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Толстова Г.Г., Вотякова А.Х., Обшанская С.Е. Не....doc
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VI. Повторение причастных конструкций

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  1. This little group reached Chesapeake Bay in May 1607, and founded Jamestown, it being the first permanent English colony in the New World.

  2. Merchants who found themselves excluded from old channels of imperial trade began to agitate for reprisals.

  3. With servants lacking full political and civil rights, in this clash of wills the advantage lay with the master.

  4. There are a few industrial areas where big Asian communities remain closely knit, with many of their people working in local factories.

  5. The occasion warranted, the men wore fine broadcloth, the women the latest (or more likely the next-to-latest) fashions.

  6. Before long, Zinoviev found his base of power in the Party threatened by Stalin’s growing ambitions.

  7. Democrats in the House of Representatives often vote against one another, some agreeing with the President and some not.

  8. Among richer people, the pressure on land led to an increase in its value, and to an increase in buying and selling. Landowning widows found themselves courted by land-hungry single men.

  9. The war Edward began, later called the Hundred years war, did not finally end until 1453, with the English crown losing all its possessions in France except for Calais, a northern French port.

  10. Edward introduced the idea of chivalry into his court. Once, a lady at court accidentally dropped her garter and Edward III noticed some of his courtiers laughing at her.

  11. Both Scotland and Wales have for a long time had their nationalist parties, with aims ranging up to the extreme of complete independence.

  12. But it is also true that the five kingdoms were often at war, each trying to gain advantage over the other, often with great cruelty.

  13. Elizabeth I took more interest in politics than religion. So long as England had its own church, she being at its head, Elizabeth was content.

  14. By 1500 there were somewhere between 50 and 60 million of them (Indians), with 1 or 2 million living in what is now the United States.

  15. For England it was a glorious moment, but it did not lead to an end of the war with Spain, and England found itself having to spend more than ever on England’s defense.

  16. In each case he (the write man) is regarded as clothed in white cloth or paint, as having arrived from the East and as having a beard.

  17. The merchant directors of the London Company, with them knowing little or nothing about Virginia, failed to provide the colony with effective guidance.

  18. For white Americans found Garrison’s line of argument convincing, and many were outraged by his confrontational tactics.

  19. The gluttonous (in the pictures of hell) were having their tongues and middles burned.

  20. The Anglican Church under Elizabeth I satisfied most, but not at all, of her subjects. Steadfast Catholics could not accept it, with some leaving England and some practicing their faith in private.