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5.4 Причастие II в функции обстоятельства

Упражнение 26

A. Найдите обстоятельство, выраженное оборотом с причастием II (V3) и укажите, каким союзным сло­ вом вводится этот оборот.

Б. Подберите к союзным словам соответствующие им по контексту русские эквиваленты:

  1. "если", "при условии";

  2. "если не";

  3. "когда";

  4. "до тех пор, пока не ...";

  5. "как только".

B. Переведите предложения.

  1. The spleen cannot normally be felt from outside unless enlarged to three times its normal size.

  2. Bile is stored in the gall bladder until required by the stomach.

  3. The muscle contracts when stimulated by nerve impulses.

  4. Once formed, the new cells usually begin growing.

  5. Once established, blockages of the coronary arteries are irreversible.

  6. A cataract is a loss of transparency in the lens of the eye, which, if left untreated, may lead to blindness.

  7. If left untreated, the tumor may gradually spread into the surrounding tissues.

  8. If not phagocytosed, cancer cells multiply forming metastatic tumours.

  9. If diseased, the walls of the aorta can weaken, bulge and eventually start to leak.

  1. If detected in its early stage, a cancerous growth may be removed surgically.

  2. If caught by an adult measles can be very serious.

  3. When combined with other nutrients, calcium is much easier to absorb.

  4. When absorbed in massive amounts fat-soluble vitamins can produce acute symptoms of vitamin toxicity.

  5. When infected the tonsils become enlarged and can interfere with breathing.

  6. When fully digested, proteins are changed into amino acids.

  7. When fully developed, the heart is about 5 inches from top to bottom and about 3.5 inches wide.

  8. When properly treated, anaemia results in no permanent heart damage.

  9. When taken in small amounts, caffeine increases the circulation and it is con­ sidered harmless.

  10. The physical manifestations of an illness, unless caused by mechanical trauma, cannot be divorced from a person's emotional life.

  11. Once fully developed, the disease rarely yields to treatment.


  1. Noradrenalin, when administered, produces the same general effects as adre­ nalin, but is less potent.

  2. A large number of chemical substances when taken into the body or applied to the body's surface are capable of producing severe allergic symptoms.

Упражнение 27


A. Проанализируйте структуру каждого предложения и определите его ядро.

Б. Найдите причастие II и определите его функцию в предложении.

B. Переведите предложения.

  1. Through coordinated nerve impulses and muscular contraction, initiated in the sino-atrial node of the right atrium, the heart pumps blood throughout the body.

  2. The hormones produced by the anterior lobe differ from those made up by the pars intermedia.

  3. The most common medicine in treating arthritis is aspirin taken in large doses. Taken this way, it is an antiinflammatory as well as a pain-killer.

  4. Breast-fed newborns develop fewer infections than bottle-fed babies because of antibodies and white blood cells contained in breast milk.

  5. Bernard ['banad] (1813— 1878) showed that glycogen forms am energy reserve held in the liver and muscles, which is converted to the simpler sugars when needed.

  6. The wear and tear of the coronary arteries, combined with their small size, provides the background for the disease atherosclerosis, which, when complicated by thrombosis, is such a menace to many young and middle-aged men.

  7. Unlike most simple liquids that are not easily changed when exposed to air, the physical and biochemical properties of blood undergo marked changes when blood is taken from the body's circulatory system and, for example, placed in a test tube.

  8. There are more than 400 chemical substances called carcinogens which, when introduced into the animal by subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injection, are often followed by a reaction on the part of the animal which results in cancer formation.

  9. Most chemical reactions in living organisms only proceed sufficiently fast if mediated by catalic proteins known as enzymes.

10. Skin grafting is the repair of injured skin by placing pieces of skin taken from elsewhere on the body, over the injured area.