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Раздел 11 Служебное слово as

Упражнение 62

А. Служебное слово as может иметь значения разных частей речи. В значении предлога или наречия as переводится на русский язык "как", "в качестве".

Б. Переведите предложения с предлогом as.

  1. Lymph acts as a "middle-man" between the tissues of the body and the blood.

  2. The spleen acts as filter against foreign organisms that infect the bloodstream.

  3. The membrane of a red blood cell acts as an envelope.

  4. The skin through its sensory innervation acts also as sense organ for the perception of pressure, temperature and pain.

  5. Enzymes are special proteins which act as biological catalysts in cells.

  6. As a metabolic organ, the kidney is responsible for the constancy of acid-base balance of the body.

  7. As an exocrine organ, the pancreas has an important digestive function.

  8. The cell is regarded as the smallest unit of living matter that can live independently and reproduce itself.

  9. Although a part of the immune system, skin is often viewed as simply a barrier between the body and the outside world.

  1. Blood is carried throughout the body in a closed system of tubes known collectively as blood vessels.

  2. Water is excreted in expired air, as a constituent of the faeces, through the skin as sweat and as the main constituent of urine.

  3. Increase in the white cells in infection is known as leucocytosis.

  4. The larynx and trachea are subject to the same viral and bacterial infections as the nose and pharynx.

  5. Lung cancer has now surpassed breast cancer as the primary cause of death.

  6. All the structures and organs are held together by the connective tissue, made up of cells that act as a kind of packing to protect and support the internal mechanisms.

  7. Substances in the body are regarded as waste materials if they cannot be used by cells and if their accumulation will upset the fine balance which must be maintained between chemical substances in the internal environment.

Упражнение 63

А. Служебное слово as, выступая в роли союза, вво­дит придаточные предложения обстоятельства вре­мени и причины. В зависимости от содержания предложений as может переводится на русский язык:

а) "когда", "во время", "в процессе", "по мере того,


б) "так как", "поскольку".

Б. Переведите предложения с союзом as.

  1. Fibrin is a substance formed in the blood as it clots.

  2. The lungs remove waste material (carbon dioxide) from the blood and expel it as we breathe out.

  3. Calcium is essential for normal functioning of all body cells as it is mediator for many cell functions.

  4. Bone cells replace cartilage as a person grows.

  5. Measles can be a serious disease as it weakens the body resistance to other diseases especially bronchitis and ear infection.

  6. The epidermis is constantly being renewed as dead cells are shed from its surface.

  7. Accumulation of subcutaneous fluid must be watched carefully as they can contribute to infection and tissue necrosis.

  1. Close scrutiny of the skin is an important aspect of any physical examinations as skin condition can provide the examiner with valuable information concerning general health.

  2. As the aorta reaches each organ, it branches to form arteries.

  1. As the arteries get further from the heart, they branch into smaller and smaller arteries.

  2. As the filtered blood passes through the nephron glucose, amino acids, mineral salts and most of the water are reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

  3. As the blood travels from the arteries to the narrower vessels, its pressure falls as the energy imparted to it by the heart contraction is gradually lost.

Упражнение 64

А. Служебное слово as может входить в состав слож­ных союзов:

as long as - "пока"; "в то время, как"; "по мере" и as soon as - "как только".

Б. Переведите предложения с придаточными об­стоятельственными, которые вводятся этими союзами.

  1. The body commences its work of digestion as soon as food enters the mouth.

  2. As soon as the baby is born its lungs inflate.

  3. Normal kidney function can continue only as long as the processes of filtration, reabsorption and secretion function within relatively narrow limits.

  4. Persons without spleens are vaccinated against pneumococcus and advised to take antibiotics as soon as an infection begins to develop.

  5. As soon as a blood vessel is cut, its lumen automatically constricts to reduce the flow of blood.

  6. Many cholesterol gallstones can be dissolved without surgery as long as the gallbladder has retained its ability to concentrate bile.

  7. The antigen-antibody reaction begins as soon as substances interpreted as foreign invaders gain entrance into the body.

  8. As long as the heart pumps the blood, the body gets the oxygen it needs.

  9. Malignant hypertension is treated as a medical emergency as soon as it is diagnosed because it can be fatal if not treated immediately.

  1. As soon as Pasteur [pa:s'ta:] in France and Koch [ko:kh] in Germany had shown how microbes cause disease bacteriologists began to study immunity.

  2. According to the experts, there is nothing unhealthy about eating chocolate, as long as it is part of a balanced diet.

  3. As new viruses are produced, they are released from the cell to infect other cells. The new viruses become lifeless as soon as they are released.

  4. A number of studies have suggested that taking large amounts of vitamin С as soon as you get a cold may shorten the time you are sick by day or so.

  5. The adaptive mechanisms for maintaining normal volume and distribution of fluids inside and outside the cells function only as long as there is adequate and equal intake and output of water and electrolytes.