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Грамматика 1ч.doc
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  1. Неозначені займенники

Поділяються на прості і складні. До простих належать: all, each, some, other, another, any, much, many, little, few, both, one.

У стверджувальних реченнях вживаються

У питальних реченнях вживаються


деякий, який-небудь, декілька, деякі


який-небудь, декілька, будь-який.










що-небудь, щось


що-небудь, щось

Складні неозначені займенники утворюються від простих займенників some, any, no, every додаванням до них -body, -one, -thing (somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, someone, anyone, everyone, something, anything, nothing, everything).

Give me some pencils.

Will you give me any pencil?

Somebody (someone) knocked at the door.

Did anybody (anyone) knock at the door?

Something has happened

Has anything happened?

У заперечних реченнях вживаються:



not ... any


nobody, no one

ніхто, нікого

not ... anybody, not ... anyone

ніхто, нікого


ніщо, нічого

not ... anything

ніщо, нічого

I have no pencils.

He does not know any English songs.

Nobody (no one) was there.

They did not know anybody (anyone)

Nothing has happened.

She does not know anything.

Займенник some вживається з необчислюванними іменниками і не перекладається:

Give me some tea. - Дайте мені чаю. (мається на увазі не весь чай, а обмежену, певну кількість).

В англійському реченні може бути лише одне заперечення, тобто вживається один заперечний займенник. Наприклад, речення «Ніхто ніколи його не бачив» перекладається : «Anybody never saw him» або «Nobody ever saw him».

nothing no one nowhere


there is




in the room


is there




in the room


there is



no one

in the room










Can we find him anywhere?

Exercise I. Give a short answer according to the model.

a) Have you got any magazines? Yes, ...

Model: Yes, I have got some.

b) Has Jane got any change for the bus? No, ...

No, she hasn't got any.

1. Have you got any letter for me? — Yes, ....

2. Have you got any roses in the garden? — No, ....

3. Has she got any books in the bag? — No, ....

4. Have they got any children? — No, ....

5. Have you got any sugar in the tea? — Yes, ....

6. Has she got any money in her pocket? — Yes, ....

Exercise 2. Finish the sentences adding some or any.

a) She has got some English stories, have you got ... ?

Model: She has got some English stories, have you got any?

b) We haven't got any matches left; we must buy ....

We must buy some.

1. I want some new potatoes, have you got ...? 2.You have much bread. Please give me... . 3. He wants some tea. Do you want ...? 4. I have no cigarettes. May I take ...? 5. Nelly hasn't got any money, but I have .... 6. We haven't got any apples at home. Will you buy ...?

Exercise 3. Extend statements according to the model. Use the words sug-


Model: I haven't got any cakes (biscuits).

I haven't got any cakes, but I've got some biscuits.

1. We haven't got any tea. (coffee) 2. The children haven't got any balls, (cars). 3. Mrs. Wilson hasn't got any drawings here. (photos) 4. Marry hasn't got any newspapers, (magazines) 5. We haven't got any rivers here. (lakes)

Exercise 4. Ask questions according to the model. Substitute any-forms for


Model: There's nobody here. (in the room)

Is there anybody in that room?

1. The book is now here in the house, (in the garden) 2. She has nothing in her hand. (in her pocket) 3. The child has nobody to play with here. (at home) 4. No one is ready for the test-paper, (for a dictation) 5. There is nothing in the box. (near the box) 6. We must go nowhere today, (tomorrow) 7. Nobody can do it at once. (by the evening).

Exercise 5. Extend sentences of contrast, using the given suggestions.

Substitute no-forms for some-forms.

Model: There's something in the box ... (on the table).

There’s something in the box, there's nothing on the table.

1. Father has something in his brief-case, ... (in his suitcase). 2. There's someone in the hall, ... (in the classroom). 3. There's somebody waiting for you in the library. ... (in the dining-room). 4. I have something to drink, ... (to eat). 5. There's someone in the house, ... (in the garden). 6. There's something on the shelf, ... (on the side-board).

Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with pronouns some or any.

I. 1. I have read ... books on the subject. 2. Have you found ... interesting stories in these magazines? 3. He bought... stamps and envelopes. 4. Are there ... illustrations in the book? 5. Here are ... letters for you. 6. I want to

buy ... flowers, as we haven't ... flowers in our garden this year. 7. Have you read ... good books lately? 8. Are there ... lemons in the cupboard? 9. There are ... oranges in the cupboard but there aren't ... lemons. 10. There aren't pictures ... on the walls in his room. 11. There are ... fruit-trees in his garden, but there aren't ... flowers there. 12. Are there ... new magazines in the reading room today?

II. 1. There is ... butter on the table, but there isn't ... milk. 2. Take ...jam, please. 3. Put ... sugar in my tea, please. 4. Did you put ... salt in the soup? 5. He never puts ... sugar in his coffee. 6. Did he give you... money yesterday? 7. There isn't ...hot water in the kitchen? 8. Give me ... money, please. 9. Is there ... bread in the kitchen? 10. He didn't buy ... butter, but he bought ... cheese. 11.1 didn't buy meat today, as my sister brought me ... very good meat yesterday. 12. Have you ... tea?

III. 1. Are there ... apples on that tree? Yes, there are ... . 2. Have you ... interesting books to read? No, I haven't ... . 3. He brought ... books from Kyiv, but she didn’t bring ... . 4. I like flowers, but I haven't got... in my garden now. 5. I bought... envelopes yesterday and I can give you .... if you like. 6. Are there ... good illustrations in this magazine? Yes, there are ... . 7. Did you find ... interesting books in his library? No, I didn't find ... . 8. I like apples and I want to buy... . 9. He didn't bring me ... water though I asked him to bring me ... . 10. I haven't got... bread and I must buy ... today. 11. I like milk, but I haven't ... today. 12. There is ... water in this cup, but there isn't ... in the kettle. 13. I haven't... free time to go there now. 14. We don't like cheese and we never buy... . 15. She poured... milk into her cup and left... in the jug. 16. My mother likes good tea and I intend to send her.... 17. Have you... blue paint? 18. I left my money at home, so I can't give you....

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. В їхньому саду немає фруктових дерев. 2. Я попросив його принести менi молока. 3. Я не маю часу для цього. 4. Купiть менi сиру, будь ласка. 5. Чи є цукор на столi? 6. Я попросив його купити менi м'яса. 7. Купiть менi, будь ласка, синю фарбу. 8. Ви купили молока? 9. Налийте, будь ласка, гарячої води в мiй стакан.

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with pronouns much and many.

1. Has he got ... friends here? 2. Have you got... time for reading now? 3. We haven't invited... people to the party? 4. How... time does it take you to get there? 5. He hasn't... mistakes in his exercises. 6. Did you spend... time on this work? 7. Did she write you... letters when she was in the Crimea? 8. Are there ... apple-trees in your garden? 9. He doesn't drink... wine. 10. How... butter did you buy? II. Does he spend... money on books?

Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, something, anything.

1. Have you heard... about him since that time? 2. Does ... know about it? 3. Did you see ... there? 4. Give me ... to eat, I am hungry. 5. Did... ring me up? 6. We have not asked ... about it. 7. Is there ... new? 8. ... wants to speak to you? 9. Did... come here while we were out? 10. Can you tell me ... about the life of this scientist? II. Are we expecting...? 12. Has ... asked you about it? 13. There isn't... in this suit-case. 14. ... has probably taken my fountain-pen. 15....has opened the window. 16. Did you ask...to help you?

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. Ви з ким-небудь розмовляли про це? 2. Ви кого-небудь зустрiли у парку? 3. Вiн нiчого не знає про це. 4. Вiн нiчого не читав з цього питання. 5. Я бачив когось у коридорi кiлька хвилин тому. 6. Хтось стукає, вiдчинiть дверi. 7. Ми нiкому не говорили про це. 8. Ви що-небудь знайшли на цiй полицi? 9. Вiн розповiв їй щось цiкаве? 10. Ви кого-небудь запитували про це? 11. Ви що-небудь чули про це? 12. Ми нiчого не купили учора. IЗ. Що-небудь сталося з ним учора? 14. Подивiться, щось лежить на пiдлозi. 15. Подивiться, хтось сидить у саду. 16. Хто-небудь заходив до вас учора?

Exercise 11. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. No steamers left the port yesterday. 2. No news reached them before the beginning of May. 3. No difficulty could prevent him from going. 4. No magazines agreed to publish his stories. 5. No motor-cars passed their house that morning. 6. No information could be sent there that night. 7. No shots were heard for quite a long time. 8. No sounds were heard in the village. 9. No boats were seen in the sea. 10. No birds were seen in the sky.

Exercise 12. Use not... a; not... any; not... anything; not... anybody in-

stead of no, nothing, nobody.

1. He knew nothing about it. 2. They wrote nothing to us. 3. There are no illustrations in this book. 4. I saw nobody here. 5. She answered nothing. 6. They bought nothing yesterday. 7. We told nobody about it. 8. They spoke to nobody on this question. 9. I have received no letters from him lately. 10. I have heard nothing about it. 11. There are no apple trees in our garden.

Exercise 13. Translate into English.

1. Я нi з ким не розмовляв про це. 2. Вiн нiчого менi не писав про це. 3. На цiй вулицi немає поштового вiддiлення. 4. У їхньому саду немає квiтiв. 5. Нiхто не знав про це. 6. Нiчого не сталося учора. 7. Нiхто не зателефонував менi учора ввечерi. 8. Нiхто не знає її адреси. 9. Нiхто не казав нам про це. 10. В нашiй бiблiотецi немає iноземних книг. 11. В саду не було дiтей. 12. Я нiколи нiчого не чув про це. 13. Вони нiчого нiкому не казали про це. 14. Нiхто з них не знав про це. 15. Нiхто з нас не хотiв йти туди. 16. Нiхто з моїх друзiв не пiде туди.

Exercise 14. Fill in the blanks with pronouns few or little.

1. There is very... water in the kettle. 2. He has very... friends in Moscow. 3. We have ... free time now. 4. He made very... mistakes in his exercises. 5. Has he ... experience in this matter? 6. We found very … flowers in the forest.7. He has very... hope to see her soon. 8. Why have you bought very... milk? 9. Why have you bought so... sugar? 10. He has very... knowledge. 11. There are so ... flowers in your garden.