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Грамматика 1ч.doc
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Означений артикль не вживається:

  1. Перед званнями, формами звернення, якщо за ними йде прізвище:

Professor Snow, Mister Morgan.

  1. Перед іменником-доповненням до присудку, що виражений дієсловом to elect, to appoint. He was elected chairman.

  2. Перед назвами міст, вулиць, площ: London, Trafalgar Square, Oxford Street (але the Hague, the Red Square).

  3. Перед назвами місяців, днів, пір року: in April, on Wednesday, in summer.

Але: якщо мова йде про частину певного року, то перед назвою пори року ставиться означений артикль: in the winter of 1992.

  1. Перед абстрактними і речовинними іменниками, яких не можна перерахувати і які вживаються в загальному значенні: freedom (воля), metal (метал).

  2. Перед власними іменами: Victor, Andrew, Kovalenko, Webster.

  3. Перед назвами країн, географічних місцевостей: Canada, Africa та ін.

  4. Перед словами breakfast (сніданок), lunch (ланч), dinner (обід), supper (вечеря), вжитих у загальному значенні.

We have breakfast at 8 o’clock. Ми снідаємо о восьмій.

  1. У деяких виразах: at night (уночі), by tram, (train, plane, ship) та ін. (трамваєм, потягом, літаком), from morning till night (з ранку до вечора), to go to bed (лягти спати), day after day (день за днем), by heart (напам’ять), to go to school (ходити до школи), at home (вдома) та ін.

Exercise 1 Supply the required articles where necessary.

1. This is … book. It is my … book. 2. Is this your … pencil? – No, it isn’t my … pencil, it is my sister’s … pencil. 3. My … sister is … engineer. Her husband is … doctor. 4. I have no …handbag. 5. This … pen is good, that … pen is bad. 6. I can see … pencil on your … table, but I can see no … paper. 7. They have … dog and two … cats. 8. This is … tree. … tree is green. 9. I can see three … boys. … boys are playing. 10. This … pencil is broken. Give me that … pencil, please. 11. These are … pencils. … pencils are black. 12. This is my … table. On … table I have … book, … pencils, … pen and … paper. 13. This is my … bag. It is … yellow. 14. My … brother is not at … home, he is at … work. 15. I have no … sister. 16. He is not … pilot. 17. He has … child. 18. She has no … child. 19. My granny often tells us … long … interesting … stories. 20. My mother is … doctor. She works at … large … hospital. She is at … work now.

Exercise 2 Supply the required articles where necessary.

1. This is … soup. …soup is tasty. 2. In the morning I eat … sandwich and drink … tea. 3. She gave me … coffee and … cake. …coffee was hot. …cake was tasty. 4. Do you like … ice-cream? 5. She bought …meat, … butter and … potatoes yesterday. She also bought … cake. …cake was very tasty. We ate … cake with … tea. 6. My cousin has … big … black … cat. My cousin’s cat has two … kittens. … cat likes … milk. … kittens like … milk, too. 7. … sky is grey today. … sun isn’t shining. … weather isn’t fine. 8. Where is … cat? - … cat is on … sofa. 9. Where are … flowers? - … flowers are in … beautiful … vase. 10. Where is … vase? - … vase is on … little table near … window. 11. We have … large room. There is … big sofa in … room and … little lamp on … wall over … sofa. I like to sit on … sofa and read… good book.

Exercise 3 Supply the required articles where necessary.

1. Where is … soup? - … soup is in … big saucepan on … gas-cooker? 2. Where are … cutlets? - … cutlets are in … refrigerator on … little plate. 3. There is … carpet on … floor in my … mother’s … room. 4. … people have … breakfast in … morning. 5. What do you do after … breakfast? – After … breakfast I go to … school. 6. There is … proverb “After … dinner sleep awhile, after … supper walk … mile”. 7. For … breakfast I have … coffee with … milk and … sugar. I have … jam, too. 8. What … nice girl she is! 9. What … book did you take from … library on … Tuesday? 10. Yesterday at … lesson of … geography … teacher told us … interesting things about … famous travelers. 11. There is … book on … table. Give me … book, please. 12. Peter is … tallest boy in our … class. He is very … strong, too.

Exercise 4 Supply the required articles where necessary.

1. Several rivers run into … sea at … New York . … most important is … Hudson River which empties into … Atlantic Ocean. 2. … Alps are covered with … snow. 3. … Shetland Islands are situated to … north of … Great Britain. 4. … USA is … largest country in … America. 5. … Crimea is washed by … Black Sea. 6. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean. 7. … Thames is … short river. 8. … Washington is … capital of … United States of … America. 9. Is … Australia … island or … continent? 10. … sun rises in … east and sets in … west. 11. Did you have … good time in the country? – Oh, yes. … weather was fine. We were out of … doors from morning till … night. We played … football, … volley-ball. My friend played … guitar. We came … home late … night and went to … bed at once. 12. Do you often go to … theatre? – No, I don’t. I work from … morning till … evening. I even have no … time to play … piano. 13. Oleg has … lot of … interesting books at … home. 14. What … long story! 15. Dickens is one of … greatest writers of … 19th century.

Exercise 5 (revision) Supply the required articles where necessary.

a) My friend’s … flat is in … new house. There is … living-room, … bedroom, … study, … bathroom and … kitchen in … flat. … bedroom is … large room with … two windows. … room is light as … windows are large. There are white … curtains on … windows. There are … two beds with … large pillows on them. There are … small tables near … beds. There are … lamps on them. To … left of … door there is … dressing-table with … looking-glass on it. There is … low chair at … dressing table. There are … several pictures on … pale green walls. There is … thick carpet on … floor. … carpet is … dark green. … bedroom is very cozy.

b) 1 … living room is … largest of all. 2. It is … nice light room. There is … a large window in it. 3. There are … pictures on the wall. 4. There is … round table in … middle of…room. 5. There is … sofa at … wall with … large thick carpet in … front of it. 6. In … the corner of … room there is … round table.7.On it we can see … books and … telephone. 8. There is … bookshelf over … table. 9. On … bookshelf we can see … newspapers and … book by … Jack London. 10. There is no … bed in … room. 11. On … small table near … window there are … flowers and … glass of water. 12. In … front of … window we can see … armchair. 13. Where is … vase? - … vase is on … little table near … window. 14. There are … flowers in … beautiful vase. 15. Open … window. … weather is … fine today. 16. I can see … sun in …sky.

c) 1. Every day my … brother and I get up at eight o’clock and walk to … school. 2. My brother is … pupil. 3. There is … new school at … corner of our street. 4. He goes to … school in … morning. 5. He has five or six … lessons every day. 6. He doesn’t like to go to … school. 7. He loves … football best. 8. In the afternoon he goes … home. 9. At home he does his … homework. 10. In … evening he reads … books or watches … TV. 11. He usually goes to … bed at … half past ten. 12. At … night he sleeps.

d) 1. When do I have … breakfast? - Usually at 7 o’clock. 2. I have … breakfast in … kitchen.3. There is … bunch of … bananas on … table. 4. I don’t keep them in … refrigerator. 5. There is no … bread on … table. 6. There is … loaf of white … bread on … upper … shelf of … refrigerator. 7. If you want your … bread to be fresh, keep it only in … refrigerator. 8. There is … butter in … butter dish in … refrigerator. 9. What can you see on … shelves? – There is … butter in … butter dish. There is … sausage, but there is no … cheese. There are … eggs and … apples. There is … orange, … lemon and … jam in … little … vase. 10. There are … different things on … dinner table:… cups and … glasses, … jug, … teapot, … plates, … forks and … knives. 11. For … breakfast I have … coffee with … milk and … sugar. I have … jam too. 12. Sometimes I eat …porridge and … ham. 13. I don’t eat soup … in … morning.