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Vocabulary Booster (методичка 3 курс).doc
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II. Fill the gaps in this story with suitable expressions:

At 5, Nelly Dawes went straight to (1)…. school because there were very few (2)…. schools for younger children in those days. When she was ready to go on to secondary school, she passed an exam and so got into her local (3)… school. Nowadays her own children don’t do that exam, since most children go to a (4)… school. She left school at 16 and did not go on to (5)… education, but she works during the day, then goes to (6)… … at the local school once a week to learn French. She would like to take up her education again more seriously, if she could get a (7)…. or scholarship from the government. Her ambition is to go to a (8)… … … and become a school teacher.

III. Complete these questions:

1) What homework do we have to …. tonight? 2) In which month do students usually …. their final exams in your country? 3) Who do we have to ….. our essays in to? 4) Who is …. today’s lecture on Shakespeare? 5) What do we need to do if we want to … from the course? 6) In which room is the translation class going to be ….? 7) Have you done the first … of your essay yet? 8) Do you prefer exams or continuous …? 9) Do you always … to all your lectures? 10) Does the college … training in computer skills?

IV. Choose the correct collocation:

1) I’m happy to say that you have all sat/ taken/ passed your maths test. 2) Will the teacher give/ provide/ make us some feedback on our essays? 3) The university agrees/ recognizes/ takes the school-leaving exams of most other countries. 4) It isn’t compulsory to assist/ attend/ listen to all the lectures at this university. 5) How long will it take you to carry out/ obtain your degree? 6) You must submit/ send/ write your application in before the end of June. 7) Several students have decided to withdraw/ go/ leave the course this year. 8) I want you all to write/ hold/ keep a vocabulary notebook.

V. Fill in the correct word from the brackets:

1. I could get a job as a secondary school ___ now, but I want to continue studying to become a university ___. (teacher/ lecturer) 2. History is my favourite ___, but today’s ___ wasn’t very interesting. (lesson/ subject) 3. My primary school only has 300 ___ but there are over 5000 __ at my brother’s university. (pupils/ students) 4. Frank got good ___ in all of his school exams, so he was able to go to university to do a ___. (grades/ degree) 5. There will be no lectures during the last ___ of my history __ as we are expected to study for exams then. (course/ term) 6. I got an extra __ for remembering the name of Napoleon’ horse, so my final __ for the test was 19 out of 20! (point/ mark) 7. The ___ of the arts faculty used to be the __ of a primary school. (dean/ headmaster) 8. When I went to __ I only saw my parents during the holidays, but now that I go to a __ I see them every night. (day school/ boarding school) 9. It is necessary to pay school fees in order to go to a __, whereas a __ is run by the state and is therefore free. (comprehensive school/ private school) 10. My brother and sister go to a ___ but I go to a ___ where there are only girls. (co-educational school/ single-sex school)

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