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Грамматика 1ч.doc
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  1. Вказівні.

Ці займенники мають однину і множину .



this - цей, ця, це

these - ці

that - той, та, те

those - ті

the same - той (та, те) же самий

the same - ті ж самі

such - такий

such - такі

This is a book - Це книга (підмет)

That is a book - То книга (підмет)

This book is mine - Ця книга моя (означення)

These books are mine - Ці книги мої (означення)

These are books - Це книги (підмет)

  1. Зворотні та підсилювальні



себе, сам



тебе, тобі



себе, сам



себе, сама



cебе, сам, сама, само



себе, самi



себе, самі



се6е, самі

Зворотні займенники завжди пов’язані з дієсловами. У реченні вони стоять після дієслова і виконують функцію додатка.

Підсилювальні займенники належать до іменників або займенників. У перекладі укрaїнською мовою вони відповідають займеннику сам. Наприклад:

John washes himself with cold water. Джон умивається холодною водою.

I did this homework myself. Я сам виконав домашнє завдання.

  1. відносні (зєднувальні) займенники:

Who? (хто?), Whom?(кого?), Whose? (чий?), What? (що, який?), Which? (котрий, який,), That?(котрий?).

I know who wrote this novel. Я знаю, хто написав цю повість.

I know the man who wrote this novel.Я знаю людину, яка написала цю повість.

I know whom you spoke to. Знаю з ким ти розмовляв.

I know whose book that is. Я знаю чия ця книга.

I know what you mean. Я знаю, що ти маєш на увазі.

I know which book you are talking about. Я знаю, про яку книгу ти говориш.

I know the book which you show. Я знаю книгу, яку ти показуєш.

I know that this book is on sale. Я знаю, що ця книга є у продажу.

Exercise 1. Change the following sentences, substituting pronouns for the proper names and nouns.

Model: Tom likes the Browns. — He likes them.

1. Come with Kitty and me. 2. Please read this letter. 3. The letter is from Nelly. 4.1 don't know her husband. 5. I'm glad to meet both you and Ann. 6. We often see our friends. 7. I don't like Ann's brother. 8. Freddy likes to play with his dog.

Exercise 2. Extend the statement showing possession. Follow the given model.

Model: This dress belongs to my sister. It's hers.

1. These things belong to my husband. 2. This coat belongs to me. 3. These shoes belong to my wife. 4. These pens belong to Tom and Betty. 5 .This suit-case belongs to me. 6. These books and magazines belong to us. 7. These toys belong to those children. 8. This basket belongs to my sister.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions according to the patterns.

Use the absolute form of possessive pronouns in your answers.

Model: My sister is at home. — Where is your sister? (at the office). — Mine is at the office.

  1. Our house is in that street. Where is your house? (round the corner).

2 .Her handbag is on the chair. Where is my handbag? (on the sofa). 3. Our teacher is in the classroom. Where is their teacher? (at the Dean's office). 4. His mother is in the country now. Where is her mother? (in town). 5. My son is in the library. Where is your son? (at school). 6. Your photo is here. Where is his photo? (in the album).

Exercise 4. Re-word the following sentences. Pay attention to the indefinite

article before nouns in the singular.

Model: a) He is my cousin. He is a cousin of mine.

b) They are our friends. They are friends of ours.

1. She is their relative. 2. He's her friend. 3. We are your former students. 4. She is his niece. 5. I am your colleague. 6. They are her pupils. 7. She is our neighbour. 8. He is her former school-friend. 9. I am his student.

Exercise 5. Extend the statements according to the patterns, using the

words suggested.

Model: Mary is a lucky girl. (a flat)

She's got a flat of her own.

1. Mr. Brown is a lucky man. (a car) 2. Bob is a lucky boy. (a boat) 3. Jane is a lucky girl. (a TV set) 4. My brother is a lucky man. (a motor-cycle) 5. Mrs. Wood is a lucky woman, (a washing-machine) 6. Miss White is a lucky girl. (a telephone) 7. The Greys are lucky people, (a garden) 8. We are lucky, (a radio) 9. I'm very happy, (a sewing-machine) 10. Tom is very happy, (a kitten) 11. The children are very happy, (a dog)

Exercise 6. Extend the statements following the examples given in the


Model: I like to cook dinner.

I'll cook it myself.

I. Henry likes to drive the car. 2. My sister likes to make cakes. 3. I like to gather flowers. 4. We want to repair the bicycle. 5. Children like to wash the dog. 6. You will not ask anyone to help them.

Exercise 7. Finish these sentences, using expressions with -self in them.

Model: If you want a job done well, do it…

If you want a job done well, do it yourself.

I. He cannot find anyone to repair the radio, so he will repair it ... .2.1 never buy anything until I have seen it ... . 3. They say John broke their table, but really they did it ... . 4. Next year we shall live all by... .5. Did the boys build this boat ... ? 6. You cannot leave that baby in the house all by... .7. In our canteen we have to serve ... . 8. The girl stood at the fire, warming ... . 9. He made a mistake, then he corrected it ... . 10. The man was badly hurt, but he tried to raise ... . 11. They went swimming, but they didn't enjoy ... . 12. How shall we entertain ... ? 13. I hope you didn't hurt ... . 14. What on earth do you mean? Explain ....

Exercise 8. Change the underlined words to the personal pronouns.

1. The man showed pictures to the boy. 2. This book is for children. 3. My mother saw Mary yesterday. 4. My friend went to the theatre with his wife. 5. My brother bought a hat yesterday. 6. Peter spoke to my father about his books. 7. The children are looking at this picture. 8. The girl is sitting with her mother near the river.

Exercise 9. Translate into English

I. Ці олівці належать Анні і Ользі. Вони їхні. 2. Ця іграшка належить її сину. Вона його. 3. Він дуже щасливий, бо має свій власний автомобіль. 4. Діти дуже щасливі, вони мають власного собаку. 5. Вона прочитала їм свiй переклад, а вони прочитали їй свiй. 6. Ми вiзьмемо свої квитки, а ви вiзьмiть свої. 7. Вони принесли свої словники, а ми принесли свої.

II. 1. Я зустрiв у парку їх i їхнього сина. 2. Я не знаю його i його брата. 3. Я знаю їх i їхню дочку. 4. Вона бачила його i його сина. 5. Я запросив їх i їхнього батька. 6. Я запитував про це його i його матiр. 7. Вона послала його i його брата на цю лекцiю. 8. Вона запросила їх i їхнiх дiтей. 9. Ви бачили цей фiльм? — Так, я його бачив учора. 10. Тема лекцiї — Комп'ютер i його використання у нашiй країнi.

III. 1. Ви хочете вiдповiсти на цього листа самi. 2. Вона сама вам принесе цi листи. 3. Вони хочуть пiти туди самi. 4. Ми будемо брати участь у цiй роботi самi. 5. Вiн сам пiдписав цi листи. 6. Я впевнений, що вони це зроблять самi. 7. Я думаю, що вона сама зателефонує вам. 8. Я знаю, що вiн сам був там. 9. Ви повиннi пiти туди самi, Олена. 10. Ваш брат був тут сам учора ввечерi. 11. Вона хоче принести вам цi фотознiмки сама. 12. Я хочу побачити це сама. IЗ. Ми хочемо це зробити самi. 14. Вони хочуть поїхати туди самi. 15. Я думаю, що вони можуть це зробити самi.