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Раздел 17 Значения некоторых приставок

Упражнение 83

A. Найдите в предложениях слова с отрицательным значением, выраженным различными приставками: ab-, dis-, поп-, ип-, il-, im-, in-, ir-.

Определите, какой частью речи являются эти слова.

Б. Отбросив приставки, составьте антонимические пары слов и дайте их перевод.

Например: complete - incomplete полный - неполный

B. Переведите предложения.

  1. Connective tissue consists mainly of long fibers embedded in noncellular matter, the ground matter.

  2. In surgical patients suffering from the condition there is frequently sudden and uncontrollable hemorrhage.

  3. Many drugs produce some very useful action but have in addition some highly undesirable side action.

  4. Crohn's disease is believed to be a genetic disorder, and is related in some way to an abnormal tissue response to an unidentified etiologic agent.

  5. When a wound is extensive, with uneven edges, the repair cells are unable to pull the edges together.

  6. The symptoms of chronic nephritis are often unpredictable, with great variations in different cases.

  7. The goal of psychoanalysis is to uncover unconscious psychological patterns and enable the patient to discover the influence of these patterns in daily life.

  8. Unfortunately there are no immediate solutions for preventing or reversing this form of progressive deafness.

  9. A potential disadvantage of combined therapy is the possibility that antibiotics, when administered together, may actually interfere with each other's action.

  1. The medication should never be discontinued abruptly for any reason.

  2. The body in its normal processes regulates cell growth in an orderly manner. In cancer, there is no regulation and cell reproduction and growth is disorderly.

  3. When platelets encounter a leak in a blood vessel, they disintegrate and adhere to the edges of the injured tissue.

  4. To homeopaths illness is seen as a sign of disharmony or imbalance in the body's normal working.

  5. Congenital heart defects result from improper development of the heart and blood vessels during the prenatal period.

  6. Some joints are immovable, such as certain fixed joints where segments of bone are fused together in the skull.


  1. The amplitude of a pulse can range from totally impalpable to bounding and full.

  2. If total adrenalectomy is necessary, the removal of both glands creates a serious and potentially fatal insufficiency of the hormones these glands produce.

  3. The formation of the bladder stones results from incomplete emptying of bladder, with pooling of urine and inadequate elimination of wastes.

  4. For centuries medicine and pharmacy were not independent.

  5. Edema of the ankle is not infrequently observed in the severe anemias but its cause is not always apparent.

  6. Galen ['geuan] (A.D. 130 — 200) made many valuable anatomic and physiologic observations on animals and applied many of them inaccurately to man.

  7. Indigestible parts of the food pass into the large intestine.

  8. Glucose intolerance due to insulin lack resulting from degeneration of the islets of Langerhans is a late manifestation of chronic pancreatitis.

  9. The connection between rheumatic fever and a previous streptococcal infection has been proved only indirectly.

  10. Irregular slow waves, called delta waves, are normally found in deep sleep.

  11. Amnesia victims usually have a good chance of recovery if there is no irreparable brain damage.

  12. If the bone marrow is not irreparably damaged, the prognosis is good with proper treatment.

  13. The complex network of innumerable and microscopically small capillaries distributed throughout the tissues supplies blood to all cells in the body.



А. Выпишите выделенные слова и найдите их пере­вод. Определите в них корень и приставку. Отбро­сив приставку, составьте пары однокоренных слов. Возле каждой пары напишите значение приставки.

Например: malnutrition - недостаточное питание nutrition - питание (mal- - плохой, неправильный)

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. The presence of albumin in the urine indicates malfunction of the kidney.

  2. The endocrine glands and enzymes are vital to the proper use of food by the body, and defects in their functioning may cause forms of malnutrition.

  3. In medical and nursing practice, malpractice means bad, wrong, or injudicious treatment of a patient professionally.

  4. A lack of vitamin D can cause rickets, which results in malformed limbs in infants because the bones fail to harden properly.


  1. 90% of people infected with ТВ never show signs of the disease unless they become malnourished or immunosuppressed.

  2. Anyone can become undernourished if he seriously neglects his diet.

  3. Overnutrition disturbs metabolism in many ways. It often begins in infancy with the use of overconcentrated milk formulae laced with sugar.

  4. Overweight children usually become overweight adults.

  5. Overindulgence in alcohol does not alleviate anxiety but only makes it worse.

  1. The major benefits obtained in treating diseases such as lymphoma, breast cancer and multiple myeloma far outweigh the risks of developing a second malignancy.

  2. Lay persons often are misinformed about the cause and effects of acne.

  3. The primary aim in the treatment of metabolic alkalosis is to reestablish fluid and electrolyte balance.

  4. To reroute the flow of blood around blockages in coronary arteries, surgeons must graft other vessels (taken from the patient's chest and leg) onto the diseased vessel, past the obstructions.

  5. Certain cells can resynthesize glucose.

  6. A premature baby has little fat of any kind, and unless it is artificially kept warm its temperature quickly falls to a dangerous level.