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4.7 Revision

Exercise 245. Translate the sentences into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verbs.

1. Can I park my car in your garage?

2. You should book a hotel room.

3. Pete has to go and see the headmaster.

4. She must be at home.

5. You needn’t wear a tie to the interview.

6. She can’t still be at work; it’s already 6 o’clock.

7. Children must not play football in the street.

8. The car needs filling up with petrol.

9. The beggar might want some food.

10. She can’t have stolen the money.

11. She could have been killed in the car crash. Luckily, she wasn’t killed.

12. He could read Arabic when he was four.

13. You may not smoke here.

14. You should have gone earlier last night.

15. Everyone must obey the law.

Exercise 246. Choose the best form. (Sometimes both may be possible).

1. We may/must win, but I don’t think there’s much chance.

2. I may/might ask you to help me later.

3. That can’t/mustn’t be her daughter – they are nearly the same age.

4. We can/may decide to go camping again on holiday.

5. There may not/can’t be enough room for everybody in the bus – we’ll have to wait and see.

6. You may not/can’t get in without a ticket – not a chance.

7. You absolutely should/must go and see Liz.

8. I think you should/must try to relax more.

9. You must/have to pass a special exam to be a teacher.

10. In this country, boys must not/don’t have to do military service.

11. I can/will be able to see you at eight tomorrow.

12. One day, everybody can/will be able to say what they like.

13. She had to leave/must have left very quietly – I didn’t hear her go.

14. When I was younger I could/was able to sing quite well.

15. At what age can/may you get a driving licence?

16. I don’t know why she is not here. She may not/can’t have got my message.

17. He’s not answering the phone. He may not/can’t have got home yet.

18. When I was eighteen we had to do/must have done two year in the army.

Exercise 247. Choose the correct variant.

1. Don’t argue with her, you need/have to/ought to/are to respect her age.

2. You must do/should have done/needn’t have done/are to do it long ago.

3. This is serious. You haven’t to/should not/don’t have to laugh at it.

4. There had to/should/ must/was to be an interesting concert last night, but I didn’t feel well and had to/was to/ought to/had to stay at home.

5. According to the rules a footballer player must not/need not/don’t have to take the ball with his hands.

6. The situation was dangerous. You should have got/must have got/have to get/need have got frightened.

7. We must not/shouldn’t/don’t have to forget to write and thank them for their hospitality.

8. Why should/must/need/ought I know where he is?

9. They need/should/must/are to have been more polite.

Exercise 248. Paraphrase the sentences using the given modal verbs.

Example: Perhaps she moved to Rome. (may)

She may have moved to Rome.

1. I’m sure she is sleeping. (must)

2. I’m sure he hasn’t left. (can’t)

3. It’s forbidden to smoke in hospitals. (mustn’t)

4. It wasn’t necessary for you to finish it today. (needn’t)

5. Was it necessary for Ann to leave the party that early? (have to)

6. Would you mind if I used your phone? (might)

7. It wasn’t necessary for you to bring me flowers as I already had a lot. (needn’t)

8. Perhaps he left the car unlocked. (may)

9. I advise you to drive more slowly. (should)

10. It is possible that Ann is looking for a new job.

11. I’d better start saving for my holiday.

Exercise 249. Fill in a modal and the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.


  1. I’m getting fat. I really (try) to lose some weight, like the doctor said.

  2. What a lovely day! (we / go) for a walk?

  3. I’m not sure where Gary is. He (be) at the library.

  4. That (not / be) Bill’s car. He doesn’t own one.

  5. Tom (sleep) but I’m not sure. Why don’t you go and see?

  6. Don’t worry. You (not / dress) formally for the party.

  7. If you wanted to borrow my car, you (ask) me.

  8. This dog (belong) to Harry. It’s got his address on it’s collar.

  9. Only authorized personnel (enter) this area.

10. You (not / smoke) in some public places.


11. I saw John in the town centre this morning. He (go) to Spain yet.

12. Fortunately he (convince) the police that he was innocent.

13. Tom drives really well now. He (pass) his driving test easily.

14. She (be) at the party last night. She was ill.

15. They (announce) the winners on March 16th. It’s scheduled.

16. She (start) working on Monday. The manager has told her to.

17. I missed the film last night because I (work) late.

18. Everyone in the world (have) food and shelter.

19. You (comply) with the regulations. We expect you to do so.

20. People (treat) animals in a better way but they don’t always do so.

Exercise 250. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs making necessary changes (you may have several variants).

1. He is in the garden. He (read) a newspaper in the summerhouse.

2. Her son (get) into trouble yesterday. I've seen him today and he looked quite happy.

3. It (be) Nick? He has changed a lot.

4. He already (get) used to driving on the left. He has been living in London for a year.

5. He (receive) an emergency call, that's why he is out.

6. They (not take up) this problem. It has been already solved.

7. Where is Mr. Black? – He (receive) a foreign delegation. They (come) at two o'clock.

8. Why haven't the Smiths arrived yet? – They (lose) their way. They don't know the road well.

9. You (introduce) me to your wife long ago.

10. He (buy) a new car. He is deeply in debt.

11. He (buy) a new ear, but I am not sure.

12. They already (arrive). Look, the windows are open.

13. They (not know) of the plane's delay, otherwise they did not come at 2 o'clock.

14. Judging by his papers on the writing table he (work) for several hours.

15. You (buy) this book for me. You know I have wanted to have it.

16. A wife (obey) her husband.

17. You (wait) for me, I knew the road well and found my way myself.

Exercise 251. What would you say in such situations? Use modal verbs.

1. A student has just come into the class and left the door open. It is noisy outside.

Could you close the door, please?

2. You have opened the kitchen window to let in some fresh air. Your sister, who is recovering from a bad cold comes in.

3. Your friend wants to pay for your dinner. You tell her it’s not necessary.

4. Your mother wants to know where your sister is. You think she is helping your father in the garden.

5. A friend from Portugal phones you to tell she will be coming to England for two weeks next summer. You want her to stay with you.

6. You’re going on holiday. Your sister wants to take so many pairs of shoes that her suitcase won’t fasten. You ask if it is necessary.

7. Your friend is sure that your father goes to a gym every morning before work as he always looks so healthy.

8. Tom was driving fast when he accidentally went off the road. Fortunately no one was killed or injured.

9. Your friend failed the exam. He hadn’t revised at all.

10. John is taking part in a horse race. You don’t know if John will win. You ask your friends if it’s possible.

Exercise 252. Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1. I must not dress in my best. When I came, everybody was wearing jeans and T-shirts.

2. He must have known that she needed his help.

3. He had to have an accident in the thick fog.

4. You should phone her long ago, I am sure she is looking forward to your call.

5. With your knowledge of the language, you may read the article.

6. I may not imagine Mary teaching students. She used to be so impatient. — You know time changes people. She is able to become quite different.

7. I am sure you might have done it much better. You did not try.

8. I was so angry, I must have thrown my boot at him.

9. May you do me a favour, please?

Exercise 253. Translate into English using modal verbs.

1. Я могу заваривать чай.

2. В прошлом году я не умела кататься на коньках, а в этом году катаюсь хорошо.

3. Вы думаете я смогу кататься на коньках, если буду тренироваться каждый день?

4. Вы можете съесть это яблоко.

5. Могу я идти домой теперь? – Да, пожалуйста. Можете идти.

6. Можно здесь курить? – Нет.

7. Вам разрешат повидать вашу сестру завтра.

8. Вы должны есть овощи каждый день.

9. Вы не смогли прийти вчера. Сможете ли Вы прийти ко мне завтра? – Думаю, к концу недели закончу работу и смогу прийти.

10. Когда вам разрешат выйти на улицу?

11. Поезд должен прийти через час.

12. Вы не должны есть жареное мясо.

13. Мы не могли пойти в столовую пообедать.

14. Вам не следует приходить поздно.

15. По расписанию наш следующий урок английского языка должен быть завтра.

16. Ты должен был сообщить им об этом, а то теперь они не знают, что им делать.

17. – Неужели он забыл заказать билеты на самолёт? – Он, наверное, заказал их на другое имя!

18. Ты вся промокла. Зря ты не попросила кого-нибудь подвезти тебя.


едели закончу работу и смогу прийти.ень,

he always looks so healthy.


19. Вечером она должна была принимать участие в концерте. Поэтому она берегла свой голос и не пила напитки со льдом, хотя было очень жарко.

20. Ты бы мог мне сказать, что опоздаешь.

Exercise 254. Translate into English using modal verbs.

1. Что здесь происходит? Не могли вы бы вы ска­зать, в чем дело? — Должно быть, полиция ловит опасного преступника, и поэтому здесь нельзя пройти.

2. Он мог бы объяснить мне с самого начала, как это важно.

3. Тебе следует поторопиться. Мы можем опоздать.

4. Какой скучный фильм я посмотрел! Не сто­ило ходить в кино, я мог бы посмотреть что-нибудь по телевизору.

5. Тебе следовало бы сесть на диету еще полгода назад.

6. Неужели она потеряла мой номер телефона?

7. Поче­му он молчит? — Может быть, он не рас­слышал ваш вопрос. Не могли бы вы его повторить?

8. Ты должен уважать своих родителей.

9. На­верное, он сегодня не придет. Уже восемь часов, а он должен был прийти в семь.

10. Вряд ли они уже верну­лись. Они там впервые и могут задержаться.

Exercise 255. Translate into English using modal verbs.

1. Я могу говорить по-английски.

2. Люди должны относиться к животным хорошо.

3. У всех в мире должны быть пища и кров.

4. Не беспокойся. Не нужно одеваться формально на вечеринку.

5. Нельзя курить в общественных местах.

6. Вероятно, Том спит, но я не уверен.

7. Том водит машину довольно хорошо. Должно быть, он сдал тест на вождение легко.

8. Не могли бы Вы мне помочь?

9. Вы должны были сделать это давным-давно.

10. Как и договаривались, они должны объявить победителей завтра.

11. Поезд должен был приехать ровно в полночь.

12. Какой замечательный день! Можно мы пойдем погулять?

13. Как сказал ее менеджер, она должна носит униформу на работе.

14. Эта собака, должно быть, принадлежит Гарри. Вот адрес на ошейнике.

15. Я не смог пойти в кино вчера, потому что пришлось работать допоздна.

16. Врач сказал, что я должна заботиться о себе больше.

17. Не вешайте трубку, мне нужно задать еще один вопрос.

18. Если бы Вы подготовились, Вы могли бы успешно выступили с презентацией.