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Sunday Roast

A traditional roast dinner otherwise known as a Sunday roast, as it is commonly eaten in the UK on a Sunday, is one of the highlights of British cuisine. It is called a traditional meal because it is known to have been prepared in this way for hundreds of years in Britain, and it is a way of gathering family and friends together on a weekend, to congregate around the centrepiece of a roast. Carving the meat is felt to be the most important and enjoyable part of the meal, once the meat is brought from the oven and placed on the table. The meal will usually consist of a type of meat, usually beef or pork or chicken, with accompanying roasted potatoes and other vegetables, affectionately known as the trimmings. The extra vegetables might include cabbage, carrots, and a green vegetable, such as broccoli or sprouts, if in season.

Words and expressions

bean - фасоль, боб

cereal - блюдо из круп, злаков в виде хлопьев

grains - зерно; хлебные злаки

wheat - пшеница

oats - овес

slice - ломтик, ломоть

porridge - (овсяная) каша

adult - взрослый

to relax – отдыхать

to congregate – собираться

centrepiece - предмет, который ставят в центр

to carve - резать, разрезать

trimming - гарнир; приправа

sprouts= brussels sprouts - брюссельская капуста

Task 4. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the names for meals in Britain?

  2. When do most people have for breakfast?

  3. Why is lunch a quick meal in Britain?

  4. What do school-children eat at school?

  5. What time is dinner eaten?

  6. How is Sunday Roast cooked?

Task 5. Translate into English.

Завтракать, обед, ужинать, еда, традиционная еда, здоровая пища, каша, тост с маслом, собираться за столом, отдыхать.

Eating out in London

Task 6. Before you read, discuss the following with your partner.

1. Where do people usually have a meal

- when they are at home?

- when they are at work?

- when they go out?

2. How often do you eat in a restaurant?

3. When did you last eat out in a restaurant? Was the food good?

4. Was the service good?

5. Did you tip the waiter?

Read and translate the text

Traditionally, England may not be famous for its food. But in the past decade this seems to have changed quite a bit. With the opening of numerous London restaurants that rival many of the top restaurants around the world, London can now rightly consider itself one of the culinary capitals of the world.


London has a wide variety of restaurants, catering to just about every taste and budget. The highest concentration of restaurants can be found around the city center, with Soho containing a sizable collection of tasty eateries.

Good restaurants will usually be very busy on a Friday and Saturday night and booking a table is advised. The most popular time for bookings is between 8 pm and 9 pm. You can book either by visiting the restaurant in person or by telephone. All restaurants in the UK are now a non-smoking area.

For most people, eating out is an informal affair. It’s very rare that a restaurant enforces a dress code, although the pricier the restaurant, the smarter the clientele tend to be. In the top end hotels and restaurants you may find some places that require men to wear a jacket, a tiny number of places also insist on a tie. "Smart casual" is fine everywhere else.

Restaurants are one of the few areas of British life where tipping is standard practice; 10% to 15% is usual. Some restaurants will include a 12.5% service charge on the bill, so you need to check in order not to tip them twice. And always try and tip in cash, as some restaurants don’t pass on credit card tips to their table staff.


Most pubs now serve food as it brings more customers through their doors. Pub food varies in quality from fresh home made produce to re-heated, mass produced menus. Decent pub grub is extremely good value for money and some pubs offer such as two courses for £5 or children eat free.

Most pubs serve food at lunchtime, many in the evening and some now stay open all afternoon. Many pubs (especially in quieter areas) will be closed between 3 pm and about 5.30 pm. Closing time will be sometime from 11 pm.

A typical pub menu will offer a variety of choices such as fish and chips, lasagne, curry, chicken pie, salads, pasta, jacket potatoes, steak and grill and sandwiches. Nearly all of these will be accompanied by chips!

Pubs operate in different ways when it comes to ordering but you usually choose a table which will have a number on it. You then decide what you want and at the bar. A waiter will then bring your food to the table.