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Ex. 19 Go to http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals- podcasts/going-global to listen to a radio programme in which people from three companies talk about their experiences of going global.

Do online exercises in understanding and note-taking.

Ex.20 Go to http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals- podcasts/products-and-brands

to listen to a radio interview in which the future of the Martha Stewart brand is discussed.

Do online exercises to check the comprehension.



Lesson 1

Text 1


Ex. 1 Look at the title of Text 1 and predict what it can be about.

Ex. 2 Answer the questions in pair or groups:

1.How are people different in their use of technology?

2.Can you give an example of the differential access to technology?


Ex. 3 Read the text and name the types of digital divides.

Digital Divide

The digital divide is the technology gap between groups that have different access to personal computers and related technology. The gap is measured in social and infrastructure metrics. Social metrics are soft skills necessary for participating in online communities. Infrastructure metrics include, for example, the ownership of digital devices. Mathematical methods are used to quantify the digital divide. Comparisons are made using probability distributions or measures of dispersion.

Researchers have found digital devices among different countries, and within countries, among people of different ages, genders, and socioeconomic statuses.

The global digital divide quantifies the digital divides among countries. It is given as differences among the average numbers of computers per 100 citizens. In the early twenty-first century, this metric varied widely. Some efforts, such as One Laptop Per Child,


were directed at reducing the global digital divide by providing computers to poor countries.

Probability Distribution


The breakthroughs connected to these efforts, such as mesh Internet access architecture, benefited all users. The Digital Opportunity Index (DOI) is computed by the United Nations based on 11 metrics of information and communication technologies, such as proportion of households with access to the Internet. It is positively associated with a country's wealth. [12, p. 769]

Ex. 4 Mark each statement as True or False. Provide proof from the text.

1. The digital divide can come from people having different knowledge about how to use computer software.


2.The digital divide can be counted mathematically.

3.There cannot be a digital divide between men and women.

4.In different countries every hundred of people has a similar number of computers.

5.Some organisations try to mend the digital gap.

6.Richer countries have a bigger Digital Opportunity Index.


Ex. 5 Find in Text 1 English equivalents given in bold for the following Russian words and word combinations.


2.приносить пользу

3.доступ к

4.сильно варьировалась


6.среднее (число)

7.разрыв, пробел

8.выражать в числах

Ex. 6 Match definitions 1-7 to the words from Ex. 5.

1.the right to look at information

2.an attempt to do something that is difficult or that involves hard work

3.in math the amount that is calculated by adding several numbers together and dividing the total by the original number of things you added together

4.to express in numbers

5.an instance of achieving success in a particular sphere or activity

6.something missing from a situation or a system that prevents it from being complete or perfect

7.an advantage you get from a situation


Ex. 7 Fill in the gaps with a word from Ex. 5. One word is extra.

1.The … age of Internet users in the USA is 40 years old.

2.I put a lot of … into organising the seminar; I did a lot of work.

3.Scientist are hoping for a … in the search for a cure for cancer.

4.The initiatives like “One Laptop Per Child” … many children with no access to computers around the world.

5.It is difficult to … the damage that the storm has caused.

6.There is a … in the software market that needs to be filled with a new product.

7.You will be given … … the system if you enter a correct password.

Ex. 8 Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary. Check with the text.

1.My question was directed … the programme developer.

2.The Digital Divide separates people with access … the Internet from those without it.

3.The initiative benefited … poor people worldwide.

4.This brand is often associated … high quality.

5.The initiative aims at providing technology … developing countries.

6.The initiative aims at providing developing countries … technology.

7.The ability to use a computer is necessary … any professional now.

Ex. 9 Answer the questions.

1.What is the average number of Internet users in Russia, in your opinion?

2.Which breakthroughs in the field of IT took place in the 21st century?

3.Does the access to the Internet benefit children, in your opinion?


4.What is the digital gap associated with?

5.Why does the access to the Internet vary widely around the world?

Ex. 10 Make nouns that show process from the verbs in bold. Fill in the gaps with these nouns.

1.The act of people communicating with each other is called … .

2.Words are better remembered when you associate them with something, that is make an … .

3.When the light is separated or dispersed into different colours, it is called … .

4.When you benefit from a situation, you get advantage or … from


5.When you compare two people or things, you make a … .

6.Probability … shows how probability is distributed over, for example, a period of time.

Ex. 11 Study the thesaurus entry for the word distribute and answer the questions below.

1.Is the action described by distribute done to someone or something (does it have a direct object)?

2.What is the meaning of the word distribute which is no longer used?

3.What are the words similar in meaning to distribute?

4.What is the difference between distribute and dispense?

5.Which set of synonyms of distribute means classify, and which disperse?

6.Which objects does the transitive verb distribute take in the examples?

7.What other information can be found in a thesaurus entry?



transitive verb

distributed, distributing

a)to divide and give out in shares; allot

b)to scatter or spread out, as over a surface

c)to divide and arrange according to a classification; classify

d)to put (things) in various distinct places

e)Obsolete to administer, as justice

f)Printing to break up (set type) and put the letters back in the proper boxes

g)Law to apportion (an intestate's property) to those entitled to it

h)Logic to use (a term) in such a way as to refer to all members of its extension

Other words for distribute.

These verbs mean to give out in portions or shares. Distribute is the least specific: The government distributed land to settlers. Divide implies giving out portions, often equal, on the basis of a plan or purpose: The estate will be divided among the heirs. Dispense stresses the careful determination of portions, often according to measurement or weight: The pharmacist dispensed the medication.

Dole, often followed by out, implies careful, usually sparing measurement of portions. It can refer to the distribution of charity: The city doled out surplus milk to the needy. It can also suggest lack of generosity: The professor doled out meager praise to the students. Deal implies orderly, equitable distribution, often piece by piece: I dealt five cards to each player. Ration refers to equitable division in limited portions of scarce, often necessary, items: The government rationed fuel during the war.


Other synonyms:

a)allocate, spread, administer, disseminate, donate, give away, hand out, scatter, share

b)arrange, file, order, assort, categorise


The outdoor charitable institutions include those which distribute help in money or food.

Trains arriving at A from B, C and D must be broken up and remade in order to distribute their wagons to the different, dock branches.

Putting aside the letters and occasional writings, we may conveniently distribute the other works into three classes, Professional, Literary, Philosophical.

Under favourable conditions the elements in the zoogloea again become active, and move out of the matrix, distribute themselves in the surrounding medium, to grow and multiply as before.

Ex. 12 Choose two words from Ex. 5, study their thesaurus entries and present them to your class. You can use the following resources:

http://www.thesaurus.com/ http://www.macmillandictionary.com/ http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/thesaurus

*Ex. 13 Mark the verbs below as transitive (T), intransitive (I) or both (IT). Check with the text and a thesaurus.

Divide, access, measure, participate, include, disperse, quantify, vary, direct, correct, compute, base, associate.

*Ex. 14 Decide if a verb is used as transitive or intransitive in the sentences below.


1.The costs and effects are associated with various communication channels and advertising media.

2.I based my guess on past experience.

3.Beginning in 1995, the Advanced Placement calculus exams have required the use of a graphing calculator on part of the exam, one that can plot graphs of functions, solve equations numerically, compute numerical derivatives, and evaluate definite integrals numerically.

4.Techniques vary significantly among gas, electric, and induction cookers and are best described by the manufacturer.

5.Researchers are continually seeking ways to better disperse the powerful kinetic energy of blows and collisions.

6.Intelligence tests are tests designed to measure cognitive abilities.

7.A typical list of elements includes the following: line, shape, direction, size, texture, color, and value.

8.The Egyptians corrected the calendar by adding a day every fourth year.


Present and Past Simple Passive

Пассивный залог (the Passive Voice) употребляется, когда:

1)в центре внимания говорящего находится лицо или предмет, который подвергается действию, а не совершает действие;

2)когда лицо, совершающее действие, неизвестно или неважно в данной ситуации.

Active Voice: Scientists measure the gap in social and infrastructure metrics.

Passive Voice: The gap is measured in social and infrastructure metrics (by scientists). - ”the gap” is in the center of attention now, though it does not complete the action itself

Ex. 15 Explain why the Active or the Passive Voice is used in each sentence.


1.Some efforts, such as One Laptop Per Child, were directed at reducing the global digital divide by providing computers to poor countries.

2.The gap is measured in social and infrastructure metrics.

3.Mathematical methods are used to quantify the digital divide.

4.The global digital divide is given as differences among the average numbers of computers per 100 citizens.

5.The Digital Opportunity Index (DOI) is computed by the United Nations based on 11 metrics of information and communication technologies

The Passive Voice: to be + Ved/ V3

Ex. 16 Distribute the verbs below into two columns. Give the third form (Participle II) of the verbs in the second column.

Ved (regular verbs)

V3 (irregular forms)

Measure, associate, understand, disperse, make, give, direct, undertake, communicate, compare, overcome, provide, apply, lead.

Present Simple Passive: am/is/are + Ved/ V3

Mathematical methods are used to quantify the digital divide.

Past Simple Passive: was/ were + Ved/ V3

Some efforts were directed at reducing the global digital divide.

Ex. 17 Choose the correct alternative.

1.In this tradition, life is composed / composes of 12 stages, which keep the wheel of life turning.

2.Complexity is associated with / associates the impossibility of guaranteeing future behaviors based on current ones.