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Vocabulary Booster (методичка 3 курс).doc
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II. Rephrase the words and word combinations:

1) to be sure to lose; 2) to shake the life out of smb; 3) direct disapproval; 4) to talk back; 5) to plan various ways of revenge; 6)t o scold smb; 7) to get likely to quarrel; 8) worn-out nerves; 9) a good influence on smb; 10) to live the way smb expects you to; 11) to hate provocative questions; 12) to be made to fabricate lies; 13) a lifeless child; 14) a child who often breaks the law; 15) to bring up children; 16) to avoid traps; 17) slow development; 18) to be fully developed and sensible; 19) a person’s family, social class, experience and education; 20) to be given too little attention or care; 21) to speak with determination; 22) to keep the same principles or course of action; 23 to trust smb to the full; 24) to force a child to do what one wants; 25) to constantly call children names; 26) to gain the support of smb; 27) to make smb lose confidence; 28) to fly into a rage; 29) to make a situation even worse; 30) to be said under the influence of bad feelings.

III. Read the text and put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place:

possessive, suppress, inhibited, upbringing, formative, authoritarian, permissive, adolescence, juvenile delinquency, rebelliousness, run wild

How much freedom should children have?

It is often said that we live in a (a)_______ age, one in which people are allowed to do almost anything they tike. Is this good for children? They are going through their (b)_______, which is a very (c)_______ stage of their development since their final adult characters are beginning to take shape.

Some parents think it is good for children to be allowed to (d)_______, without control or supervision. They say that this enables children's personalities to develop naturally and that they will learn to be responsible by the mistakes they make. However, this might lead to (e)_______, with the children ending up in the courts, or it might simply make children self-centred, without any consideration for others.

Other parents believe in being strict, but taken to extremes this can produce a too (f)_______ atmosphere in the home, with the children being dominated and ruled by their parents. Parents can also be very (g)_______ and try to keep their children dependent on them.

These last two attitudes can encourage (h)_______ (against parents, school, authority) in a child, or, conversely, (i)_______ a child's natural sense of adventure and curiosity. A strict (j)_______ by over-caring parents can make a child so timid and (k)_______ that he or she is unable to express freely his or her emotions and form mature relationships. To bring up children to be normal, well-adjusted human beings requires great wisdom, and perhaps a bit of luck.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the words from your topical vocabulary:

1. ______ children ________ naturally is an effective _____ to upbringing.

2. Only _____ parents who are _____ to their children’s feelings don’t _____ anything on them.

3. _____ children up or _____ the daylight out of them is not acceptable.

4. Parents should take time to _____ their children _____ them manners.

5. We should _____ on a child’s _____ rather than on their ______.

6. Listening to children with _____ works better than ____ them.

7. Sometimes you say something in _____ and end up _____ damage to a child.

8. A way to keep from _____ a child’s confidence is to ____ them to be __________.

9. A way to _____ a child over is to ____ them like ______.

10. Leaving _____ to a child may have _____ and ________ influence on them.

11. If you don’t _____ your anger and _____ your will____ a child, you are _____ to lose.

12. In ______ home ______ parents don’t _____ at their kids, ______ under _____and thus ____ pitfalls.

13. How do you _____ children off when misbehave on _____ and get ____.

14. Has it ever occurred to you that you ______ a child’s self-respect by ___ them out of all ___ and then ____ them. This is when parents are ______.

15. When you ______ your ____ with the kids and give them a ____, all you do is add ________.

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