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  1. In groups, read the situation and analyse the information on page 126.

You are a teacher of English in a secondary school.

You have decided to take a group of your students to England not only to improve their knowledge of English, but also to introduce them to the customs and the way of life in England.

Before taking your students for a three- weeks' course you decide to visit and check the college your students have chosen to stay at.

This is the report that will be presented to the students' parents at the meeting prior to the final decision being made.

St James's Languages International





• everything included (transportation, accommodation)

• relatively expensive (£ 1,700)


  • Greenfield (a small town near London — only two hours by train)

  • typical English town — cinemas, local theatre, shopping centre, town library, museum, pubs

  • short distance from London (students can go on their own)

  • drinking in local pubs (owners are not too strict)


  • safe for young people

  • courses in general English, specialised courses as well

  • small groups

(up to 10 students)

  • 5 classes a day (25 per week)

  • students have the option of taking only morning classes

  • afternoon classes could be easily changed into sports activities

  • students do their assignments unsupervised



  • excellent academic facilities (college library, computer rooms, study rooms)

  • superb sports facilities (swimming pools, play­grounds, tennis courts...)

• renting sport equipment must be paid extra



  • a choice between a residential course or staying with a family

  • food provided in a college canteen (3 meals)

  • some families allow too much freedom to students

  • students might not be accustomed to canteen food


  • a whole day trip to London

  • a whole day trip to Oxford and Stratford-on-Avon

  1. Put the following paragraphs (a-k) into the correct order (1-7) to make a report.

  1. {e\ TO:

  2. FROM:


  1. DATE:

  2. INTRODUCTION «□□□□□BODY 7 □conclusion


A Price

The price of the course is relatively high, but all the expenses are included. Therefore, parents should provide only pocket money.

В Ms L. Naumenko, teacher C Location

St James's Languages International is a language school with a long tradition. It is located in Greenfield, which is a typical English town with a local theatre, cinemas, a town museum, a library, restaurants and a shopping centre. Greenfield is only two hours by train from London. However, this could create a problem because students can easily go to London in the afternoon and be back by dinner. D Course(s)

The school offers a variety of courses and the groups are small — up to 10 students. I recommend that all the students take a course in general English (3 hours in the morning) and 2 classes (project work) in the afternoon as well. The school has excellent academic facilities (study rooms, libraries, etc.) and, I am positive, students will benefit from them enormously.

However, there is a possibility to take sports activities instead of language classes in the afternoon. I would not recommend it because students have plenty of time to participate in sports activities after their language classes, which end at 4 p.m.

ГІ)Mrs E. F. Winter. Principal F 15 May, 2011 G Accommodation

Students have a choice between a residential course and staying with a family. Both options have their benefits and drawbacks1.1 would suggest a residential course because some families allow students to stay out late.

All three meals are provided in the college canteen. Despite the fact that some students are not accustomed to canteen food, I am convinced that most students will find the food satisfactory.

H In conclusion, I think that St James's Languages International satisfies all the requirements. Therefore, I recommend it as a summer language

  1. As requested, the purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of St James's Languages International as a summer language school.


J St James's Languages International K Excursion(s)

The course also includes two one-day visits to London and Oxford. On these two trips students will be accompanied by their teachers. Excellent local guides are provided as well.