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5.2. Complex Object

Exercise 274. Translate into Russian.

1. I want you to come to university tomorrow.

2. I often hear him speak at meeting.

3. Mike felt my story to be true.

4. He wants me to wash his socks.

5. We see them work every day.

6. I would prefer you to pay now.

7. We often hear her sing at concert.

8. Don’t let me forget to phone Jill.

9. You make me laugh.

10. He was made to apologize.

11. Remind me to phone Ann tomorrow.

12. Mt Stevenson warned me not to touch anything.

13. I got Jack to repair my car.

14. Who taught you to drive?

15. We expected him to be late.

16. Hot weather makes me uncomfortable.

17. Tom let me drive his car yesterday.

18. I only did it because I was made to do it.

Exercise 275. Change the sentences using complex object.

Example: I told John, “I think you should stop smoking. ” (advise)

I advised John to stop smoking.

1. They said we couldn’t look at the house. (didn’t allow)

2. I said to Jake, “Please be more careful.” (ask)

3. Mrs Kevin said to me, “Do try the exam.” (encourage)

4. I think Fred’ll come soon. (expect)

5. I went away, so Bob had to solve the problem. ( I left …)

6. Was it your idea that I should pay? (Did you mean …)

7. The captain told the men, “Attack!” (order)

8. “Don’t forget to buy coffee,” I told Sue. (remind)

9. Mary gave me lessons in cooking. (teach)

10. John mustn’t tell anybody. (I don’t want …)

Exercise 276. Insert the particle to where necessary.

1. Oh, you made me _____ start.

2. I heard someone _____ breathe heavily in the darkness.

3. I'd like John _____ see me again.

4. Gerry won't let you _____ have this information.

5. Please let me _____ take your car for the night.

6. Millie had never heard her husband _____ speak about his youth.

7. I don't want my aunt _____ be left alone.

8. The doctor doesn't let her _____ get up. He says she's too weak yet.

9. I want you _____ tell me about your adventure.

10. She'd like me _____ come and see her next weekend.

Exercise 277. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object.

Example: I did not see him. He entered the house.

I did not see him enter the house.

1. Kate and Mary did not notice us. We passed by.

2. Pete hasn’t heard us. We called his name.

3. Nick saw Lin. She burst into tears.

4. We many times heard John. He told this story.

5. Francis noticed the expression of his face. It changed suddenly.

6. They haven’t seen the accident. It occurred at the corner.

7. I heard somebody. He mentioned my name.

8. I felt something hard. It hurt my leg.

Exercise 278. Complete the following sentences with complex objects.

1. The answer made (he/to feel) happy.

2. Robert heard (the footsteps/to die away) and (the door/to slam).

3. I’d like (this book/to publish).

4. Simon liked (everything/to keep) in perfect order.

5. Mr Andrew’s remarks sometimes make (I/to feel) uneasy.

6. Ann watched (they/to disappear) and slowly went back into her house.

7. We read books and it made (the time/to pass).

8. I saw (Bob/to stop) and (to look) at the house closely and (to put down) something in his notebook.

Exercise 279. Paraphrase the following sentences using complex objects with the infini­tive.

Example: He went away. (to watch)

She watched him go away.

1. Fred came back so soon. (not to expect)

2. The woman gave out a little cry. (to hear)

3. My parents quarreled. (to hate)

4. One of the customers addressed the shop-assistant. (to hear)

5. You will be happy. (to want)

6. Now they know all about it. (to let)

7. Kate understood everything at last. (to make)

8. He is the best singer we've heard yet. (to consider)

9. Bob was always so helpful. (to think)

10. They returned home early that night. (to see)

Exercise 280. Translate into English.

1. Дэвид хотел, чтобы мы пришли.

2. Мы установили, что прибыль в этом году возросла.

3. Я чувствовал, что это правда.

4. Мисс Марпл видела, как они шли домой.

5. Мистер Коллинз приказал отремонтировать машину.

6. Слышали ли вы, как Боб поет эту песню.

7. Видите ли вы, как он забил гол?

8. Мой друг хочет, чтобы я не курил.

9. Я хочу, чтобы вы часто бывали на открытом воздухе.

10. Капитан приказал солдатам открыть огонь.

11. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы предложили Р. свою помощь.

12. Вы возьмете покупки с собой или хотели бы, чтобы их вам доставили домой?

13. Не позволяйте ей читать в постели.

14. Что заставило его сделать этот шаг?

15. Надеюсь, я не заставил вас долго ждать.

Exercise 281. Translate into English.

1. Я хочу, чтобы ты просмотрела эти письма.

2. Мы не ожидали, что Рон согласится с ними.

3. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы были готовы через час.

4. Что заставило Стивена переехать на новую квартиру?

5. Интересно, что Лиз так рассердило?

6. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы Фрэнк говорил неправду.

7. Никто не заметил, что я открыл дверь и вышел.

8. Боб хочет, чтобы вы ему помогли.

9. Кейт попросила Анн показать ей письма.

10. Они не ожидали, что погода изменится.

11. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы Пит стал юристом.

12. Вы хотите, чтобы я сказал правду?

13. Я видел, что вы вышли из дома.

14. Кто вас заставил сделать это?

15. Он слышал, как она пела.