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4.5. Should/Ought to

Exercise 224. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verbs should and ought to.

1. You should really stop smoking, you know. It’s bad for you.

2. People ought to drive more carefully.

3. Applications should be sent before 30 June.

4. Should I change my job or stay where I am?

5. The government should do something about the economy.

6. “Should we invite Sue to the party?” “Yes, I think we should.”

7. I don’t think you should work hard.

8. “Do you think I should apply for this job?” “Yes, I think we should.”

9. The price on this packet is wrong. It says 65 pence but it should 50.

10. Those children shouldn’t be playing. They should be at school.

11. That motor-cyclist should be wearing a crash helmet.

12. Hello, Ann. The party last night was great. You should have come. Why didn’t you?

13. I’m feeling sick. I shouldn’t have eaten so much chocolate.

14. Why were you at home yesterday? You should have been at work.

15. She shouldn’t have been listening to our conversation. It was private.

16. It’s really a good film. You ought to go and see it.

17. Tom ought not to drive. He is too tired.

18. It was a great party. You ought to have come.

Exercise 225. What do you think is better – must or should?

1. You know, I think you _____ take a holiday.

2. Tell Mark he _____ tidy room at once.

3. Visitors are reminded that they _____ keep their bags with them.

4. I’m sorry, but you _____ go. We are closing.

5. I really _____ go on a diet. I’ll start today!

6. I suppose I _____ write to Aunt Rachel one of these days.

7. You absolutely _____ check the tyres before you take the car out today.

8. All officers _____ report to the Commanding Office by midday.

9. You _____ have your hair cut at least once a month.

10. I think men _____ wear jackets and ties in restaurants.

Exercise 226. Complete some of these sentences with your own ideas.

1. I think people should …

2. I don’t think people should …

3. I think children should …

4. I don’t think children …

5. I really must …

6. People really must realize that …

Exercise 227. Write questions for people who don’t know.

1. how much cheese to buy.

How much cheese should I buy?

2. whether to move to London.

3. what she should call her baby.

4. where to put his bicycle.

5. when to pay her tax bill.

6. how to cook a crab.

7. whether to go to the police.

8. whether to take a taxi.

9. whether to take a holiday.

10. how long to wait.

11. what to do at the weekend.

Exercise 228. Choose the right variant.

1. She looks bad. She should (be/have been) more careful about her health.

2. You shouldn't (miss/have missed) the chance. It was a brilliant opportunity for you.

3. I think the policeman was right. She shouldn't (exceed/have exceeded) the speed.

4. I ought to (bring/ have taken) the opera glasses. Now I see nothing.

5. It seems to me that he is a hot-temper person and often flies into a rage because of mere trifles. He should (control/ have controlled) his temper.

6. They should (clear/have cleared) up the problem long time ago.

7. I ought not (to stay/have stayed) there long. The party was a failure.

8. You should (shave/have shaved) this beard of yours!

9. She should (be/have been) more attentive. Didn't she see a car on the right?

10. It's a secret. You ought not to (reveal/have revealed) it to anybody.

Exercise 229. Read the mini-situations and write sentences with should (shouldn't) have, or ought to (ought not to) have.

Example: He had a test this morning. He didn't do it well.

He should have studied more last night.

1. She didn't take a taxi. She was late for the wedding.

2. I didn't eat at home. Now I'm hungry.

3. She bought a TV set last month. Now she regrets doing that. Her children watch it day and night.

4. He signed a contract without reading it thoroughly. Now he has discovered that he has no right to make any amendments there.

5. Mary sold her house. That was a mistake because now she spends a lot of money to rent an apartment.

6. I enjoyed the party last night a lot. Why didn't you come?

7. The driver stopped suddenly and I smashed into the back of his car. It was not my fault.

8. The boy went out without the doctor's permission. Now he is much worse.

9. When we arrived at the hotel there were no free rooms. We hadn't reserved one.

Exercise 230. Read the situation and make sentences with should/shouldn’t or should have/shouldn’t have.

Example: The speed limit is 30 miles but Tom is driving at 50.

He shouldn’t be driving so fast.

When we got to the restaurant there were no free tables.

We hadn’t reserved one.

We should have reserved a table.

1. It’s very cold. Mr. Taylor, who has been ill recently, is walking along the road without a coat. He …

2. We went for a walk. While we were walking, we got hungry but we hadn’t brought anything with us to eat. We said: “We …”

3. I went to Paris. Marcel lives in Paris but I didn’t go to see him while I was there. When I saw him later, he said: “You …”

4. The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is 9 o’clock but the shop isn’t open.

5. The driver in front stopped suddenly without warning and I drove into the back of his car. It wasn’t my fault.

6. The children normally go to bed at 9 o’clock. It is now 9.30. They are not in bed; they are watching TV.

7. The accident happened because Tom was driving on the wrong side of the road.

Exercise 231. Use should to say that you think something will happen.

Example: “Do you think Margaret will pass the examination?”

“Well she should pass the examination. She studied very


1. “Do you think Ted will get the job he applied for?” “Well, … He’s got all the necessary qualifications.”

2. “Do you think Jim will win his tennis match against Tom?” “Well, … He’s a much better player than Tom.”

3. “Do you think 10$ enough to do all the shopping?” “Well, it … But take a bit more in case it isn’t.”

4. “Do you think Alan will manage to understand this book?” “Well, he … He is quite smart.”

5. “Do you think it will rain today?” “Well, it … The sky is cloudy.”

Exercise 232. Make up situations to show the use of should/ought to.

1. He ought to know.

2. You should do it.

3. You should have done it.

4. You ought to do something for him.

5. You ought to have done something for him.

6. You shouldn’t tell anyone about it.

7. You shouldn’t have told anyone about it.

8. How should I know?

9. Why should I do that?

Exercise 233. Look at these notices. Try to explain what they mean using must, have to, be to, should.

Example: Deadline for applications – 1 September.

You should submit your applications by 1 September.

1. Emergency exit only.

2. Pay cash here.

3. Please enter without knocking.

4. Prepaid envelope. No stamp required.

5. No smoking.

6. Silence.

7. Fasten your sit belts.

8. Admission: Adults: 1$, Children: 50c.

9. Come in and look around – no obligation to buy.

10. Exact fare only. No change given.

11. No photographs.

12. Private.

13. Not transferable.

14. Evening dress optional.

15. Valid on day of issue only.

Exercise 234. Translate into English using should.

1. Вам не следует так разговаривать с преподавателем.

2. Тебе следовало сообщить нам об этих изменениях.

3. Нам следует поторопиться.

4. Не надо так расстраиваться.

5. Тебе надо было быть более внимательным.

6. Вам следует помогать родителям.

7. Теду надо бы напомнить о последнем сроке.

8. Тебе не надо было ходить в такую дождливую погоду.

Exercise 235. Translate into English using modal verbs.

1. Тебе следовало позвонить Рону вчера.

2. Кейт не следовало говорить с пожилой соседкой таким тоном. Ее тон, должно быть, и обидел ее.

3. Анн должна была выяснить все до того, как начинать работу.

4. Дэвиду следовало принести документы давным-давно. Теперь слишком поздно.

5. Детям нельзя смотреть фильмы ужасов.

6. Мне проводить гостей? – Нет, не нужно.

7. Тебе придется приготовить ужин самому.

8. В чужой стране необходимо адаптироваться к новым условиям жизни.

9. Зря ты купил эту книгу. Я бы мог подарить тебе ее.

10. Мы, должно быть, не заметили Боба в толпе.

11. Нам не надо было спешить, поэтому мы решили пойти пешком.

12. Почему я должен это делать?