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Grammar exercises

Grammar Revision:

  • Present Simple

  • Present Continuous

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Tense .

1. What time ___the banks___ (close) in Britain? 2. I have a car but I (not / use) it very often. 3. “Where ___your father ____(come from)?” “He (come from) Ireland.” 4. “What___ you ___(do)?” “I ____ (be) a personnel manager». 5. He _____(not / approve) your behavior. 6. The swimming bath (open) at 9.00 and _____ (close) at 20.00 every day. 7. “I never ______(complain) of anything. Rita (not / complain) either.” “Oh, but she (do).” 8. Who _____ (come) here most often? 9. Lots of people _____ (enter) this University every year. 10. He usually _____ (get up) early because he _____ (hate) being late to his office.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous Tense.

1. Look! It (rain). 2. He is on holiday. He (not / work) today. 3. You (make) a lot of noise. 4. “What ___you (do) at the moment? Can you help me with my project?” “Oh, I am busy just now. I (fix) my mixer. But if you can wait….” 5. What ___ you (talk) about? 6. What ___you (wait for)? 7. Why ___you (sit) here? 8. “What ___Tom (do)? Why ___he (not / practice)?” “He (have) some rest”.

Exercise 3. Make the following sentences negative and put the questions to the underlined words.

1. The higher education sector provides a variety of courses up to degree and postgraduate degree level, and careers out research. 2. I am having a rest after the interview. 3. They receive a state grant of money, which covers most of their expenses including the cost of accommodation. 4. These universities require any formal academic qualifications to study for a degree. 5. Students are working at their reports now. 6. Many post-graduates have heavy bank loans or are working to pay their way to a higher degree.

Exercise 4. Use Present Simple or Present Progressive Tense.

1. It often rains/ is raining in this part of the world.

2. Take your umbrella. It rain / is raining..

3. I don't know Spanish, but I am learning / learn it now.

4. John is still working /still works in the garden.

5. Usually I am having / have coffee in the morning, but now I drink / am

drinking tea.

6. ‘ What is she doing / does she do?’ –‘ She is a secretary at our college.’

7. We sometimes are going / go to the cinema.

8. ‘Are you doing / Do you do anything tomorrow afternoon?’ – ‘I am playing / play tennis with my friend.’

9. ‘Can you phone a bit later, please? Jane is having /has a bath.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.

1. I often (leave) town over the weekend. 2. Miss Peters (use) the telephone now. 3. The children always (go) to bed early. 4. Mr. Johnson (prepare) dinner now. 5. Look! That boy (run) into the house. 6. Miss Melnick (understand) those words. 7. The students (finish) their papers now. 8. I (need) some money for my textbooks. 9. The guests (watch) that television program now. 10. We (review) the use of the tenses in English this week. 11. Yes, Marjorie (want) some cake and coffee. 12. I (go) to bed around eleven o'clock during the week. 13. We never (go) to the library in the evening. 14. Mr. Harris (teach) English from 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (fly) to California every winter. 16. Daniel Soto (work) thirty-eight hours a week. 17. I (hear) the sound of a motor outside! 18. Our English class always (start) at 8:30 p. m. 19. I (read) an interesting book about the Civil War. 20. Mr. Smith's secretary (sit) at another desk today. 21. The weather (get) very hot here in July and August. 22. My friend (study) his English lesson one hour every night. 23. Mr. Rockwell (pay) his bills at the end of every month.

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.

1. I ___ (think) you ___(behave) rather foolishly. 2. He ___ (understand) the rule, but he still ___ (make) mistakes too often. 3. ‘___ you ___ (believe) his story?’ ‘Oh, no. I never ___ (believe) him. He always ___ (tell) lies.’ 4. Who ___ this house (belong) to? 5. ‘What ___ you ___ (look) at?’ ‘I ___ (look) at the girl over there.’ 6. ___ you ___ (believe) in Santa Claus? 7. Your letters (be) very welcome, but he (want) to know everything at first hand. 8. ‘Listen! ___you (hear) that noise?’ ‘They are our neighbours. They ___ (shout) again.’ 9. ___ your English ___(get) better? 10. You always ___ (have) some problems with your computer. Can I be of any help? 11. ‘Where is Mom?’ ‘She ___ (cook) dinner in the kitchen.’ ‘I ___ (think) I will go and give her a hand.’ ‘Don't! She ___ (be) sulky today. She ___m(not / want) to see anyone.’

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. «Как Вы обычно добираетесь до университета?» – Я еду на троллейбусе, а затем в метро. – «А ваша сестра?» – Она не пользуется метро. Она ездит на работу на автобусе. 2. Тед покупает очень много книг и словарей. 3. Почему вы не хотите воспользоваться такой прекрасной возможностью? 4. «Кто сейчас сдает экзамены?» – Моя подруга. 5. Мы сидим у окна, ярко светит солнце, мимо нашего дома спешат люди. 6. Я не знаю, почему он всегда опаздывает. Наверное, он живет далеко от университета. 7. У тебя дрожат руки! 8. «Почему Боб так редко бывает на занятиях?» – Он часто болеет. 9. Кто знает перевод этого слова? 10. «Когда Вы приходите домой?» – Обычно в 7 часов, иногда – позже. – «Вы очень устаете?» – Иногда я чувствую себя очень усталой, но это быстро проходит. 11. У них сейчас занятие по английскому языку. 12. Мне никогда ничего не рассказывают. 13. Кто пытается Вас обмануть? (Б. Шоу) 14. «Элиза: О чем же тогда речь?» – Хиггинс: Я пытаюсь выразить, насколько я презираю коммерческий подход к жизни. (my contempt for commercialism) (Б. Шоу) 15. «Как часто Вы смотрите фильмы на английском языке?» – Примерно два раза в неделю. Мой брат предпочитает смотреть фильмы на русском, он еще не настолько хорошо знает английский. А я понимаю практически все, что говорят в фильмах. 16. Что означает это выражение? 17. Почему Вы никогда не приходите на занятия вовремя? 18. О, я замечательно провожу время! (Дж. Даррелл) 19. Земля крутится вокруг солнца. 20. Хиггинс: О чем же мы спорим? (Б. Шоу)

Exercise 8. Ask questions about the words underlined.

1. All universities in England and Wales are state universities.

2. There are also a variety of other British higher institutions which offer higher education.

3. The third group consists of new universities founded after the Second World War.

4. Some universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, have an entrance exam before the interview stage.

5. Higher education in England and Wales is highly selective.

6. At the end of the third year of study undergraduates sit for their examinations and take the bachelor’s degree.

7. The Fellows teach the students either one-to-one or in very small groups.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

3 час. 22 мин. 18 час. 15 мин. 15 час. 38 мин.

17 час. 00 мин. 4 час. 44 мин. 1 час. 45 мин.

2 час. 15 мин. 4 час. 08 мин. 23 час. 30 мин.

5 час. 45 мин. 16 час. 53 мин. 4 час. 20 мин.

6 час. 00 мин. 9 час. 35 мин. 8 час. 55 мин.

11 час. 30 мин. 7 час. 17 мин. 19 час. 15 мин.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions.

1. What time do you usually get up? (7 час. 10 мин. утра)

2. What time do you have breakfast? (7 час. 30 мин. утра)

3. What time do you usually go to the University? (8 час. 15 мин. утра)

4. What time do you go into the classroom if classes begin at a quarter past eight? (at nine o'clock, at half past eight, at a quarter to nine, at ten minutes past eight, at twenty minutes to nine)

5. What time do you usually get home? (6 час. 45 мин. вечера)

6. When do you begin doing your homework? (9 час. 15 мин. вечера)

7. What time do you go to bed? (11час. 50 мин. вечера)