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Раздел 12 Составные предлоги



А. Ознакомьтесь со списком составных предлогов и объедините их в синонимичные группы.

according to согласно, в соответствии

along with наряду

as regards что касается, в отношении

as to относительно, что касается

because of из-за, вследствие, благодаря

by means of при помощи, посредством

by virtue of благодаря, в силу, посредством

by way of посредством, при помощи

depending on в зависимости от

despite несмотря на

due to из-за, вследствие, благодаря

in addition в дополнение, кроме

in regard to относительно, что касается

in spite of несмотря на

in view of ввиду

owing to из-за, благодаря

regardless of невзирая на

with regard в отношении, относительно

Б. Переведите предложения, содержащие составные предлоги.

  1. Antibodies can be classified according to their mode of action.

  2. Artificial respiration is also administered along with other procedures in case of cardiac arrest.

  3. There is no general agreement as to the normal and therapeutic daily require­ ments of vitamin C.

  4. There has been a reduction in incidence of secondary amyloidosis (the deposition of amyloid) in recent years because of the development of drugs that are successful in controlling infection and suppuration.

  5. The only treatment available for this condition is dialysis by means of what is sometimes called an artificial kidney.

  6. Phagocytosis is the property possessed by many animal cells of engulfing particles by virtue of their power of ameboid movement.

  7. Cystitis may result from an ascending infection coming from the exterior of the body by way of the urethra.


  1. There is a variety of medications that may be prescribed for patients with rheumatoid arthritis depending on the needs and tolerance of the individual patient.

  2. Despite their minute size, the capillaries have a vast total area.

  1. Cyanosis can indicate hypoxia due to inadequate numbers of oxygen-bearing erythrocytes.

  2. In addition to the physical effects of general anesthesia, the emotional and psychological aspects must also be considered.

  3. The pH concentration is extremely important in evaluating a patient's status in regard to states of acidosis and alkalosis.

  4. In view of the many functions of the liver, it is essential to identify specific problems.

  5. If untreated, and sometimes in spite of treatment, the joint pathology in rheumatoid arthritis goes through four stages.

  6. The treatment of chronic renal failure is highly complex owing to its impact on systems throughout the body.

  7. Like the cells of other tissues, the white cells occasionally multiply regardless of the body's needs.

  8. With regard to the wandering cells some are certainly non-phagocytic, for instance, the lymphocytes.

  9. As regards the different varieties of phagocytes, a number of cells possess ameboid properties.