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Зворот there is / there are.

Коли мова йде про наявність десь певного предмета, особи, тощо, ми начебто відповідаємо на питання: Де є (знаходиться) предмет чи особа ?

The book is in the bag. Книга у портфелі. (Where is the book?) (Де книга?)

Тут помічаємо, що порядок слів у реченнях обох мов збігається, і предмет вживається з означеним артиклем.

Але коли нам треба сказати, що в певному місці знаходиться певний предмет чи особа, ми відповідаємо на питання: Що знаходиться в певному місці? В англійській мові в цьому випадку вживається зворот there is для однини і there are для множини. Відповідне речення в українській мові здебільшого починається з обставини місця.

There is a book in the bag. У портфелі (лeжить) книга. (What is in the bag?) (Що у портфелі?).

Зворот there is / there are складається із службового слова there і дієслова to be у відповідній формі. Цей зворот ставиться перед підметом і вимовляється без наголосу. Українською мовою зворот there is / there are перекладається дієсловами лежить, знаходиться, є, стоїть, вжито тощо або зовсім не перекладається, наприклад:

There are four rooms in the flat. У квартирі чотири кімнати.

There is a radio on the table. На столі стоїть радіоприймач.

Якщо в реченні з there is / there are міститься декілька однорідних членів, то дієслово to be узгоджується з іменником, що йде зa ним.

У теперішньому часі: There is a car in the street. There are cars in the street.

Минулий час: There was a car in the street. There were cars in the street.

Майбутній час: There will be cars in the street.

Тепер давайте порівняємо дієслово have і зворот there is / there are у вираженні однієї й тієї ж думки, але різними відмінниками. Порівняйте:


there is / there are

У нас в бібліотеці багато книг.

We have many books in our library.

У нашій бібліотеці багато книг.

There are many books in our library.

Exercise 1. Read the text.

Pete is sitting on his favourite chair. He is reading a very interesting book, but he is feeling hungry and thirsty. He can see his little sister Ann hanging around in the kitchen.

— Ann, is there any juice in the fridge?

— No, there isn't any juice, but there's a lot of milk.

— Are there any apples then?

— Yes, there are some apples and there's a lovely cake. Would you like some cake?

— Mm ... Yes, please. I'd like a piece of cake, a glass of milk and an apple.

— Hum. Is there anything else you want, your Lordship?

— No, thank you, my dear. That's enough for a start.

Answer these questions:

1. Where's Pete? 2. What is he doing? 3. What is he feeling like? 4. Where is Ann? 5. Is she busy? 6. Is there any juice in the fridge? 7. Where are some apples? 8. Is there a cake in the kitchen? 9. Is it enough for a start?

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences with there is or there are

1.…no Australians in this class. 2…someone at the door. 3.… a mailbox in the corner 4.… a lot of students in class today.

5.… three lamps in the room. 6.… two large windows in the room.

7.… only one door. 8. … a lot of desks in our office.

9.… nobody in the room now. 10.… a letter on the table for you.

11.… several beautiful parks in this city. 12.… twelve months in a year.

13.… only one cloud in the sky. 14.… no one at home.

15.… dishes but no silverware on the table. 16.… no stores in this section

of town

Exercise 3. Change the following sentences from affirmative to negative. Use the contractive form.

Model: There is a flag at the top of the building.

There isn’t a flag at the top of the building.

1. There are two lamps in the room. 2. There is a pillow on each bed.

3. There are two police officers on each corner. 4. There is a big holiday today. 5. There are several doctors in this area. 6. There are ten new words in this lesson. 7. There is a message for you on the hall table. 8. There are enough chairs for everyone. 9. There is plenty of good seats available in this room. 10. There is a comfortable chair in each room. 11. There is a good restaurant near here. 12. There are telephones in every room. 13. There are four dogs in the street.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

A. 1. How many floors are there in your block of flats? 2. How many flats are there in your block? 3. Is there an office in your block of flats? 4. Are there any shops in your street? 5. Is there central heating in your flat? 6. What is there in the corner of your living room? 7. Is there a good library in your flat? 8. Are there interesting books in it? 9. Is there much or little light and air in the rooms? 10. What things are there on the desk? 11. Is there much or little furniture in your room? 12. Are there any shelves on the walls of your room?

B. 1. How many Universities are there in Zaporizhia?

2. How many students (teachers, faculties) are there at your University?

3. How many students are there in your group?

4. How many terms are there in an academic year?


years a century

seasons a year

months a year

How many weeks are there in a month

days a week (month, February)

hours a day

minutes an hour