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Учасники проекту:

Ірина Ейсмонт, Катерина Залевська, Ольга Ярощук, Марія Багаєва, Ілля Труш, Богдан Пасічний, Катерина Іпатенко, Олександр Гончарук, Михайло Скиба.

Н.Дзюман, координатор проекту


When I was a little boy I was short and plump. I had rosy cheeks. My hair was short and fair. My eyes were blue. I liked ice-cream and I didn’t like green borsch. Now I’m 10 years old. I’ve got long dark hair. I have big blue eyes. I am a pupil. I like history. I don’t like Maths - it’s horrible! When I’m 20 I’ll a very famous businessman or karate-doer. My hair will be long and dark. I’ll have a big family, a sport car, a big house, a wife and three children. I’ll have a famous sport firm. I’ll call it “Lacoste”. I’ll produce very expensive things. My wife will be a popular singer. I’ll build my own big city and I’ll be very happy!


When I was a baby I had fair hair and green eyes. I had a small face. I liked to sleep and to drink milk. I didn’t like noise. Now I am ten. I have fair hair and dark green eyes. My nose isn’t big and my ears are not very large. I look like my father. When I’m twenty, I’ll be fair-haired and dark-eyed. I’ll have 20 art cars and sport cars. I’ll become a car-racer. I’ll also have five yachts, eight military lorries, four planes and four sport airplanes. I’ll live in a very big house.


When I was a baby my hair was short and fair. I was short and thin. My eyes were blue and small. My nose was small too. I had an oval face. I was pretty. I liked my Mum. I didn’t like olives. My clothes were always cleaned and pressed. I looked like my mother. Now I’m ten. I’m a pupil of the fifth form. I am tall and thin. My eyes and nose are small. I have long straight hair. It is fair and thin. I’m a blue-eyed girl. I don’t wear glasses. I think I’m pretty. I’m always tidy and I’m clever. I’m at school now. I have my school uniform on. My clothes are clean and pressed. I think I look like my mother. When I’m 20, I’ll be a designer. My hair will be fair and short. I’ll be tall and thin. My eyes will be blue. I’ll be very pretty. I’ll have a sweets factory, but I won’t like chocolate.


When I was a baby I liked my mother and father, and I liked my sister very much. I didn’t like semolina and milk. Now I look like my father, and my sister looks like my mother. My hair is short, dark and straight. My nose is straight. When I’m twenty, I’ll have three cars and a big house. There will be a swimming-pool in the house!


When I was a baby I had fair hair. I liked to go shopping with my mother. I liked to watch TV every day. I lived in a very good city - Moscow. Now I have dark hair and green eyes. I’m eleven. I study in Novograd-Volynskyi collegium. I like Maths, Science, English, German and playing computer games. When I’m 20, I’ll be a worker in AESC. And I want to come back to Moscow. I’ll have two children. I’ll have my own computer, a car and my firm. I think I’ll like money.


When I was a baby my eyes and ears were small. I was a green-eyed girl. My clothes were clean and pressed. I didn’t like salads vinaigrette and olivie. I was very naughty. I didn’t like going to kindergarten. I looked like my mother and father. Now I’m 10. I have long fair hair. It is thick. My face is oval. My nose and ears are small. I’m a green-eyed girl. I don’t wear glasses. I think I’m pretty. My clothes are clean. I’m a pupil of the fifth form. I’m tall and thin. I look like my Mum and Dad. When I’m 20, I’ll have long straight fair hair. My ears and nose will be small. I’ll have green eyes. I’ll have nice long nails. I’ll have a chocolate factory, three cars, a big house, one country-house and two flats. I’ll be married but I will not have children yet. I’ll be tall and thin. I’ll be a designer or a director at my chocolate factory. My husband will be a businessman. I will like my husband, and I’ll like to get up late and to go to bed late. I’ll like drawing and traveling. I won’t like to get up or go to bed early.


When I was a baby I was short and plump. I had plump rosy cheeks. My hair was short and fair. My eyes were brown. I liked ice-cream. I didn’t like red borsch. I was green-eyed. Now I am a pretty girl. My hair is fair. I don’t like foreign literature, it’s horrible! My clothes are clean and pressed. I look like my mother and father. I’m tall and thin. I don’t wear glasses. My face is oval. When I’m 20, I’ll be thin and pretty. I’ll have one child. My hair will be long, and my eyes will be green. I’ll be very pretty.


When I was a baby I had dark eyes and a straight nose and rosy cheeks. My hair was dark and my face was round. My lips were thin. I liked ice-cream, cats, semolina, dogs and playing. I didn’t like to go to kindergarten. Now I’m 10. My eyes are dark, my hair is dark too, my nose is straight and my cheeks are rosy. I like playing tennis, basketball, volleyball, and I like cycling, swimming and ice-cream. I have a round face. I don’t like reading books and going to the zoo. When I’m 20, I’ll be a thin woman and I’ll have dark hair. My cheeks will be rosy and eyes will be dark. My lips will be thin and my nose will be straight. I want to be an artist. I’ll like painting and drawing. I won’t like playing football.


When I was a baby I was fat and short. I had many toys. My hair was short. My eyes were brown. I liked to eat, but I didn’t like semolina. I was very naughty. Now I’m ten years old. I have a turned-up nose. My eyes are green. My hair is long, wavy and brown. I like my grandma. I don’t like my mum. When I’m 20 years old, I’ll have long pretty hair. My eyes will be green. I’ll have four children.



О.Маркова, координатор проекту



Початок проекту було покладено під час роботи з текстом «Звідки походять наші батьки» у підручнику Х.Метери ''Strzeż polskiej mowy''. Мало хто з учнів міг відповісти на питання «Що ви знаєте про своїх дідусів, бабусь, прабабусь?». Протягом двох тижнів велися опивуання родичів, щоб з’ясувати, як мали на ім’я предки, де вони жили, якої національності вони були. Окремі учні готували історичну довідку щодо національного складу жителів нашого міста на початку ХХ століття та інформацію щодо держав, до складу яких належав Новоград-Волинський протягом понад 750-річної історії свого існування. Під час презентацій заповнювалася таблиця, завдяки якій вдалося встановити, що більшість учнів походять із змішаних родин, а серед їхнів предків були і є, крім українців, поляки, росіяни, німці, білоруси, чехи. Було проведено порівняння національного складу групи із вищезгаданим у місті 100 років тому. Метою проекту було виховання толерантного ставлення до представників інших національностей, усвідомлення цінності розмаїття, виховання поваги та зацікавленості до історії власної сім’ї.

Е.Зіннуров, координатор проекту












Kruczok Maksym


Walentyna, Wiktor


Lopatiuk Bohdan




Wantuch Igor


Nadia, Wołodymyr


Kobyliński Bohdan


Anatolij, Tamara


Kirsch Anatolij



Luda, Sergij


Nistorowicz Wiktoria




Sergij, Iryna


Maszewska Ola





Gorszkalowa Maryna





Natalia, Sergij


Terskich Olga



Zinaida, Jurij


Ostapczuk Anastasja





Rodin Iwan





Walentyna, Oleg


Karlińska Lina




Julia, Wołodymyr


Machnowiec Ałła


Tatiana, Oleksandr


Zaliznicka Anna




Olena, Oleksandr







Kateryna, Wołodymyr, Nadia, Wasyl

Opanas, Jewdokia, Mikołaj, Anna, Wiera, Mikołaj,Olena, Dmytro

Iwan, Tetiana,Owsij, Maria,Karpo, Olena, Kapiton, Olga



Olga, Grygorij

Marija, Żenia, Iwan




Olga, Olga, Mychajło, Borys

Paraskiewia, Anastasia, Wołodymyr, Denys, Switlana, Paraskiewia, Wasyl, Iwan




Wasyl, Jura, Nadia, Nadia

Horpyna, Anastasja, Grygor, Mikołaj, Marija, Lusia, Roman, Pyłyp

Warwara, Andrij



Wiera, Mykoła, Gala, Anatolij

Nadia, Wasyl, Nadia, Stepan, Maksym, Oksana, Wasyłyna, Iwan




Halina, Żenia, Olga, Mychajło

Lidia, Maksym, Zina, Piotr, Lidia, Pylyp, Anna, Piotr




Walentyna, Anatolij, Olga, Karol

Iryna, Nina, Sawa, Jakiw

Paraska, Kiłyna, Fedora, Wasyl, Ławrentij, Pawło



Halina, Mikołaj, Mychajło, Lidia

Żenia, Iwan, Kateryna, Mychajło, Anna, Mikołaj, Wira, Semen




Anatolij, Maryna, Walentyna, Mikołaj

Oleksij, Zinaida, Piotr, Iryna




Oleksandr, Lidia, Sergij, Zofia

Wanda, Stanisław




Wołodymyr, Walentyna

Lina, Anton




Wasyl, Lidia, Oleksandr, Antonina

Ahmed, Hanna, Iwan, Hanna




Anfisa, Wołodymyr, Ałła, Jewhen

Antonina, Jewhen








Uczniowie grupy i narodowości w ich rodzinach
















Е.Зіннуров, координатор проекту

Roman Artiukhov: Lesya Ukrainka Street

I want to tell you about Lesya Ukrainka street, which is in Novohrad-Volynskyi. It is named in honor of Lesya Ukrainka. She was a famous poetess, who comes from our native city. Lesya Ukrainka Street was formed in 1966. My grandparents live in it. According to my granny’s story the length of this street is two kilometers; the width of the road is eight meters. There are three five-storey buildings and a lot of smaller houses, also shops, cafes, a drugstore, a Furniture factory “MIRT”, School #6, meteorological station, monuments to those who died in Afghanistan and to people murdered during the Second World War. The western side of our city park faces Lesya Ukrainka Street. The most beautiful is the street in spring, when the flowers and trees bloom. I love this street, it is very nice.

Anton Pilkiewicz: Lewaniewski Street

The town I was born in is Novohrad-Volynskyi. It is in Ukraine, in its northern part, not far from Kyiv, the national capital. The population is about 56,000 people. All these people live in the streets of the town. The thing I want to tell about is the street I live in. The street is named in honor of Zygmunt Levanevskiy. Zygmunt A. Levanevskiy (Polish: Zygmunt Lewoniewski, May 15, 1902 - August 13, 1937) - Soviet pilot of Polish descent, the fourth Hero of the Soviet Union (1934). The name of Levanevskiy was given to the streets and lanes in Luhansk, Gomel, Zhytomyr, Novosibirsk, Moscow, Kazan’, Yekaterinburg, Artemovsk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Mariupol, Melitopol, Poltava, Sevastopol, Izhevsk, Zaporizhzha, Sumy, Millerovo, Buinaksk and other cities. This name was also given to the river passenger ship built in 1937. The name of Levanevskiy has the school of military pilots in Mykolaiv (former school of Osoaviahim), where he studied flying art in the early thirties. Levanevskogo Street is located in the north-eastern part of Novohrad-Volynskyi. In the past Marshall Rokossowski lived in it. Now it is about 1,5 km long. You may find a school, a kindergarten, the Officers house, the Military Brigade Headquarters, a supermarket "Nash Kray", a lot of shops, kiosks and other things. The buildings are high and low, old and new. In short, they are different. During the day a lot of people walk there. As to traffic there are taxis, buses, bikes, scooters, cars and other kinds of transport. That’s why the street is busy. In the future I think it would be one of the most important and most populated streets in our town.

Maria Cheliadina: Karla Marxa Street

The town I was born is Novohrad-Volynskyi. It is in Ukraine, in its northern part, not far from Kyiv. The population is about 56,000 people. It is situated on the banks of the river Sluch. The town is beautiful not only because of its monuments, buildings and supermarkets. There are beautiful streets, such as Rybalka street, Shevchenka street, Schorsa street, Lesia Ukrainka street, Levanevskiy street, Vorovskyi street, Pushkin street, Gagarin street, Voykova street, Karla Marxa street and others. The street I want to tell about is Karla Marxa Street. It was named in honor of the German philosopher Karl Heinrich Marx.

Karl Heinrich Marx - Date of Birth: May 5, 1818, Place of Birth: Trier, Prussia. Date of death: March 14, 1883. Place of death: London, United Kingdom

But a year ago it changed its name. Now it is known as Sobornosti Street. The street is located in the central part of Novohrad-Volynskiy. It is about 1.5 km long. You may find many buildings in it. The buildings are school, cinema Schors, which was built in 1939-1941, music school, hotel and The Literary-Memorial Museum of Lesia Ukrainka. During the day a lot of people walk there. They go to school and work. As to traffic it is different. There are cars, busses, bicycles and motorbikes there. That is why the street is busy. My impression as to this street is positive, because it is clean, beautiful and nice.

Nastia Radulevych: Rybalka Street

The town I live in is Novohrad-Volynskyi. It is in Ukraine. The population is about 56,000 people. Novohrad-Volynskyi is a beautiful town. It is small, but very native for me. I’ve lived in this city for more then eleven years, and I want to tell you about the street which is not very far from my house. The street I want to tell about is Rybalka Street. This street was named in honor of Pavel Semenovich Rybalko. Rybalko, Paul S. (November 4, 1894 - August 28, 1948) - an outstanding Soviet commander, Marshal of Armored Forces (June 1, 1945), commander of the tank and combined arms armies, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Biography. Born November 4 (23 October) 1894 in a family of a factory worker in the village of Little Vystorop, now Lebedinsky district of the Sumy region of Ukraine. An ethnic Ukrainian. At age 13, began working at a sugar factory, then was an apprentice turner and attended Sunday school. Called to the army in 1914, the ordinary was the First World War. After the October Revolution he joined the Red Guard. Was assistant commander of the guerrilla army during the occupation of Ukraine by the German army in 1918. Participated in the Civil War regiment and brigade commissar in the 1st Cavalry, fighting on the southern front, in the Soviet-Polish war of 1920. CPSU member since 1919. He graduated from advanced training of primary-ended in 1926 and 1930, the Military Academy Frunze in 1934. Commanded a squadron, regiment, brigade, was the assistant commander of mining Cavalry Division. In 1934-1936 he was a military adviser in China

Description of the town and the street. The town is located in the northern part of the country. Novohrad-Volynskyi is a very beautiful and individual town.  Rybalka Street is located very close to Levanevskogo Street, Tolubka Street and Spivdruzhnosti Street. If I have been an architect, I would build more stores, some cafes and a cinema.  If I could, I would have planted more trees, flowers and other plants. Each house would have been a huge flowerbed. I know that people who live in this street, some time before would have spoiled all this beauty. And because of that I'd install some invisible surveillance cameras. I think that Rybalka Street is not very busy. In this street many of my friends live. In summer you can see so many children in this street because Rybalka Street has many playgrounds. They are playgrounds for football, basketball and other sports. Many shops are located here. They are cosmetics shops, food shops, also pharmacies and nightclubs “Tornado” and “Safari”.

Andriy Szatiło: Taras Shevchenko Street

I am living in a beautiful, historical town of Novohrad-Volynskiy. Each street has its own history, flashbacks and legends. So, I want to tell you about Shevchenko Street. This street is situated in the central part of the town. It is about 2 km long. Shevchenko Street has its own interesting story. You could find a monument “The Workers”, built in 1960s. It means that many workers lived in our town and worked at machine-building plant. Now there is a supermarket “WOG” here. The scientists proved that Taras Shevchenko visited our town in 1846. You can find a monument in the place where he was. Earlier there was a horse stable at that place. That building has been locating here until now. It is a very important fact in the history of our town. There is also the bus terminal. So you can visit different towns, villages and regions of Ukraine, where you relatives and friends live. Our guests and we can have a rest in the café and pizzerias, which are located in this street. Also you can find many shops, where you can buy different necessary things for your life. There are many trees in the streets. They make our town more beautiful. So, you can inhale fresh air in spring. I am proud that I am living in the best town of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Yashchuk: Chervonoarmiyska Street

The town I was born in is Novohrad–Volynskyi. It is in Ukraine, in its northern part, not far from Kyiv, the national capital and Lviv, the biggest city of western Ukraine. The population is about 56.000 people among whom are Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Jews. It is situated on the banks of the river Sluch, in a picturesque place among fields and forests of Ukrainian Polissia. The town was founded in the 11th century and belonged first to Kyiv Rus’ ancient state. Then it was conquered by Lithuania and joined to Polish state in the 16th century. After Poland was divided into three parts the town came to Russian Empire. It happened in 1791. Before that Novohrad–Volynskyi was called Zviahel. People of different nationalities lived peacefully there until the first half of the 20th century. After the Communist revolution it became the part of Soviet Ukraine.

The town has many streets. I can tell you about Chervonoarmiyska Street, because my friend lives there. It is in the southern part of the city. The street leads to Baranivka. In 1969 the street was reconstructed. In the street there are 17 houses, a kindergarten, a hotel, some shops and other objects. A new object appeared in the street. It is “Perlyna”, a huge motel with parking and a nice restaurant. You can also find a military base there. It was formed in 1930s. The street ends at the river Smolka on the bridge across it. I like my town because it is old and nice. The people are friendly and happy. I was born in this town and it is famous.

Dasha Ostapchuk: Karl Marx Street

The town I was born in is Novohrad-Volynskyi. It is in Ukraine, in its northern part, not far from Kyiv, the national capital, and Lviv, the biggest city of western Ukraine. The population is about 56,000 people among whom are Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Jews. It is situated on the banks of the river Sluch, in a picturesque place among fields and forests of Ukrainian Polissia. The town was founded in the 11th century and belonged first to Kyiv Rus’ ancient state. Then it was conquered by Lithuania and joined to Polish state in the 16th century. After Polish was divided into three parts the town came to Russian Empire. It happened in 1791. Before that Novohrad-Volynskyi was called Zviahel. People of different nationalities lived peacefully there until the first half of the 20th century. After the Communist revolution it became the part of Soviet Ukraine. The town is great. It’s green, with a great number of trees and flowers in the parks and along the streets. The are many streets in the town. After the war the streets and the city were renewed. I want to tell about Karl Marks street. It isn’t very big. Some years ago the street was given a new name. Now it is Sobornosti street. L. Ukrainka was born in our town in 1871. The house where her family lived is in K. Marks street. Now there is The Lesia Ukrainka Museum in it. Some new houses were built there after the war. 60 families of pensioners were given the flats there in 1957. In 1959 a kindergarten, some houses and shops were built there. There was a state big shop ”Misktorg”. Now in the street there are shops and old houses. I like my town, because it is nice.

Aleksandr Gongalski: Lewaniewski Street

The City of Novohrad-Volynskyi, or as it was called before Zvyagel, is the place where I live. Nobody knows how old the city is. Commonly it is called the figure "750", but it's the countdown from 1257, when Zvyagel - western outpost of the principality of Kiev - to smithereens was burned for disobedience by Daniil Galitsky. But apparently, at that time Zvyagel was already a big and a strong city, otherwise it would not interfere with the prince! The city was renamed Novohrad-Volynskyi on July 5, 1795, during the administrative reform of Catherine II. Apparently, they decided that the old name does not match the status of the city center of Volyn province. Much was said to local newspapers and in official documents about public inconvenience in the city before the war, but it's not moving. Only with the arrival of the Germans, many streets were electrified by their well built power plant, on the houses for the first time appeared plates with numbers and paved the way from the train station to downtown. It’s true, the railroad (Novograd-Volynskyi - Zhytomyr) was built in 1938 exclusively due to the arrival of Soviet power, which was finally established in 1920. Some time later the city began to rebuild their shattered buildings and a bridge across the river Sluch. Many new buildings (grocery stores, shops, and bakeries), single-story houses and plants were built in 1920-1930s. At the moment the city has approximately 300 streets.

I live in Levanevsky Street. It was named after the polar aviator Levanevsky Sigismund Alexandrovich. He was born on May 15, 1902 in St. Petersburg. He is Pole. On April 20, 1934 for his courage and heroism Levanevskiy Sigismund Alexandrovich got the award and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He died under mysterious circumstances in 1939.

The street was built in about 1933-34. The road was bad, the asphalt was not there. The first residential home for the commanders on the right bank of the river was built for the 56-th Cavalry Regiment commander Andrei Ivanovich Yeremenko, future Marshal of the Soviet Union. In the prewar years the future Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Rokossovsky lived with his family in this very house. At the same time the House of the Red Army was erected. This beautiful building has been considered one of the best buildings of the Officers Houses in Carpathian Military District. Five three-storey houses for the middle commanders were built there. Later they were plastered, and they looked pretty well. The street has a length of about half a kilometer. On the right side of the street there is the Headquarters of the 30th Mechanized Brigade. Before October 2003 it was Novograd-Volynskiy Division. Next is a shop, in the 1990s it was called the supermarket. Somewhere in 2007-2008 it was rebuilt into a mini-market "Nash Kraj". Around it there are several small shops. Further there are newer and more high-raised buildings. Around these houses there are two new streets, named after Marshals Rybalko and Tolubko, a kindergarten and school #11 (known as Kolegium). They all were built by the Germans and Bulgarians in 1993-1994. Therefore, our district has got a nickname of "Bolgarbud". On the left of the street some old houses are located. Mostly they are still inhabited. Between these houses there is the road leading to the Brigade headquarters. At the beginning of the XX century it was the landlord's Mezentsev house. The townspeople still call it “A yellow Castle”. There was a large fruit garden around. There grown apple-tree, which fruit were sent to the kitchen of Nicholas II. On the territory of the park there is an old oak, that is the monument of nature. On the other the side of the park there is The Officers House. It was built in 1936 by architect Joseph Karakis. In this house the officers could take a break from their service. There were many different circles. There were dances, sports games, it also a photo studio, hairdresser and much more. The place is beautiful. In the park there is a grave. In 1941 the Germans murdered Jewish women with children at this very place.

Nowadays this street is crowded. A lot of military people live here in the blocks because from the very beginning there was a military town. I believe that our district is one of the best areas in the city. I hope it will be more and more developed and populated.



О.Овчиннікова, координатор проекту



Співпраця з учнями та вчителями гімназії імені Митрополита Андрея Шептицького у місті Стрию (РІК ДЕВ’ЯТИЙ)




Середа, 21 жовтня


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Четвер, 22 жовтня


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201,203, 230


Презентації діяльності: Ради колегіумних класів, Наукового товариства учнів та колегіантів «АСТРА», газети «No Comments», відеоновин “Gaudeamus”, проекту «People to People».




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