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Упражнение 24

А. Найдите определение, выраженное комплексом "су­ществительное + причастие II", которое всегда стоит перед определяемым словом и эквивалентно по значению придаточному предложению со сказуе­мым в страдательном залоге.

Пример: oxygen-enriched blood

= blood that is enriched with oxygen

Б. Переведите предложения.

1. The oxygen-enriched blood is distributed through the cardiovascular system to

all tissues. 40

  1. Pneumonia is one of the most common hospital-acquired infections.

  2. Noise-induced stress may contribute to mental illness.

  3. Good ventilation greatly reduces the risk of air-borne infection.

  4. Breast-fed babies receive antibodies in mother's milk.

  5. A cell is a membrane-bound portion of living matter, the smallest unit capable of an independent existence.

  6. Oxygen-starved cells in the immediate vicinity of the clot die within a few hours.

  7. The outer ear includes the skin-covered flap of cartilage and the auditory canal, which leads to eardrum.

  8. When disease-weakened lungs are not strong enough for normal respiration, a machine must help out.

  1. For centuries, the scalpel has been the foremost, time-tested instrument of the surgeon.

  2. Decades of research and clinical experiences have yielded a wide variety of methods for diagnosing and managing the various types of cancer-related pain.

  3. Most of the changes seen in the blood cells with age are related to the increased prevalence of a number of age-related diseases.

  4. In an acute attack, the pus-filled appendix may burst, causing a potentially lethal spread of infection.

Упражненпе 25

А. Найдите определение, выраженное причастным оборотом с причастием II, и определяемое суще­ствительное.

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. Carried by the blood, hormones reach other cells in the body and stimulate these cells.

  2. Classified as a major tissue of the human body, blood is characteristically red, mobile fluid.

  3. Composed of connective tissue the dermis contains most of the accessory struc­ tures of the skin.

  4. Composed of water, bile salts, bilirubin and cholesterol, bile is secreted by the liver and stored in gall bladder.

  5. Covered by a thin membrane, which allows them to move freely during breathing, the lungs are extended and contracted by the combined movement of the diaphragm and the rib cage.

  6. Characterized by inflammation and painful swelling, abscess may occur in various parts of the body.

  7. Derived from the blood, lymph bathes the cells of the body, supplying them with nutrients and absorbing their waste products.


  1. Enclosed by a two-layered membrane, the nucleus contains a liquid called nucleoplasm.

  2. Formed in the bone marrow stem cells, polymorphs make up two-thirds of white cells.

  1. Monitored by receptors in the main arteries blood pressure can be controlled through changes in heartbeat and the flow of blood through the heart.

  2. First recognized by Chinese in the 3d century B.C., the biological clock is an intrinsic mechanism that controls the rhythm of various metabolic activities of plants and animals.

  3. Originally derived from opium and now mostly synthetic, narcotic drugs are exellent painkillers, but in excessive amounts they can cause coma or death.