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5.7. Revision

Exercise 319. Read the sentences and note the difference in use of the infinitive and the gerund.

1. I still remember buying my first bicycle.

Remember to lock the garage door tonight.

2. I’ll never forget meeting the President.

I forgot to buy the soap.

3. I regret leaving school at fourteen: it was a big mistake.

We regret to say that we are unable to help you.

4. She went on talking about her illness for hours.

Then she went on to talk about her other problem.

5. We don’t allow smoking.

We don’t allow people to smoke.

6. I’ve stopped smoking.

I stopped for a few minutes to rest.

7. I like washing my hair with a new shampoo.

I like to wash my hair every day.

8. I hate to interrupt, but I must talk to you.

I hate making you feel uncomfortable.

9. Ann tried hard to cope with her new job.

Try adding some more sauce to your pasta.

10. I’m afraid to drive over the old bridge.

George is afraid of breaking his leg if he jumps over the wall.

11. Ben means to move to Newcastle.

Working harder means getting more money.

12. I want to find a better job.

Your dress wants cleaning.

Exercise 320. Choose the right variant with the following verbs.

A remember

1. Remember (to look/looking) ahead when driving.

2. I remember (to pay/paying) him. I gave him two pounds.

3. Do you remember (to meet/meeting) them last summer?

4. Remember (to phone/phoning) as soon as arrive.

5. I don’t remember ever (to see/seeing) you.

6. She does not remember (to ask/asking) this question.

B regret

1. We regret (to miss/missing) this film. It is worth seeing.

2. I regret (to say/saying) I won’t be able to come.

3. She regrets (not to be able/not being able) say goodbye to him.

4. I regret (to inform/informing) you that your application has been rejected.

C be (get) used to/used to

1. He used to (be/being) good at mathematics.

2. I got used to (get up/getting up) very early.

3. In my childhood my aunt used to (bring/bringing) little presents for me.

4. He wasn’t used to (work/working) late at night.

5. He used to (study/studying) late at night when a youth.

6. He quickly got used to (have/having) a good meal and nice suits.

D try

1. Why don’t you try (to give up/giving up) smoking?

2. I tried (to catch/catching) his eye, but he sat motionless.

3. He tried (to cook/cooking) but failed.

4. Do stop talking, I am trying (to write/writing) a letter.

5. He tried (to persuade/persuading) them to sign a contract.

6. Try (to forget/forgetting) it, it is not worth worrying about.

E stop

1. Do stop (to make/making) this awful noise!

2. We’ve only stopped (to buy/buying) some petrol.

3. We stopped (to buy/buying) food in the store because the owner raised the prices.

4. We stopped (to buy/buying) food in the store because we were hungry.

5. They stopped (to produce/producing) refrigerators because of their workers’ strike.

6. He suddenly stopped (to speak/speaking), got up and left without saying anything.

F be afraid to/be afraid of

1. I’m afraid (to take/of taking) an exam because I’m afraid (to fail/of failing) it.

2. He was afraid (to say/of saying) a word because he did not know anybody.

3. I am afraid (to go/of going) by plane.

4. He was afraid (to tell/of telling) her the sad news

G can’t help

1. It is silly of me, but I can’t help (to feel/feeling) anxious.

2. I can’t help (to laugh/laughing) at his jokes.

3.They can’t help him (to do/doing) the exercise.

4. She couldn’t help (to phone/phoning) her mother when she heard the news.

5. He couldn’t help his son (to solve/solving) the problem.

Exercise 321. Open the brackets with either gerunds or infinitives.

1. Do you remember (meet) her last year?

2. Sorry – I forgot (post) your letters.

3. I regret (not visit) her when she was ill.

4. We discussed the budget and then went on (talk) about sales.

5. Do you want to go on (learn) English?

6. He doesn’t allow us (make) personal calls.

7. The hospital only allows (visit) at weekends.

8. I like (watch) TV in the evening.

9. Would you like (spend) the weekend with us?

10. Thanks – I’d love (come).

11. If nothing else works, try (read) the instructions.

12. I’ll try (repair) your car tomorrow.

13. I saw John (wait) for a bus as I came home.

14. I heard you (break) something – what was it?

15. I can feel something (crawl) up my leg.

16. We’ll have to stop (get) petrol.

17. He stopped (work) when he was sixty-five.

18. I regret (tell) you that you have failed your examination.

Exercise 322. Choose the correct way of completing each sentence.

1. Has she told you about her decision (to go/going)?

2. I have difficulty (to read/in reading) quickly.

3. We have no hope (to arrive/of arriving) in time.

4. I hate the idea (to leave/of leaving) you.

5. Is there any need (to tell/of telling) Peter?

6. She has a plan (to spend/of spending) tree years studying?

7. I won’t get married: I dislike the thought (to lose/of losing) my freedom.

8. It’s time (to go/for going) home.

9. I have no wish (to meet/of meeting) him again.

Exercise 323. Put in the correct forms of the verbs.

1. You can’t help (like) him.

2. We decided (stay) at home.

3. We expect (hear) from Ann soon.

4. Do you fancy (go)out tonight?

5. I don’t feel like (cook).

6. When do you finish (study)?

7. I’ve given up (smoke).

8. Imagine (be) married to her!

9. I managed (find) a taxi.

10. Would you mind (pass) the bread?

11. I missed (see) the beginning o the film.

12. She pretended (be) ill.

13. Don’t put off (see) the doctor.

14. He spend ages (talk) on the phone.

15. I want (see) the manager.

16. Do you enjoy (watch) football?

Exercise 324. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Я не люблю, когда мне задают вопросы.

  2. Он вышел из комнаты, не сказав ни слова.

  3. Гуляя по лесу вчера, я нашла огромный гриб.Много читать – много знать.

  4. Роза, растущая под нашим окном, была посажена 3 годы назад.

  5. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы работа была сделана сегодня.

  6. Спасибо вам за помощь в нашей работе.

  7. Роман, написанный этим писателем, популярен в нашей стране.

  8. Мне нравится, когда меня приглашают к себе друзья.

  9. Фильм стоит посмотреть.

  10. Будучи занятый, Джон не смог пойти в кино.

  11. Мальчик, читающий книгу, - мой друг.

  12. Читая книгу, она много смеялась.

  13. Они вышли из комнаты, громко разговаривая друг с другом.

  14. Мне не нравится ваша идея гулять под дождем.

  15. Он смотрел телевизор, сидя в кресле.

  16. Я рада, что повидала вас.

  17. Мне нравится, когда я приглашаю к себе друзей.

  18. Я думаю, что письмо, полученное утром, будет интересным.

  19. Текст достаточно легкий, чтобы вы могли его понять.

  20. Написанное письмо лежало на столе.

  21. Я рада, что училась в музыкальной школе.

  22. Я обожаю слушать музыку.

  23. Она закрыла окно, чтобы вы не простудились.

  24. Я помню, что читал эту книгу.