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6.3. Type III – Unreal Past

Exercise 336. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I would have been in bad trouble is Jane hadn’t helped me.

2. You would have passed your exam if you had worked harder.

3. If he’d run a bit faster, he could have won.

4. If I hadn’t been so tired, I might have realized what was happening.

5. If my mother hadn’t knocked my father off his bicycle thirty years ago, they wouldn’t have got acquainted.

6. If we hadn’t left so early, we would have missed the plane.

7. If I had been invited to the party, I would have gone.

8. If I had known that you were ill, I would have gone to see you.

9. If I had seen you when you passed me in the street, I would have said hello.

10. I would have gone out if I hadn’t been so tired.

11. If he had been looking where he was going, he wouldn’t have walked into the wall.

12. If I had gone to the party last night, I would have seen Ann.

13. If he had put on a warm coat yesterday, he would not have caught cold.

14, If he had realized the danger, he would have run away.

15. If George had gone to the party last night, he would’ve seen Bell there.

16. Would you have gone to Rio if you had known it was going to be so hot there?

Exercise 337. Make conditional sentences (unreal past).

Example: If he (come) yesterday, he would have helped us.

If he had come yesterday, he would have helped us.

1. Kate (notice) this mistake in her papers if she had been more attentive.

2. I might have come to the concert if I (know) about it beforehand.

3. If we (know) that you were there, we would have called on you.

4. If I had known of his arrival, I (meet) him.

5. I would have helped you if I (know) about it.

6. If you had tried your best, you (get) the job.

7. If he (not work) late, he would have caught his bus.

8. If Mary had agreed to baby-sit for us, we (go) to the movie yesterday.

9. He (pass) his exams well if he had studied hard.

10. I would have prepared everything yesterday if I (receive) your message on Monday.

Exercise 338. Put in the correct verb forms (unreal past).

1. If I (know) you were coming, I (invite( some friends in.

2. He (go) to university if his father (not be) ill.

3. If you (say) you weren’t hungry, I (not cook) such a big meal.

4. The team (win) if Jones (play) better.

5. If they (not cut) off the electricity, I (finish) my work.

6. If Bell (not invent) the telephone, somebody else (do) it.

7. If you (not spend) so much time making up, we (not be) late.

8. The burglars (not get) in if you (remember) to lock the door.

9. If he (not be) a film star, he (not become) President.

10. If she (have) more sense, she (sell) her car years ago.

11. If he (not spend) so much on his holiday, he (have) enough to pay for the house repair.

12. You (not catch) cold if you (take) your coat.

13. You (win) if you (run) a bit faster.

14. We (get) better tickets if we (book) earlier.

15. It (be) better if you (ask) me for help.

Exercise 339. Translate into English.

1. Если бы вы взяли такси, вы бы приехали на вокзал вовремя.

2. Если бы ваше предложение было получено на прошлой неделе, мы бы приняли его.

3. Если бы вы читали книгу, то вы бы лучше поняли фильм.

4. Если бы вы пришли пораньше, вы бы ещё застали мистер Нормана.

5. Если бы они не отказались помочь, мы бы вчера уже закончили работу.

6. Алан не принял бы это предложение, если бы не нуждался в деньгах.

7. Если бы задание было не таким сложным, студенты выполнили бы его гораздо быстрее.

8. Если бы я взял с собой видеокамеру, то снял бы хороший фильм во время путешествия.

9. Дэвид никогда бы не поступил в университет, если бы не занимался историей в школе.

10. Лорейн не вышла бы за него замуж, если бы не была уверена в том, что это будет хороший брак.