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Grammar exercises

Grammar Revision:

  • Future tenses

  • The structure to be going to

  • Word-building

Exercise 1. Complete these sentences, using will or going to.

1. A: Poor Sue went to hospital yesterday.

В: I'm sorry to hear that. I _____to buy some flowers.

2. A: This room's very cold.

В: You're right. I ___ the heater.

3. A: Are you still going out with Alice?

В: Oh yes. We____ get married next year.

4. A: Oh dear. I can't do this homework.

В: Don't worry. I _____ you.

5. A: Did you remember to book seats for the theatre?

В: No, I forgot. I _____now.

6. A: It's John's birthday tomorrow.

В: Is it? I can't afford a present but I_____a card.

7. A: How old are you?

В: I'm 64. I ______retire next year.

8. A: Why are you buying so much food?

В: Because I _____cook for ten people.

9. A: Jack is very angry with you.

В: Is he? I didn't realize. I _____ring him and apologize.

10. A: Why are you leaving so early?

В: Because the teacher gave us a lot of homework and I ____very


Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences using will or going to in the correct form. Sometimes both will and going to are possible.

1. A : I _____make myself a sandwich. Do you want one?

В: No thanks. I ____have something later.

2. A: Helen and Les _____Florida this year for their holidays.

В: How wonderful! The boys ____love it, especially Disneyland.

3. A: Bye, Mum. I ___meet Tom and Mel. I ___be back at about ten


В: Have a good time, but don't be late again or I ___be furious.

4. A: Jo _____be mad with me when she finds out I've smashed the car.

В: She ____understand. Just tell her it wasn't your fault.

5. A: I (not)____work today, I feel awful.

В: Don't worry, I _____ring your boss and tell her you're sick.

6 . A: I'm tired. I think I ___go to bed.

В: Goodnight. I _____watch the news, then I_____join you.

7. A: My boss has told me I _____be promoted. I'm afraid that means

longer hours at the office, darling.

В: Don't worry. I _____get myself a dog for company. I'm sure we

_____have more to talk about!

8. A: Mr. Smith, now you've won the lottery you be the fifth richest man

in England. How do you feel about that?

В: I _____tell you next week. I'm too overwhelmed to think about it


Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect.

1. By Christmas they___ (sell) over five million greetings cards. 2. By this summer the city council ___ (spend) £2 million on redecorating the old town. 3. By 2030 the climate in Europe ___ (become) much warmer. 4. By the end of this decade our town ___ (invest) $1 million in the tourist industry. 5. By the next Olympic Games many records in sport ___ (be) broken. 6. By the time scientists find a cure for AIDS, many thousands of people ___ (die).

Exercise 4. John is a promising young scientist. Use the cues and the Future Perfect to predict his achievements in the future.

1. by 2020/publish eleven books

2. by end of decade/discover a treatment that can cure all kinds of cancer

3. by the time he's thirty-five/become a professor

4. by end career/receive several honorary doctorates from famous universities

5. by end of next year/finish writing his PhD

6. by 2010/write a book about genetically transmitted diseases

7. by next summer/be to fifteen conferences

8. by 2015/do a lot of research on cancer

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the Future Continuous.

give, work, write, watch, drive, put up, use

1. I won't be able to answer the phone in the afternoon. I____ a talk at a conference. 2. Why don't you drop by on Wednesday night? I____a tennis match and it will be more fun if somebody joins me. 3. I ___to town in the afternoon. Would you like me to give you a lift? 4. ___you ____your bike this afternoon? Could I borrow it for half an hour? 5. This time on Saturday I ____my tent by the lake. 6. We shouldn't disturb them tonight. Tricia ____her article and Nick ____on his lecture.

Exercise 6. These are predictions about the future of a group оf classmates in 2020. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect.

1. Megan (work) as a columnist in a fashion magazine. 2. Peter (write) at least a few popular cookery books. 3. Kylie (take) part in a few expeditions to the Arctic. 4. Jeremy (receive) two Oscars for best special effects in sci-fi films 5. Pet (write) best-selling horror stories. 6. Andre (look) after his children at home.

Exercise 7. Choosing future forms. Use each expression once in the pairs of sentences.

1. 'I've got a headache.' 'Stay there. I get / 'll get you an aspirin.'

2. I can't do my homework tonight. I'll see / 'm going to see a movie.

3. 'What are you going to give me for my birthday?' 'I don't know yet. I'll

see / 'm going to see '

4. So you're going to America for a year! What are you going to do / will

you do when you get there?

5. I'm sure you'll pass your exams, but what are you going to do / will you

do if you fail them?

6. I 'll come /‘m coming with you if you like.

7. What are you doing / are you going to do about that leaking tap? You

said you'd fix it ages ago!

8. What are you doing / are you going to do this weekend?

9. It 's raining / 's going to rain tomorrow, so now's the time to cut the grass.

10. Oh, no! It's raining / 's going to rain! That means we can't play tennis.

11. Look out! He'll crash / ‘s going to crash !

12. Don’t lend Peter your car. He’s a lousy driver. He’ll crash/’s going to

crash it.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the verb in the Future Simple, Future Continuous, or Future Perfect. Use only these tenses.


1. 'Don't be late tonight.' 'OK. I_____ a big effort to be on time.'

2. You'll know where the party is. We_____so much noise that you'll hear us from the other end of the street.

3. Ask me again tonight what I want for my birthday. I ____ up my mind by then.


1. Come round about 8.00 tonight. We eat at 7.00, so I ___supper by then. We can go straight out.

2. 'What would Jennie like to drink?' 'She ___a glass of wine, I think.'

3. We need Harry's advice on this matter. I ___a meeting with him some time over the next few days, so I'll ask him.


1. When I've been to Mustique and Barbados, I ___all the islands of the Caribbean.

2. I'm looking forward to meeting you again. You ___how much my English has improved.

3. My cousin has temporarily moved into the flat downstairs, so I ___a lot of him for the next few months.

Exercise 9. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the correct forms: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Present Continuous, be going to.


I haven't had time to go shopping today.


Don't worry. I (go) to the supermarket tomorrow morning. I (not go) to work as the office is being repainted.


Lucky you! What (you/do) all day?


I don't know yet. I (probably/work) a bit at home and in the afternoon I (meet) Frank. He phoned me yesterday. We probably (sit) in the pub all evening, as usual.


(you /cook) dinner by the time you leave for the pub? You know, I (be) in the studio all day and I think I (not/have) time to eat anything. I (be) very hungry when I come home.


I'm afraid I (not/have) the time to cook a big meal but I

(make) you some soup. (you/go out) in the evening?


No. I (have) a bath and read my book in bed. I (probably/finish) it by the time you get home!

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. Когда вы уезжаете? Мы уезжаем в следующую пятницу. 2. Завтра в это время я буду лететь над Атлантическим океаном. 3.К пяти часам мы уже получим багаж в аэропорту. 4.Как будете добираться до аэропорта? Мы еще не решили на самом деле. У нас машина в ремонте. Что ж, я подброшу вас. 5.Когда отправляется ваш поезд? В 9 утра. И сколько времени займет дорога до Брайтона? Не более 4 часов. 6. Что вы собираетесь делать летом? Мы поедем в Испанию. 7. Какое у вас расписание на завтра? – В 8 я встречаюсь с мистером Брауном. В офисе я буду в 12, после ленча. Мой отчет будет готов к 2 часам, и мы с вами вместе сможем поговорить с менеджером о вашем проекте.

Exercise 11. Word-building. Use these suffixes to form nouns and give translations to the words.

-ee: address, pay, employ, refer, trust.

-er: teach, employ, pay, play, hunt, buy, produce.

-ment: employ, develop, pay, agree, achieve, treat.