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11 мая.УП с grammar refe_2.doc
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Words and expressions

to disrupt– разрывать, разрушать

snippet– отрывок (из книги)

resistant –стойкий, прочный

transparency– прозрачность

opaque– непрозрачный, светонепроницаемый

accomplishment – достижение

impenetrable– недоступный, непроницаемый

Task 4. Match the definition with their English words and Russian equivalents.

1. a sort of a tune used in adverts

2. advert on radio or television

3. a large board in a public place on which posters are put

4. a phrase used in advertising to attract attention to the product

5. advertising for a product in places where it is sold

6. a small piece of printed paper that advertises smth

7. famous person, celebrity speaks on behalf of a product

8. advertising materials sent through the mail

музыкальный логотип point- of -sale advertising

реклама на радио, телереклама jingle

доска для афиш и объявлений slogan

рекламный девиз mailshots

реклама в месте продажи endorsement

листовка commercial

поддержка товара billboard

разовая рассылка рекламных материалов leaflet

Task 5. Combine a word from A with one from B to match each of the definitions and match with Russian equivalents.

Рекламирование товаров знаменитостями; Целевая аудитория; Размещение рекламы товаров внутри телепрограмм; Исследование рынка.

A: B:

target endorsement

market placement

product audience

celebrity research

1. _____demographic group that the advertising campaign is aimed at.

2.______activities involved in obtaining information about a particular market.

3._____arrangements for appearing a product in a film or television program.

4._____well-known people promote a product.

Task 6. Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the underlined words.

1. The different средства распространения рекламы include television, radio, newspapers, magazines, справочники and direct mail by which advertises send letters, brochures and leaflets directly to the potential customer.

2. Advertising informs consumers about the benefits of products and services, and attempts убедить the consumers to buy them.

3. The best form of advertising is free изустная реклама, which occurs when satisfied customers recommend products and services to their friends.

4. Emissions have been reduced significantly and carmakers сообщили these advances in their advertising.

5. Sports shoe manufactures do a lot of market research before they выпустят новый товар на рынок.

6. A company can advertise in a variety of different ways, depending on how much it wishes to spend and the size and type of audience it wishes определить.

7. Many advertisements contain девизы or short phrases to attract a customer's attention.

8. Our marketing department is responsible for carrying out исследование рынка to determine the целевую аудиторию.

9. I was listening to the radio in the car this morning and now I can't get this ridiculous мелодию out of my head.

10. Рекламирование товаров знаменитостями is a commonly used метод, способ проведения рекламы which can be very profitable both for movie or sports stars and for the company.

11. American stars rarely appear в телевизионных рекламных роликах in the USA because it will harm their own image.

12. I find it so irritating to pick up the Sunday newspaper and have so many рекламных материалов fall out all over the place.

13. Huge рекламные щиты by the roads have the same aim as small advertisements in newspapers and magazines. They tell us of availability of some goods and appeal to make a choice.

14. Our company decided to arrange рекламу в месте продажи for a new range of cosmetics and to give our potential customers бесплатные образцы in order to increase sales.

15. Many companies оказывают финансовую поддержку events to maintain their image or to create a new one. 16. Финансовая поддержка can cover a whole range of activities including sport, education environmental and social community projects.

17. On average American companies spend annually more than $50 million on размещение рекламы товаров внутри телесериалов.

Task 7. Practice the following dialogue.

Sonya: …across to our reporter, Ken Diaz.

Ken: Thank you, Sonya. Yes, I am standing here at the scene right now, and with me is an eyewitness, June Cross. Can you tell us what you saw?

June: Well it all happened so fast…there was this incredibly loud noise, and everything shook

Ken: Some kind of explosion, perhaps?

June:Yes. Yes, it must have been.

Ken: And then what happened?

June: Everyone was screaming and running…Some people crawled under cars…

Ken: That's when the building collapsed?

June: Yes … there was dust and smoke everywhere…It was awful!

Ken: Thank you. Well, Sonya, behind me you can hear the sound of sirens as more rescue workers arrive. Police have cordoned off the area and firemen are already searching the rubble

Task 8. Explain the words in bold of Task 7.