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1Shrimp scampi [jrimp ’skæmpi] — креветки з часниковим соусом

4 Role-play the situation in a group of four. Use the phrases from the box.

Students A and B, you are customers. Ask about the dishes on the menu and decide what to have. Unfortunately, the meal and the service are not

very good, so you will need to complain.

Student C, you are a waiter. Welcome your customers. Explain the dishes on the menu, take their order and serve the food.

Student D, you are a manager. Deal with any problems

and try to keep the customers happy!







Things you can say

I've booked a table for eight o'clock.

Can we have a little more time?

For starter I'd like ...

Oh, it looks lovely! Thank you.

I'll have an orange juice.

Can I have the bill, please?

No, I'll pay. Really, I insist.

Sorry, but I've been waiting for my main course for twenty minutes.

Excuse me. I'm afraid I don't like this wine. I think it might be corked.

I think this bill is wrong. I've been charged too much.

Things you might hear

Follow me, please.

Are you ready to order?

And for main course?

Would you like anything to drink?

Would you like dessert?

This is our house special.

No, you paid last time. Let me get it.

I'll get you another one right away.

I'll find out what's happened to it.

I forgot to mention it.

5 /It Do the individual project. Prepare a traditional menu with English translations for a restaurant in your town or area.

  1. A) Complete the tour guide information with the words from the box.


These flaky pastry crescents are eaten freshlv-(1)baked for breakfast.

baked, fried, garnished, grilled, served, steamed, sliced, poached

WHAT TO EAT IN PARIS The French national passion for good cuisine makes eating out one of the greatest pleasures of a visit to Paris. Everywhere in the city you see people eating — in restaurants, bistros, tea salons, cafes and wine bars.

Most restaurants serve French food but there is a range of Chinese, Vietnamese and North African eateries in many areas as well as Italian, Greek, Lebanese and Indian places.

Moules Marinieres

Mussels are (2) ... in a garlic-flavoured wine stock.

Coquille Saint-Jacques

Scallops are classically cooked with butter with

  1. ... mushrooms in white wine, lemon juice and butter.

Andouillettes à la Lyonnaise

These sausages made from pork intestines are

  1. ... or fried and served with onions.

Noisettes d'agneau

Small tender lamb cutlets are (5)... in butter and (6) ... with a variety of garnishes.

Oeufs en cocotte à l'Estragon

A tarragon-flavoured sauce is poured over (7)... eggs.

Escargot a la Bourguignone

Cooked snails are replaced in their shells and (8) ... with lemon.