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Vocabulary Booster (методичка 3 курс).doc
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II. Restore the sentences:

1) wimpish/ manipulative; 2) a shy disposition/ pursue your career; 3)awkward customer/ rub you the wrong way; 4) over the top/ retain his natural impulses; 5) venturesome/ kindred spirits; 6) ultra-cautious/ throw tantrums; 7) double-faced/ assess their personalities; 8) impudent/ make my blood boil; 9) cheerful/ down in the dumps; 10) steady plodder/ on the spur of the moment

III. Fill in the prepositions:

1) When in trouble, don’t forget to keep your chin … . 2) Love can make us feel … the moon. 3) If everything goes wrong in your life, you are seldom … high spirits and you look … … the dumps. 4) At the end of the academic year both teachers and students are sick and tired … classes. 5) Nasty people are never grateful … anybody … good things. 6) Our group is enthusiastic … learning French. 7) Even pigs can be devoted … their masters. 8) Some students are so anxious … the results of their exams that they can’t sleep.

IV. Correct the mistakes:

1) Why does he look as pleased as a Punch? 2) Granny was as happy as the day long. 3) Every time I mention his nephew, Gerry is in black mood. 4) Don’t ask him anything, cause he is like a beer with a sore head. 5) To be over the moon means to be nearly dead.

V. Give synonyms:

1) confused; 2) glad; 3) angry; 4) furious; 5) nervous; 6) to have a face as long as a fiddle; 7) to be on cloud nine; 8) to be scared stiff.

VI. You need adjectives ending in either -ed or -ing to complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets to form the adjective you need.

1) Rob’s mother was ____________ by his news. (horrify)

2) Martha was ____________ to get such a good job. (thrill)

3) I find the task very ____________. Could you explain it, please? (confuse)

4) Leo Cone’s songs can be terribly ____________. (depress)

5) Rob’s been feeling ____________ in his work for some time now. (frustrate)

6) Poets often find nature ____________. (inspire)

7) This report is very ____________. (worry)

8) We are very ____________ about our holiday plans. (excite)

9) Jo seems rather ____________. Do you know what the matter is? (depress)

10) Rick told me some ____________ news last night. (thrill)

11) I’m rather ____________ about Jim at the moment. (worry)

VII. To know some types of the character better, fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the help of the given words.

Ambitious, imaginative, optimistic, selfish, talkative, adventurous, impatient, polite, sensible, easy-going, naughty, sad, sociable.

  1. He is ____________ with his little sister.

  2. They are a (an) ____________ family and entertain a great deal.

  3. They like new places even if they are dangerous. They are ____________ explorers.

  4. He is ____________ to get through high school in three years; so he works hard.

  1. I never see her upset. She seems a (an) ____________person because always takes things as they are.

  2. He has the habit of talking a great deal. He loves to tell everybody what he’s done and where he’s been. He is too ____________ .

  3. The ____________ child hit his baby sister.

  4. I think, she is too ____________ to do anything foolish.

  5. A(an) ____________ person puts his own interests first.

  6. A(an) ____________ person always sees the bright side of things.

  7. The ____________ boy gave the lady his seat on the bus.

  8. He has ideas like no one else’s. He can make up fairy stories. He is extremely ____________.

  9. You feel ____________ if your best friend goes away.

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