs depends on the number of viewpoints you want to present.

1to arouse [a’raoz] — збуджувати, викликати3to take up — займатися

2amateur ['aemata] — любительський, аматорський

3entertainment, nThis law is applied to theatres, cinemas and other places of entertainment.

It's not a serious film, but it's good entertainment,

  1. Choose the appropriate item (a), (b) or (c) to explain each word.

Read the passages (A-D) and guess what entertainment they describe.

] ballet □ mime Q musical | | music hall A It is a form of entertainment for an audience, which may include drama, dancing, music, mime, puppetry and so on.

B It is the art of combining sounds into a unified whole, typically in accordance with fixed patterns and for an aesthetic purpose.

C It is a modern form of art and entertainment which borrows from the other arts, such as music, drama and literature, but is dependent for its origin on technological development.

1to huddle [’hAdl] — TMCHyTMcn

1an abstinence ['asbstinans] — утримання

2a counterpart ['kaontspa:t] — особа,

3що доповнює іншу; двійник