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Раздел 9 Сложно-подчинённые предложения 9.1 Придаточные предложения подлежащие Упражнение 43

А. Проанализируйте структуру сложно-подчинённых предложений с придаточными подлежащими. Опи­раясь на схему, приведённую ниже, найдите ядро в главном и придаточном предложениях, Сказуе­мое в главном предложении согласуется с подле­жащим, выраженным придаточным предложением. Иногда подлежащим придаточного предложения может являться союзное слово.

Сложно-подчинённое предложение

Союз/ союзное + слово

главное предложение

придаточное предложение n v

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. What causes the cells to stick together is the puzzle in the theory of thrombosis.

  2. What cannot be absorbed into the blood is passed out through the large intestine as feces.

  3. How cancer develops is no longer a mystery. Investigators have made astonishing progress in identifying the deepest bases of the process — those at the molecular level.

  4. Exactly how pain is perceived is still a puzzle.

  5. How long animals sleep is very variable.

  6. Despite the extensive research that has been carried out into diabetes, exactly why the body fails to produce enough insulin remains a mystery.

  7. To what extent continuous treatment with anticoagulant prevents further attacks in people who have recovered from a thrombosis is still in doubt.

  8. That the human nose projects does not mean that it is important but that the upper jaw has receded in the course of evolution.

  9. That the parathyroid glands are endocrine organs has been shown by the work of Hanson and Collip, who have isolated the parathyroid hormone from the gland.

  1. Whether hepatitis С is sexually transmitted is controversial.

  2. That increase of normal skin activity may follow on exposure to suitable temperatures is shown by the redness and sweating experienced on a summer day.


9.2 Придаточные предложения сказуемые

Упражнение 44

А. Проанализируйте структуру сложно-подчинённых предложений с придаточными сказуемыми. Опи­раясь на схему, приведённую ниже, найдите ядро в главном и придаточном предложениях: сказуе­мое главного предложения состоит из глагола-связ­ки to be и придаточного предложения.

Сложно-подчинённое предложение

главное предложение N v


is/are + союз (глагол- + связка)

придаточное предложение n v

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. The most plausible explanation of this phenomenon is that there is continuous very high activity in the brain.

  2. The strengths of the book are that it is well written, very readable, and with clear tables and pictures.

  3. The trouble with many of the drugs used to fight viruses and cancer is that they are extremely toxic and so can damage healthy tissue.

  4. The reason for wide contact of cancer research with fundamental science is that cancer and its related conditions are actually results of the process of growth of living tissues.

  5. The real value of the white blood cells is that most of them are transported to areas of serious inflammation, thereby providing a rapid and potent defence against any infectious agent.

  6. The chief factor in the stability of the foot is how well the bones involved fit into each other.

  7. The main problem with transplants is that the body of the patient who receives the organ tries to reject it.

  8. The really puzzling question in immunology is how the immune system can distinguish "self" from "non-self".


9.3 Придаточные дополнительные предложения