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Толстова Г.Г., Вотякова А.Х., Обшанская С.Е. Не....doc
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IV. Причастие II и его значение

Как было отмечено выше, причастие II не меняет своей формы. Его действие тоже соотносится во времени со сказуемым предложения. При этом причастие II всегда обозначает действие в страдательном залоге (P.II = passive participle). Соотносясь со временем глагола-сказуемого, причастие II может указывать как на одновременность, так и на предшествование. Выбор зависит от контекста.


e.g. All papers written by you are usually most interesting.

Все статьи. Которые вы пишите, всегда очень интересны.


e.g. The paper written last time is most interesting.

Статья, которую написали (написанная) в прошлый раз, очень интересна.

Упражнение 1. Определите формы причастия в скобках. Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную по смыслу форму. Переведите предложения.

А. 1. People (borrowing, being borrowed) books from the library must return them on time. 2. There are students in our group (taking, being taken) part in social work. 3. The problem (discussing, being discussed) at the conference is quite new. 4. The report (making, being made) by your friend is rather interesting. 5. When (reading, being read) the article, the students will get much information. 6. (Washing, being washed) by seas, Great Britain has a mild climate.

B. 1. (Having discussed, discussing) all their problems, the students went home. 2. He spent the whole morning in the library (having looked, looking) through the latest articles. 3. We can now work at the problem itself (having studied, studying) all necessary literature. 4. (Having translated, translating) from English very quickly he may be helpful to you. 5. Professor started a new topic (having finished, finishing) the previous one. 6. While (having read, reading) in a foreign language, one should mind grammar.

C. 1. (Having appointed, having been appointed) to a new office, my brother was happy. 2. The USA has become a mighty power (having developed, having been developed) its economy. 3 (Having studied, having been studied) this work, you will learn much of the British history. 4. (Having read, having been read) long ago, the book seemed new to me. 5. He was able to write a full report (having collected, having been collected) all necessary information. 6. The letter never reached him (having sent, having been sent) to a wrong address.

D. 1. The question (discussing, discussed) at the last seminar needs one more covering. 2. Stones (throwing, thrown) into the water went to the bottom. 3. They gave me a list of books (publishing, published) last year. 4. A thermometer is an instrument (measuring, measured) temperature. 5. He asked another question (trying, tried) to find out the truth. 6. You will help me a lot (giving, given) me your notes of the conference.

E. 1. A person (bringing, brought, being brought) good news is always welcome. 2. While (having skated, skating, being skated) he hurt himself. 3. The answer (receiving, received, having received) from the administration was negative. 4. (Been, being, having been) a great theatre-goer, she spends freely on new performances. 5. There are wonderful pictures (illustrated, illustrating, being illustrated) his great talent. 6. The delegates (inviting, having invited, invited) to the conference will come tomorrow.