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Grammar exercises

Grammar Revision:

  • Present Perfect

  • Present Perfect Continuous

  • Prepositions at/on/in (time)

Exercise 1. Put verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Tense.

1. Where is your father? – I do not know. He just (go out). 2. She never (lose) her temper. 3. The news (spread) like fire. 4. She (be) here several times, but she never (buy) anything. 5. I (know) you for many years, but I never (hear) you speak like that before. What (happen)? 6. I (send) him a letter, but he (not / answer) me yet. 7. Where ___you (be)? – I (be) shopping. 8. ___Jack (move) into his new house yet? – I do not know. I (not / see) him lately. 9. ___you (finish) those letters yet? – I (do) the first letter already, and now I am doing the second, but I (not / start) the one to Mr. Brown yet.

Exercise 2.Put verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1. I (not / sleep) for twelve hours. 2. She (have) a toothache since morning. 3. They (play) football for 2 hours. 4. She (dance) since yesterday evening. 5. Where ___you (work) all this time? 6. She (tell) a lot of lies about me, I am sure. 7. She (not / work) in the library for the last five weeks.

Exercise 3. Make the following sentences negative and put questions to the underlined words.

1. Million students have graduated from high school this year. 2. The Association of American Colleges has issued a report. 3. They have set up colleges to train ministers. 4. Americans have always had a stake in “making the system work”. 5. But they have been criticizing emphasis on admissions examinations in the United States for the last years.

Exercise 4. Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. He knows Africa well because he has been travelling/ has travelled a lot there.

2. You have been writing/ have written this composition for two hours and can not complete it.

3. John is still repairing his car. He must be tired. He has repaired/ has been repairing it all day.

4. Alice promised to come, but she‘s absent. Something has been happening / has happened to her.

5. The children are drawing. They have been drawing/ have drawn

since they came home.

6. Have they been telling/ Have they told anything about their summer plans?

7. My aunt has always been having/ has always had the big house in the country.

Exercise 5. Put verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Tense .

1. She ___ (walk) in the park since morning. It‘s time to have dinner, but she ___ (not / come) yet. 2. He ___ (drive) to London for six hours. How many miles ___he ___ (cover) by now? 3. ‘How long ___ you ___ (learn) French?’ ‘I ___ (learn) since I was ten, but can‘t avoid mistakes.’ ‘My parents know French. They ___ (talk) French to me since I don‘t remember what time.’. 4. ‘Don‘t tell me any more lies. I ___ (listen to) you too long?’ 5. I hear Gerry‘s footsteps. He ___ (come) back. I‘m going away. I don‘t want him to see I ___ (cry). 6. ‘Since when ___ you ___ (sit) here? How long ___you (wait)?’ ‘I don‘t know how long I ___ (wait). I ___ (sit) and ___ (look) at the people passing by since I came here.’ 7. ‘Jack and Tony ___ (play) chess since they are here. Tony ___ (win) six times already, but Jack ___ (win) only twice yet.’ ‘They ___ (not / quarrel)?’ ‘Oh, no. They (not / quarrel).’ 8. He ___ (solve) this puzzle at last. He ___ (solve) it since breakfast! 9. You ___ (drink) too much since the party began! 10. ‘Barry ___ (do) this room since morning and he ___ (not / finish) yet.’ ‘ ___ you ___ (help) him?’ ‘No, I ___ (cook) since he started to do this room. But I ___ (finish) already.’

Exercise 6. Put the verbs into Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. ‘Where is John?’’He ___ (play) football in the yard.’ 2. I ___ (not / like) the picture you ___ (look) at now. 3. What ___ you (talk) about since I left? 4. ___ you ever (be) to Paris? 5. ‘Where ___you (be)?’ ‘I ___ (be) shopping.’ 6. He ___ (stay) here for three months, and I think my father ___ (entertain) him too long. 7. She usually ___ (do) her homework at home, but now she ___ (do) it at the library. 8. She ___ just ___ (come), she will speak to you in a minute. 9. Where ___ you (sit) all this time? 10. ‘What are you looking for? ___ you ___ (lose) your glasses? Let me help you.’ ‘Oh, thanks. I ___ (find) them already.’ 11. I ___ (not / play) football. 12. What ___ you (wait for)? Why ___you (sit) here? 13. We ___ (know) her since she arrived to our city. 14. Phil ___ (enjoy) sports, but he (not / enjoy) music at all.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Он пишет статью уже три часа. Он выпил уже три чашки кофе. Он уже давно не работал так усердно. 2. Они спорят с тех пор, как учитель вышел из класса. 3. «С какого времени ты пытаешься до него дозвониться?» – «С десяти часов». 4. Кто переставлял мои книги? 5. Он ждет этого письма целый месяц. 6. Надеюсь, ваши друзья хорошо за вами ухаживали. 7. Она сидит здесь уже несколько часов. С самого утра сидит на скамейке и ждет кого-то. 8. Эта семья живет здесь с весны. Они уже перессорились со всеми соседями. 9. Чем ты занимался, пока меня не было? 10. «Я только что говорила доктору Хэлидею и его племяннице, какая ты умница». (Дж. Б. Пристли) 11. «Я новичок в городе. Живу здесь только около трех месяцев… И я не пробыл тут еще и недели, как обратил на Вас внимание, мисс Конвей…. И с тех пор я наблюдал за Вами». (Дж. Б. Пристли) 12. «По правде сказать, вы единственный человек, о котором мы еще не говорили». (Дж. Б. Пристли) 13. «Дориан! Какая удача! Я ждал тебя в твоей библиотеке с девяти часов…. сегодня в полночь я уезжаю в Париж». (О. Уайльд) 14. «Ты слишком много пил, Роберт?» – «Да, я слишком много пил». (Дж. Б. Пристли)

Exercise 8. Ask questions about the words underlined.

1. One million students graduated from high school this year have gone on for “higher education”.

2. Colleges and universities are the most important centers of learning.

3. Others have left college without having studied science or government.

4. Today many of these colleges are leading schools in the world of scientific research.

5. American higher education has been changing.

6. About 12 million students currently attended schools of higher education in America.

Exercise 9. Answer the questions. Use the following words and expression: 10(20) minutes, half an hour, an hour and a half, a quarter of an hour, 4(5) hours.

1. How long did it take you to do your homework yesterday?

2. How long does it take you to get home if you go by bus (trolley-bus, underground)?

3. How long does it take you to get to the Hermitage Museum from the centre of St. Petersburg if you go there by underground?

4. How long do you think it takes me to do all the exercises?

5. How long do you think it takes us to read this play by Oscar Wilde?

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. Давайте пойдем в столовую без десяти час. Там в это время не бывает народу. 2. Уроки заканчиваются в три, и уже без четверти четыре я уже дома. 3. Фильм заканчивается в половине седьмого, у нас есть время погулять. 4. Приходите сюда, пожалуйста, в двенадцать тридцать. Мы ждем вас. 5. Я пробыл в институте до половины девятого. Сейчас иду домой. 6. Сколько времени вы находитесь здесь? – Я здесь с двух часов. 7. Я планирую потратить три или четыре часа в день на повторение грамматики английского языка перед экзаменами.

Exercise 11. Complete these sentences with at, in or on and the most likely of these words and phrases.

the week before Christmas midnight lunch the 4th July

half an hour a moment

1. I was talking so much _____that my food went cold.

2. It shouldn’t take long to repair your watch. Come back ____ and I’ll have it ready for you.

3. I was very busy at work and I ended up buying all my presents _____.

4. It’s a holiday in the USA ____.

5. She put her head on the pillow, closed her eyes and _____was fast asleep.

6. The children were still running around the streets ____ , when they should have been in the bed.

Exercise 12. Complete these sentences with in, at or on.

1.The price on electricity is going up ___October.

2. I’ve been invited to a wedding ___14 February.

3. Hurry up! We’ve got to go ___five minutes

4. I don’t like travelling ___night.

5. I’m busy no, but I I’ll be with you ___a moment.

6. Jenny’s brother is an engineer but he is out of work ___the moment.

7. I hope the weather will be nice ___weekend.

8. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived ___ 5 o’clock ___the morning.

9. ___Saturday night I went to bed ___11 o’clock.

10. The course begin ___7 January and ends sometime ___April.

11. My car is being repaired at the garage. It will be ready ___two hours.

12. The telephone and the doorbell rang ___same time.