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Библиография Книги общего характера

Richard В. Braithwaite, Scientific Explanation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1953.

Percy W. Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics, New York, Macmillan, 1927.

Norman R. Campbell, Physics: The Elements, Cambridge, Cam­bridge University Press, 1920.

Norman R. Campbell, What Is Science? London, Methuen, 1921.

Phllipp Frank, Philosophy of Science, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall, 1957.

Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science, New York, Harper, 1958.

Carl G. Hempel, Aspects of Scientific Explanation and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science, Glencoe, 111., Free Press, 1965.

Carl G. Hempel, International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, Vol. 2, № 7; «Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Physical Science», Chicago, University of Chicago, Press, 1952.

Gerald Holton and Duane Roller, Foundations of Modern Physical Science, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1958.

John Kemeny, A Philosopher Looks at Science, Princeton, N. J., D. Van Nostrand, 1959.

Ernest Nagel, The Structure of Science, New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961.

Karl Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, New York, Basic Books, 1959.

Bertrand Russell, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1948.

Israel Scheffler. The Anatomy of Inquiry, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1963.

Stephen Toulmin, The Philosophy of Science, London, Hutchinson's Universal Library, 1953.


Сборники статей

Arthur Danto and Sidney Morgenbesser, eds., Philosophy of Science, Cleveland, Ohio, Meridian, 1960.

Herbert Feigl and May Brodbeck, eds., Readings in the Philosophy of Science, New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1953.

Herbert Feigl and Wilfrid Sellars, eds., Readings in Philosophical Analysis, New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1949.

Herbert Feigl, Michael Scriven and Grover Maxwell, eds., Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Minneapolis', Minn., University of Minnesota Press, Vol. I, 1956; Vol. II, 1958, Vol. III, 1962.

Edward H. Madden, ed.. The Structure of Scientific Thought, Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin, 1960.

Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed.. The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap, La Salle, Ill., Open Court, 1963.

Paul Arthur Schilpp, ed., Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, Evanston, Ill., Library of Living Philosophers, 1949.

Philip Wiener, ed., Readings in the Philosophy of Science, New York, Scribner, 1953.


Norman R. Campbell, Physics: The Elements, op. cit., Part II: «Measurement».

Carl G. Hempel, Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Empirical Science, op. cit., Ch. 3.

Victor F. Lenzen, International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, Vol. I, № 5: «Procedures of Empirical Science». Chicago, Ill.; University of Chicago Press, 1938.

Пространство и время

Albert Einstein, Sidelights on Relativity, New York, Dutton, 1923.

Philipp Frank, Philosophy of Science, op. cit., Ch. 3 and 6.

Adolf Grünbaum, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time, New York, Knopf, 1963.

Max Jammer, Concepts of Space, Cambridge, Mass.; Harvard University Press, 1954.

Ernest Nagel, The Structure of Science, op. cit., Ch. 8 and 9.

Henri Poincaré, Science and Hypothesis, London, 1905.

Hans Reichenbach, The Philosophy of Space and Time, New York, Dover, 1958.


Значение причинности

Bertrand Russell, Mysticism and Logic, Ch. 9, New York, Longmans, Green 1918. Перепечатано в: Feigl and Brodbeck, Readings in the Philosophy of Science, op. cit.

Bertrand Russell, Our Knowledge of the External World, Ch. 8,

London, Alien & Unwin, 1914. Перепечатано в: Feigl & Brodbeck, Readings in the Philosophy of Science, op. cit.

Moritz Schlick, Causality in Everyday Life and in Recent Science. Перепечатано в; Feigl and Sellars, Readings in Philosophical Analysis, op. cit.

Детерминизм и свобода воли

Bertrand Russell, Our Knowledge of the External World, op. cit., Ch. 8.

Moritz Schlick, Problems of Ethics, Ch. 7, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. Prentice-Hall, 1939.

Charles Stevenson, Ethics and Language, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1944, Ch. 11.