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Грамматика 1ч.doc
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Іменник в функції означення.

Іменник (означення) + іменник перекладається:

а) прикметником –

computer centre - обчислювальний центр

electron microscope - електронний мікроскоп.

б) іменником у родовому відмінку

matter structure - структура матерії

substance properties - властивості речовини

service regulations - правила обслуговування

в) іменником із прийменником

pressure gases - гази під тиском.

Відмінювання дієслів to be, to have, у Present, Past, Future Indefinite Active.




to be

I am we are

I was

we were

I shall be we shall be

you are

you were

you will be

he, she, it is they are

he, she ,it was they were

he, she will be they will be

we, you, they are

we, you, they were

we, you, they will be

to have

I (you, we, they) have

I (he, she, it, we, you, they) had

I (we) shall have

he (she, it) has

he (she, it, you, they) will have

Exercise 1. Answer the questions according to the model. Use the given suggestions.

Model: Is it spring in your country now?

No, it is still winter in our country now.

1.Is it autumn in your country now? (still, summer) 2.Was it far from your house to the station? (quite near). 3. Was it fine yesterday? (nasty) 4. Will it be easy to get tickets for this performance? (difficult) 5. Is it too early to leave yet? (high time). 6.Was it difficult to find a room near the lake? (quite easy). 7. Is it time to go to bed? (too early). 8. Will it be possible to guess the end of the story? (impossible)

Exercise 2. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: There was a lot of sun in the afternoon.

It was sunny in the afternoon.

  1. There was a heavy frost last night.

  2. There was a sharp wind yesterday.

  3. There were many clouds in the sky in the morning.

  4. There is a chill in the air today.

  5. There was much rain last summer.

  6. There is much dust on the road.

  7. There was a thick fog on Monday.

  8. There is much mud in the street.

Exercise 3. Make sentences. Use is/isn’t or are/aren’t

Model: a) A ball/round A ball is round

b) Balls/square Balls aren’t square.

  1. A box/square. 2. A box/round. 3. The earth/flat. 4. The earth/round.

5. Bananas/red. 6. Bananas/yellow. 7. Diamonds/expensive.

8. Diamonds/cheap. 9. Air/free. 10. Cars/free. 11. A pen/heavy.

12. A pen/light. 13. Flowers/ugly. 14 .A turtle/fast. 15. Airplanes/slow.

16. English grammar/difficult. 17. English grammar/easy. 18. Traffic/noisy.

19. City streets/quiet. 20. Education/important. 21. The students in this class/very intelligent.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using have and has.

1. We … grammar books. 2. I … a dictionary. 3. Kate … a blue pen. She … a blue notebook too. 4. You … a pen in your pocket. 5. Anna and Bob … notebooks. They … pens too. 6. I … a grammar book. It … a new red cover. 7. You and I are students. We … books on our desks. 8. Nadia isn’t in class because she … the flu. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson … two daughters.

Exercise5. Complete the sentences using to have, to be

1. Both brothers … red hair. 2. You and I … many things in common. 3. Where …you from? 4. What … the weather like today? 5. John … a new wristwatch. 6. I … glad to see you. How … you? 7. What …your parents address? 7. Your money … in your handbag. 8. Dr. Smith … many patients. 9. The employee … a new computer. 10. The news … (not) very bad today. 11. The building …many entrances. 12. You … green eyes. 13. I … hot. Open the window, please. 14. Tom’s parents … travel agents. 15. They … strong accents. 16. Both children … bad cold. 17. Ms. Jacobson, the lawyer … many clients.