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11 мая.УП с grammar refe_2.doc
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Words and expressions

railway –железная дорога

arrival – прибытие

departure – отправление

delay – задержка

destination – место назначения

seat – место

carriage – вагон

luggage van – багажный вагон

single ticket – билет в одну сторону

return ticket – билет в обе стороны

compartment – купе

commuter period – период использования сезонных билетов

surges, premium fare – надбавки к оплате проезда

booking office – билетная касса

porter – носильщик

to catch/to miss the train – успеть на поезд/опоздать на поезд

ticket – inspector -контролер

local/suburban train– местный/пригородный поезд

long distant train – поезд дальнего следования

Task 8. Answer the questions.

1. Why is the railway service in the UK expensive?

2. Where can the information about railway be found?

3. What are the prices on tickets depend on?

4. What is the difference between the first and second class?

5. Where can passengers book tickets?

6. What is the level of service on the British railways?

7. What information can you learn at every railway station?

Task 9. Find the English equivalents in the text.

Станция назначения; заказать билет заранее; плата за проезд; железнодорожная сеть; уменьшить стоимость проезда; объявления по радио; таблички; персонал на платформе; очередность прибытия поездов; обслуживание пассажиров.

Task 10. Translate the words and write those from which they are formed.

Railway, departure, seasonal, tourism, destination, arrival, announcement, station.

Task 11. Read the text and put the words in brackets into the correct form of the speech.

Travelling alone.

Debbie Chaplin, a (1 - medicine) student travelled by herself for eight months last year in Asia and South America. “I was not (2 -frighten) by the idea of doing a long trip without a (3- company).Some people think that wanting to travel alone is a sign of (4 - selfish), but are freer when you make all the (5 - decide) on your own. At the beginning, or when I was ill, I (6 - occasion) felt lonely, but I made many friends so I wasn’t (7 - care) to avoid obviously (8 -danger) situations. In some countries people stared and made rude comments. Sometimes I reacted (9 - aggression) because I was annoyed, but I never worried about my (10 - safe). I will definitely travel like that again. Next time I will be more (11 - patience) and I won’t try to do so much.”

Task 12. Read the dialogues and dramatize them.

At the booking office.


A:Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

B: Good morning. I’ve found out from the timetable that there are several trains to Brighton daily.

A: Yes, quite so. The nearest is at 12.20

B: Well, I’ll take it. One ticket, please.

A: Single or return?

B: Single, please.

A: Here you are. The train is leaving from platform 3.

B: Is there a buffet-car on the train, miss? I’d like to have a snack.

A: Unfortunately, no. But if you are hurry up, you can get a snack at a cafeteria in the station, otherwise you have to do without breakfast.

B: Thank you very much.

A: Not at all.


Passenger: Good evening.

Booking -clerk: Good evening, sir.

P.: I’d like three tickets to Glasgow for tomorrow.

B.: Which train?

P.: The 10.20 express .

B.: Second class?

P.: Yes, second-class sleeper.

B.: Single or return?

P.: Three return tickets, please.

B.: Just a minute. Let me see. Yes, I can give you three berths in one compartment. Here you are.

P.: Thank you.