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Вопросы истории 2014, Т. 1

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мы. Комментируя судебный процесс против участниц «Пусси Райот», Петр Верзилов отметил, что «следователь, человек, который ведет этот процесс, на самом деле не пытается скрыть, что это политическое дело» [13].

Телеканал «ФОКС НЬЮС», являющийся основным информационным каналом США, также не остался в стороне от ситуации и опубликовал статью, в которой автор утверждал, что «лишение свободы участников группы стало символом нетерпимости инакомыслия в путинской России и вызвало бурное международное осуждение» [14].

Таким образом, в американских СМИ поступок, совершенный девушками из группы «Пусси Райот», освещался однобоко и акцент делался на том, что девушки выступили против российской власти, особенно Владимира Путина, и за это были наказаны. Внимание прессы, политиков, американских знаменитостей к делу «Pussy Riot» обусловлено скорее желанием не защитить девушек, а разоблачить Владимира Путина. Именно поэтому пресса уделяет особое внимание освещению мотивов, подтолкнувших девушек, а не оскорблению российских христиан поступком. Подтверждением этому стало «американское турне» девушек, в которое они отправились после освобождения из-под стражи.


1.Панк-молебен «Богородица, Путина прогони» Pussy Riot… // YouTube.com. San Bruno. 2012. 21 февр. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCasuaAczKY, свободный (дата обращения: 21.01.2014).

2.Бунт феминизма // Русский репортер. М., 2012. 24 февр. [Электронный ресурс].

Режим доступа: http://rusrep.ru/article/2012/02/24/pussy_riot, свободный (дата обращения: 5.02.2014).

3.Текст приговора Pussy Riot // Газета.ru. М., 2012. 21 авг. [Электронный ресурс].

Режим доступа: http://www.gazeta.ru/social/photo/ pussy_riot.shtml?photo=4733657#!photo=1, свободный(датаобращения:5.03.2014).

4.Госдеп США признал дело политически мотивированным // Коммерсант. М., 2012. 1 авг. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1992942, свободный(дата обращения: 5.03.2014).

5.Sentencing of Pussy Riot Punk Band Members in Russia // U.S. Department of State. Archive [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/ 2012/08/196631.htm, свободный(дата обращения:5.03.2014).

6.См., напр.:Фут Дж. Средства массовой информации и американская политическая система: воздействие массовой информации на правительство и проведе-


ние различных кампаний // Американское правительство: единство в многообразии/ подред. М. Эслера и др. М., 1997. С. 56.

7.Алексеев М. Любовьк начальственным скандалам// Среда. 2001. № 10. С. 19.

8.Russia keeps punk rock protesters jailed // The Washington Post. Washington., 2012. 20 July [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/russia-keeps-pussy-riot-punk- protesters-jailed/2012/07/20/gJQAy1LCyW_story.html, свободный (дата обращения:20.02.2014).

9.Hillary Rodham Clinton shows dance moves in South Africa // The Washington Post. Washington. Washington., 2012. 9 aug. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-rodham-clinton-shows-dance-moves- in-south-africa/2012/08/08/e9d9a4e8-e16c-11e1-ae7f-d2a13e249eb2_story.html, свободный(дата обращения:20.02.2014).

10.Take the First Step to Beat the Competition // Alexa: Analytics for any Website. Inc., [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ businessinsider.com, свободный.

11.Молебен с продолжением // РБК daily. М., 2012. 28 дек. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/society/562949985420402, свободный (дата обращения: 5.03.2014).

12.Pussy Riot // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia / Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pussy_Riot, свободный(дата обращения:20.02.2014).

13.Jailed punk band Pussy Riot pushes free speech limits in Russia // CNN. Atlanta. 2012. 25 may [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/05/25/world/europe/russia-punk-band- arrest/index.html?iref=allsearch, свободный(дата обращения:20.02.2014).

14.Pussy Riot members flee Russia to escape arrest // FOX NEWS.com. NY., 2012. 26

aug. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/08/26/2-pussy-riot-members-flee-russia-to- escape-arrest, свободный(дата обращения:20.02.2014).




Abdukadyrov N.M. THE POLITICAL MISSION OF RUSSIAN DIPLOMATIST A.S. STAHIEV IN ISTANBUL. This article is considered political activities of Russian ambassador A.S. Stahiev in Ottoman Empire. The special attention is given to diplomatic works of A.S. Stahiev in proceeding of Kuchuk-Kainarzhins’s peace treaty, which is signed in 1774 year between Russia and Ottoman Empire. So long as Ottoman Empire did not acknowledge independence of Crimean, irregularitybrings in contribution, interfere to passage of Russian ships through straits. After that the Ottoman and Russian relationship becomes aggravated. In this article is consecrate to postwar geopolitical problems between two empire, and political-diplomatic activities of A.S. Stahiev in decision of these problems.

Keywords: A.S. Stahiev; Ottoman Empire;Russian Empire.

Chernov А.К. ORGANIZATION TOMSK GOVERNORATE GENDARMERIE DEPARTMENT. The article is devoted to Tomsk governorate gendarmerie department, local structure of political police. There are stated chronological frames of existence and structure, identified by published literature and reference books of pre-revolutionary time. The publication reviews the history of gendarmerie in Russia. The primary objective of this article is consideration of the function of governorate gendarmerie department. The sources of article are published literature, reference books and pre-revolutionary legislation.

Keywords: Tomsk provincial gendarme management;political police.

Baksht D.A. THE LOGISTICS OF GENDARME’S SERVICE (ON THE MATERIAL ON THE YENISEI PROVINCE 1907–1917). In the article are discuss about the logistics of the Yenisei provincial gendarmerie department between revolutions. The question is raised of the degree of integration of the bodyin the region's infrastructure. Keywords: the gendarme department; MVD; Yenisei province.

Averina A.E. SOCIAL CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS IN TOMSK PROVINCE IN THE XIX – XX CENTURIES ARE THE SUBJECT OF INVESTIGATION IN THIS ARTICLE. Also there are the examples of these organizations in the towns of province in statistics and chronological order. In the information in this article we can see how social charitable organizations were widely spread in terms ofterritory.

Keywords: Tomsk Province;social organization; charity.

Poteryaeva A.S. ATTITUDE OF SIBERIAN TEACHING TO STATE POWER IN THE LATE XIX – EARLY XX CENTURIES. The article defines the factors which influenced


forming of Siberian teachers’ attitude towards authority. Attitude of Siberian teachers towards the administrative bodies of central and local governance at the end of XIX – begin of XX century has been characterized in more details. The reasons have been revealed on the ground of which teachers chose certain methods of interaction with authority. The notions about governmental order of teachers adhering to different political views have been described. The study is based on archival materials and memoirs of Siberian pedagogues which make it possible toreveal the peculiarities of Siberian teachers’ attitude towards publicauthority.

Keywords: public authority; political convictions; Siberia;teachers.

Shandala D.E. AGRICULTURAL CENSUS 1916 ON THE TERRITORY OF THE KUZNETSK DISTRICT OF TOMSK PROVINCE EYES OF STUDENT. On the basis of the student's diary mining department Tomsk Technological Institute P. Leonov reconstructed move agricultural census in 1916 on the territory of the Kuznetsk district of Tomsk province, shows the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary state-specific national composition of the county.

Keywords: history; Siberia; Kuznetsk district; agricultural census; sources of personal origin.

Serebrennikova T.P. JOURNALISTIС ACTIVITIES OF A. V. ADRIANOV IN 1917 YEAR. The article is devoted to journalisti activities of A. V. Adrianov in 1917 year. A. V. Adrianov was editor of the «Siberian life». Alexander Vasilyevich was one ofthe most influential socio – political figures in Siberia in the first half of the 20th century. Work analysis is based on the works of A. V. Adrianov, which were published in this newspaper in 1917. These articles help to understand the views of A.V. Andrianov on the different problems. The key issues of the article are: ethnography, problems of Tomsk, revolution process (abdication of Nicholas II and his exile in Siberia, Provisional Government, democratization ofthe army) and other problems.

Keywords: A.V. Adrianov; «Siberia life»; revolution of1917; Tomsk.

Pomytkina V.L. ABOUTTARSKY DISTRICT PRISON IN 1917–1919.The internal life of district prison of of Container after revolution of 1917 and during Civil war is investigated. Changes in material equipment, changes of number of prisoners, conditions of their maintenance, a measure of support released from supervision, gathering of money by prisoners for needs of Red Army and other are in detail considered personnel structure. Work is executed on the neopublished archival sources, the part from which is put for the first time into circulation.

Keywords: Tarsky district;prison;Civil war.

Kozlova D.S. RELATIONSHIP OF THE CIVIL AND MILITARY AUTHORITIES INTHE TOMSK PROVINCE DURING CIVIL WAR. The article touches the problem of relationship of the civil and military authorities at the level of the Tomsk province during


civil war. In the article analyses reasons of militarization of local authorities, as one of the cause of falling of the anti-Bolshevist governments of Siberia.

Keywords: civil war;white regime;regional power.

Sovrasova D.S. CZECHOSLOVAK CORPS IN THE PERIODICAL PRESS. The research work presents an analysis of the Ural, Siberian and the Far East printed media of the period 1918–1920 years and reconstructs an image of the Czechoslovak forces it created among common people. The article also shows the Czechs’ view of their mission during the civil war. We come toa conclusion that the heart ofthe Czechoslovak Legion’s image was in encouraging resistance ofthe people to the Soviet regime.

Keywords: Czechoslovak corps;Russian civil war;history of Siberia.

Konev. К.А. THE IMAGE OF THE GREAT BRITAIN IN THE LIBERAL PRESS OF SIBERIA OF THE CIVIL WAR’S PERIOD. This article considers the main features of the image of the Great Britain in the materials of the Siberian liberal press of the Civil War’s period.

Keywords: Great Britain, Constitutional Democratic Party, periodicals.

Kolinko A.V. POLITICS OF THE SOVIET STATE TO ISLAM IN KAZAKHSTAN 1920–1930. We investigate issues related to the religious policy of the Soviet state in 1920–1930th in Kazakhstan. Special attention is given to the issues concerning to the policies in relation to Islam. We analyze the influence to the various factors on the peculiarities of the activities in the region. Pay our attention to the essential features that distinguish the policypursued in Kazakhstan such policies in other regions ofthe Soviet Union. The studyused a different perspective of domesticand foreign authors on the nature ofthe policy of religion, particularly Islam, which allows to the highlight the most important aspects of the policy.

Keywords: Kazakhstan;the religious policy of the Soviet Union; Islam.

Kuksin A.V. IMAGE OF "ENEMY" IN THE PREPARATORY PROPAGANDIST OF CAMPAIGN TO PARTY CLEANING OF 1933. We consider the use of the image of the «enemy» in the local propaganda campaign on cleaning party in 1933. According to the newspaper "Slaughter"and Shaft factorynewspaper.

Keywords: «Slaughter» party purge;Prokopevsk enemy of the people.

Cheremnyh O.A. THE SYSTEM OF RATION CARDS IN TOMSK DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Article is devoted to problems of the system of ration cards in Tomsk during the Great Patriotic War. This article analyzes the difficulties which have arisen in this area. The research work is based on the data of archival documents that helped to consider more deeply how acutely were the problems which had arisen as a result ofthe system of ration cards.

Keywords: the Great Patriotic War; Tomsk;the system of ration cards.


Nikiforova E.A. THE BEGINNING OF STUDENT’S TEAMS OF CONSTRUCTION LABOR IN TOMSK. The article about the beginning of Student's Teams of Construction Labor in USSR and Tomsk region in 1960s. Author says that student's brigades of construction work were created both in Tomsk and Moscowin 1956 – 1958. The most important stage of extension of Student’s Construction Teams was development oil and gas fields in the north ofTomsk Region.

Keywords: construction teams, virgin, StrezhevoyCity, Komsomol, Komsomol construction sites.

Vorobyeva V.S. THE FORMING PHASES OF MULTY-PARTYSYSTEM IN TOMSK (1988–1995). The main forming phases of multy-party system in Tomsk (end 1980s – middle 1990s) are considered. The author analyses the main trends of political pluralism formation on the regional level. The role of regional political parties and organization is estimated.

Keywords: Tomsk, political party, democracy, pluralism.

Kuzmenko I.O. FEATURES OF THE PRIVATIZATION PROCESS IN THE SOUTH OF WESTERN SIBERIA. This article discusses the process of privatization in the South of Western Siberia (Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk region, Altai Krai, Altai Republic). Changes in the structure and condition of the region's economy through privatization are analyzed in the article. Attention is also paid to the degree of participation by residents of Western Siberia in the privatization process.

Keywords: privatization;economic reforms of 1990th; Western Siberia.

Bezgacheva V.V. RUSSIAN LEGAL BASIS FOR THE PROTECTION OF RUSSIANSPEAKING POPULATIONS OF THE POST-SOVIET SPACE (1990s). The article describes the process through which the Russian Federation established a legal basis for the protection of the rights of Russian-speaking populations in the CIS and the Baltic countries during the 1990s. This period was the initial stage in which the foundations of state policy in this area were formed, its principles, goals and objectives, in addition to the mechanisms for their implementation.

Keywords: Russian Federation, national policy, compatriots livingabroad.

Lykova A.A. STATE REGISTRATION OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN RUSSIA. This article analyzes the legislative action mechanism to create a political party in the real world. Particular attention is paid to the requirements of the political parties, as well as the documents necessary for registration.

Keywords: Political parties, Multiparty, State registration.

Gashkova O.S. THE PERSONNEL PROBLEMS OF TOMSK REGION MAIL SERVICE IN THE 1990S. The article is devoted to the situation with personnel of mail


service in Tomsk region in the 1990s. The special attention is paid to the questions about wages, trainings and personnel turnover.

Keywords: mail service, personnel, Tomsk region, the 1990s.

Kandinskaya V.N. THE REASONS OF THE ECONOMIC CRISIS IN 2008–2009 IN RUSSIA. In the modern stage of its development the world economy and international finances have a many important changes, which are the consequence of the increase in interdependency between the separate subjects of the world economy. Also the deepening of cooperation influences on the world economy strongly.

The influence of the globalization’s processes on the way of the world economy’s development is getting overall and comprehensive, because the internationalization of the economic life has culminated.

Under conditions of the recent global financial-economic crisis this influence expressed that the crisis painfullyinfluenced on all fields and participants ofthe world economy. Keywords: crisis;bank;economic.


Vernigorov D.V. ROMAN TRADITIONS SACRALIZATION OF POWER. In the history of humankind, making the reign sacred, especially at early stages of country development, has played a special role and practically always remaineda guarantee of the ruler’s justice for their nationals and their accountability before gods. For the rulers themselves it has been a guarantee of their safety and unquestioning submission by their nationals. In this field, Ancient Rome had gained a multitude of cultures, traditions and religions in the course of its development and eventually became a model empire. How was this sacred status revealed and in what forms? Did it have development in time and how had it displayed itself in the pre-imperial history of Ancient Rome? The given paper is aimed at answeringthese questions.

Keywords: sacralization; communitypower.

Golovina O.V. GOTHIC MONKS AND MISSIONARIES FROM CONSTANTINOPLE AT THE IV–V CENT. A.D. The process of emergence and spread among the Gothic element ofreligious worship in Constantinople at the border area IV–V century.

Keywords: monks Goths;Constantinople; IV–V century.

Plotnikova A.D. CATEGORIES OF THE DEPENDENT POPULATION OF ICELAND DURING THE DEMOCRACY ERA. Interest of researchers to categories of the dependent population of Iceland considerably increases, and the Icelandic sagas bear in themselves high potential as historical sources, despite the inconsistent attitude towards them. They allow to look at categories of the dependent population from a new point of view that will be well traced on a work course. We make an attempt to look at formation of social structure of society of Iceland during a democracy era from a position of mytho-


logical consciousness of people, reflections of mythological ideas in real life. An attempt to offer new classification of the dependent population is made. This subject assumes further study.

Keywords: Iceland, Icelandicsagas, dependent population.

Lir Ju.A. PROBLEM OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF HISTORICAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND HISTORICAL REALITY OF THE XII CENTURY, FOR EXAMPLE ESCHATOLOGY HILDEGARD VON BINGEN. Explores the work of Hildegard von Bingen nuns «Sci vias lucis». Particular attention is given to the author's identityand eschatological reasons, which can be traced in this work. Analyzes the impact of the creation of a historical epoch «Sci vias lucis». Studies are based on the works of well-known scientists who help to delve deeper into the problem.

Keywords: Hildegard von Bingen; «Sci vias lucis»; eschatology.

Pentegova O.Yu. HUSSITE’S DOCTRINE AS HERETICAL. This article analyzed the basic postulates of the doctrine of Jan Hus and its further development by the Hussites in the «Four Articles of Prague», as well as letters and excerpts from the writing of Jan Hus and the reason whythe doctrine was considered heretical. The main task ofthe article is to answer the question whether the Hussite’s doctrine can be considered heretical. As a result a detailed analysis of «Four Articles of Prague» allows the author to make the conclusion that accusations ofthe Hussites as heretics were politicallymotivated and explained bythe reluctance of the Church to lose their possessions and powers, as well as authority. The article may be interesting to students engaged in the research of the medieval heresy and the Reformation as well as the Hussites uprising.

Keywords: heresy; Hussites;religion.

Krylova D.D. POSSESSION AND ITS PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES OF THE WESTERN EUROPE XVI – XVII CENTURIES. The reasons of a problem of identification of possession in local communities of the Western Europe XVI– are investigated XVII centuries. Attempt ofthe analysis and ordering of the various factors influencing definition and revealing of the early modern time afflicted in the West European society, and also to the moment of transition afflicted in other forms – the sorcerer, sacred, mad Is offered.

Keywords: Possession;identification;the Western Europe.


Artyukhina O.S. HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION. The key issue of the article is a humanitarian intervention as a tool of the international law. The brief history of the development of the international law in the domain of state sovereignty and human rights is stated. The analysis of reasons to invade a sovereign territory is as-


sayed. The concluding part of the article is devoted to double standards in the pre- sent-day international relations concerning humanitarian intervention.

Keywords: humanitarian intervention, sovereignty, international law.

Bayramova O.M. ROLE OF THE EU FOR TURKMENISTAN IN THE SPHERE OF ENERGY. In recent times, energy resources are one of the most important and urgent issues in international relations system. They play a major role for improving economy of States, regions and continents. This article describes the energy potential of Turkmenistan and prospects of energy relations with the EU. In addition, attention is paid to mutual interests of both sides.

Keywords: Turkmenistan; the EU; energy.

Bozrikova S.M. ISRAELI ACADEMIC COOPERATION WITH EUROPE AND ASIA. The author analyzes several particular aspects of the internationalization of higher education: the mobility of students, professors and researchers. Israel intends to extend its own scientific and academic links and increase the image of Israeli higher education so it develop academic interaction with the EU, India and China. The article shortly describes the programs of the cooperation and mechanisms of this process regulation as well as summarize the efficiency of it.

Keywords: higher education; Israel; academic mobility.

Garbart M.I. SÃO PAULO AS A DIPLOMATIC POWER IN XXI C. The article is devoted to the problems of modern paradiplomacy of the city of São Paulo. The features of the international relations of the city and the main spheres of authorities’ activity are being analyzed.

Keywords: São Paulo; Brazil; paradiplomacy.

Goncharova D.S. INTRODUCTION OF TUITION FEES IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1998–2010. The article analyzes reasons for introducing tuition fees for higher education in the United Kingdom. It covers the period from the Teaching and Higher Education Act of 1998 to the recent educational reforms of 2010. The study is based on official documents, laws, and reports, what helps to understand the problem in depth. Statistics allow illustrating higher education system as a whole and identifying the reasons of introducing tuition and it consequences.

Keywords: the United Kingdom, tuition fees, higher education.

Gordienko N.N. THE PROBLEMS OF MUSLIM INTEGRATION IN GERMANY. Islamic minority is playing an increasingly important role in social and political life of Germany. The adaptation of Muslim migrants occurs often in Germany with difficulties. The publication addresses the basic problems of German Muslims, which hinder their integration. Thanks to participation of media in debates, the authorities


and the public can sometimes find a solution of problems. Most haunting questions concern upbringing and education of children in German schools. Devout Muslims and secular authorities constantly disagree over the issue how a female teacher should dress. There is also a discussion whether children from Muslim families can practice religion during school classes without a harm to the educational process.

Keywords: Germany; islam; integration; education.

Gubina M.S. INFLUENTIAL EFFECTS OF GLOBAL NETWORKS TO THE INTERNATIONAL POLICY AND HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. The main issues of media influence on the public consciousness. Particular attention is given to the process of penetration of Internet technologies in the political sphere of society, as well as methods of manipulation on the Internet and on TV screens. The history of the appearance, the main features and the definition of «CNN effect » are examined. Keywords: political communication, internet, manipulation.

Zhitnikova A.A. «GREEN» IN GERMANY: FROM MOVEMENT TO PARTY. The article is devoted to the development of the «green» movement of the 1960s1970s in Germany, which led to the creation of the “Green” party. The social and political conditions of the “green” movement forming, its ideological attitudes, features of its social base are analyzed. The reasons, which promoted its transformation from “one requirement” movement to a political “green” party in 1979, are an important issue. It has gradually strengthen its positions in the social and political life of Germany and has got the status of the parliamentary party. The research is based on the literature and sources, which help to examine this phenomenon more deeply, and also to find out, which features it has got in a difficult, not only for the country but also for the whole world time.

Keywords: ecological movement, «green» party, bundestag party, Germany, European Parliament.

Zablotsky F.Yu. THE GRAND STRATEGY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 21ST CENTURY. The article is devoted to the foreign policy of the United States of America at the beginning of the 21st century. Special attention is paid to the strategies of the United States of America under the presidency of George Walker Bush and under the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama II. The objectives and means carrying out the foreign policy under the presidency of George Walker Bush and under the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama II are analysed. The research work is based on the official documents of the White House that helped to consider more deeply the foreign policy of the United States of America against the background of global changes.

Keywords: the USA; the Grand strategy; foreign policy.